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Everything posted by Demonland

  1. Demonland's version of "mean tweets".
  2. My understanding was that whoever took the job would get a thorough handing over from PJ. I didn't necessarily take that to mean that they would give it to someone internal and they would need to be handheld although that thought did cross my mind. I did not however even think about the possibility that someone with the vast AFL CEO experience that Pert has would take the role. Would he need to have such a hands on transition? I think the media is reading into PJ's initial announcement, assuming it would be someone with little to no experience as CEO or CEO of an AFL club and thinking because we went for someone who comes "ready made" that PJ must be pissed off with the turn of events. There may well be some ruffled feathers but I'm not taking some late night/late to the party/story tweets after missing the breaking/"leaking" of the story as gospel.
  3. If we ever do get to interview him you can bet your bottom dollar he will get asked about Jakovich. ?
  4. Jason Taylor says hi.
  5. I wouldn't think so. It's a board appointment. Having said that when PJ announced that he was stepping down he indicated that he would have a hand in the succession planning. I'm not positive what exactly went down in appointing Pert but some parts of the media are salivating at the prospect that there may bad blood spilled. I'm hoping that this is just journos looking for a story where there is none. I guess we'll find out in due time.
  6. Yeah we would definitely have asked him about that.
  7. Say what now?
  8. I thought I saw somewhere that the club offices (and Demon Shop) were going to be closed on Friday presumably because we played on a public holiday last week and because of the bye weekend. The staff have probably been given the day off. I have a feeling the club would have preferred to announce this on their own terms but it appears as if the media got wind of this last night and ran with it and therefore due to the abovementioned we were not prepared to roll out the announcement the way we would have liked. I hope the "leak" to the media isn't a step back to the old days and that "leak" isn't because of any disgruntled people. PJ held a tight ship with tight lips and that was among the things I really liked about his tenure. Also the whole Roos thing and getting much better Sponsors.
  9. I'm more confident in the decision now that Mick Malthouse has come out against it. He's always the contrarian for the sake of being one.
  10. Surprise surprise. Looks like the Media's going to be running with the behind PJ's back story.
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