"Fanny is very in touch with the spirit world, I highly recommend her. You might say that she’s an above-average medium!"
"That bloody kid, wouldn't know if someone was up him sideways with an armful of deckchairs! "
"Well, I didn't expect the earth to move, but I at least expected you to!"
From the movie Hercules Returns. One of the all time great comedies.
"Ah, yes, divorce... from the Latin word meaning to rip out a man's genitals through his wallet."
"See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and genitals, and only enough blood to run one at a time."
Classic Robin Williams
My attempt at the opening words of the preface by Sir Les Pattinson FMD
"Never before in the annals of Australian literature has there been an historical narrative dealing with sport so stirringly and emotionally recounted than Orange & Charcoal - Recollections and tales of a tragic football club."
Please add as you see fit ...
His gambling addiction is about the only thing he can offer insight on. His football analysis is rubbish and is limited to either writing players off or labelling others as champions. Channel 7 have sidelined him and his radio amounts to giggling with people who ring in putting on voices, wish him a happy birthday and giving away hams.
I'll get my pleasure if GWS fails because of the poor selection of playing personnel or bad list management but I'll not be taking any enjoyment out of injuries to the kids they recently drafted.