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Need to get somthing off my chest.


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For the past few days I have read this forum in disbelief. Collectively over the last few years this forum have two main crtitcisms of MFC: UNDERPERFORMING, AND INCONSISTENT(I agree with both). If there is one player over the past decade that sums up those criticisms it is Travis Johnstone. Yes, he is our most naturally gifted footballer, Yes he has the best footskills on our list. However for as long as I can remember bar one season (2006), TJ has been inconsistent and has underperformed. Furthermore, if i had a buck for the amount of times I have read on this forum "We need to trade one of Bruce, Green, or TJ" i would be a rich man. Yet when it happeneds everybody is fuming. To add to the argument, Travis is now 28, we have put 10 years of work into him, for one good season, and one good semi final. We now get a 1st round draft pick which CAC can now find an other star with. Finally, the message this sends to players like sylvia, and miller(inconsitent, underperformers themselves) is invaluable. If this does not give them a wake up call NOTHING WILL. This sends the message to all our players that you can no longer float through your careers at MFC, but you have to bleed for the club.

For the record, it would not suprise me if Travis goes to Brisbane and win the B&F. However, I have no reason to believe that at the rate Travis was going at Melbourne he would have won our B&F next year. He would have continued to "just get by like he has done most his career".

Also last year Collingwood found themselves in a similar situation.

Personally, if you compare Collingwoods list at the end of last year, to ours at the end of this year it is very similar. At the end of last year Collingwood traded Tarrant who was considered a floater(like Travis had one or two good years, and 5/6 good games a year). He has done nothing special to date. Collingwood made a prelim this year. Collingwood will use the draft picks they recieved to consolidate a great core young list. Hopfully the same thing will occur with us.

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For the record, it would not suprise me if Travis goes to Brisbane and win the B&F.

Agree with everything you said, except that it WOULD suprise me if Travis won the best and fairest in Brisbane next year!

Colin Sylvia is another TJ and I believe will be inconsistent over his career. Hopefully he plays a few good games next year, so he can become a bit more valuable in a trade

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Agree with everything you said, except that it WOULD suprise me if Travis won the best and fairest in Brisbane next year!

Colin Sylvia is another TJ and I believe will be inconsistent over his career. Hopefully he plays a few good games next year, so he can become a bit more valuable in a trade

Sylvia has time on his side, and the not unreasonable excuse of never having done a full pre-season. I think that with players like Colin and TJ, it all comes down to the coach's ability to introduce a system where they are able to get the best out of themselves. Daniher was absolutely hopeless with youth, and unless they were totally self-motivated, demonstrated massive ability almost from the get-go, and performed consistently for a few weeks, they were not given a real opportunity to make something of themselves. Whilst it falls on the player to prepare himself each week, some players are just not as professional as others, and need a bit of guidance.

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I think some players, from all clubs, enjoy the paycheque and the lifestyle more than they do the football and the footyclub and I think Sylvia is one of those.

Sylvia is from my hometown and I'll never forget what he said to me a couple of years ago when he was back for the weekend and his arm was in a sling and Melbourne were playing a crucial game, either a final or a game to get into a final and I asked him how he thought the boys would go on the weekend..

I wont repeat it, but in his defence he was on holidays and having a beer with his mates. For me though, it just confirmed his attitude offfield, is the same onfield

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I think some players, from all clubs, enjoy the paycheque and the lifestyle more than they do the football and the footyclub and I think Sylvia is one of those.

Sylvia is from my hometown and I'll never forget what he said to me a couple of years ago when he was back for the weekend and his arm was in a sling and Melbourne were playing a crucial game, either a final or a game to get into a final and I asked him how he thought the boys would go on the weekend..

I wont repeat it, but in his defence he was on holidays and having a beer with his mates. For me though, it just confirmed his attitude offfield, is the same onfield

I can imagine what it might be... "I don't give a sh*t" or some such.

In any case, I agree he does seem like one of the blokes who loves the lifestyle, but fails to realise how quickly he could become absolutely nothing if he doesn't extract the digit pretty damn quick.

It won't take Bailey long to cotton on to his MO, however, and if he thinks he can cruise through another year, he'll pretty quickly have the suitcase frightened out of him, and a rocket lodged tightly up his arse.

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Yes he has the best footskills on our list.

This is a myth, at least for the last two years.

Johnstone's Kicking Efficiency (69%) is well below players like Daniel Bell (75%), James McDonald (74%), Paul Wheatley (82%), Brad Green (80% and best at Melbourne for a midfielder) and Matthew Bate (77%).

And before you say "yeah, but he tries to pull off impossible kicks", I can't remember too many dinky chip kicks being a major feature of the other players I've mentioned that would exaggerate their stats.

Johnstone's KE was even below Simon Godfrey (70%) and Daniel Ward (75%), our two whipping boys for turnovers.

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The difference between Sylvia and TJ, is that Sylvia loves a contest.

I also think that, despite appearances, TJ did love the club and was attached to the jumper. Sylvia doesn't strike me as the sentimental type.

I do however agree that Sylvia needs to quickly change his ways or he'll be another player with 'potential' and nothing to show for it.

You only need to look at his mate Brock, who was drafted the same year, has also struggled with injuries, and is not as naturally gifted as Sylvia.

The difference in attitude and application is huge, however when they first got drafted, I think we all believed that Sylvia will be a better player. Now I'll be happy if he ever measures up to Brock.

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I have no problems at all with Trapper going north. Its a pragmatic decision . As ML offers, his kicking wasnt quite so mecurial over time as the myth alluded, stil he could kick to a spot off the goal square ( Wheats has a almost permanent job now Id suggest )

A lot of people live for the "myths" and no the realites. Those being truly observant of what was really being done here will applaud the NEW MFC way!!

Its about forming a team that gels and is competitve and in doing so wins more than loses. Its not about an all "feely good " fairyland of a mates club !!

Hopefully its also a bit of a wake up call for some others currently on the fence !!

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For the past few days I have read this forum in disbelief. Collectively over the last few years this forum have two main crtitcisms of MFC: UNDERPERFORMING, AND INCONSISTENT(I agree with both). If there is one player over the past decade that sums up those criticisms it is Travis Johnstone.

I dont know how many times I have to say this, but what a load of crap putting the last 15 years of absolute rubbish football on TJ. The whole bloody team is incosistent and underperforming, if they werent we wouldve wont something in recent years and not finished 3rd bottom this year. You are talking about every bloody player on the list right now. Its not a wake up call to any of the guys I think some will be really upset hes gone more than motivated. I just saw a pic of TJ in a f-ing lions jumper and its broken my heart. This is ridicolous at least I am not the only one:

MELBOURNE suffered a supporter backlash late Thursday after Travis Johnstone became a Brisbane Lion.

Club staff took phone calls from angry supporters in scenes reminiscent of the dramatic day that Brownlow medallist Shane Woewodin was offloaded to Collingwood in 2002.

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Club staff took phone calls from angry supporters in scenes reminiscent of the dramatic day that Brownlow medallist Shane Woewodin was offloaded to Collingwood in 2002.

Woey never quite handled the pressure of winning the Brownlow. Had an awesome 2000, but wasnt the same after. Did nothing for Collingwood. We got Heffernen as a replacement who also did nothing.

Overall, I suppose we lost out as we only ended up with [censored] off supporters.

Noone blames Travis for the team's mediocrity. He is just one of many constants in a mediocre team.

I bet if Pick 14 plays in a Premiership team in the next 10 years you wont be too upset about Travis Johnstone.

Remember, you have to give a little bit to get a little bit.

We threw away a whole season a couple of years back and got Sylvia and Brock out of it.

If we got Judd, we would have lost a host of favourites to different clubs starting with Robbo and TJ. But I bet you wouldnt be too upset watching Judd bursting through a pack and kicking it down Newton's throat.

Time to stop being sentimental and start winning flags. Get players out of there comfort zones a bit and shake em up. Get rid of a few good players so that everyone is fighting to stay in the team.

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if reading the boards has made you feel this way dd, then i challenge you to find how melbourne supporters that are irate over johnstone's departure are in the majority. from what i've read 90%+ view it as a positive for the club, if not still sad to se him go

Jamar, you are spot on to say it hasn't just been TJ who has underperformer and underachieved, but that is not the point. he has been a player who has underperformed and underachieved that a new coach could not see as part of his team, that was the problem with TJ. if you want to start to turn the tide against inconsistency and mediocrity, then you have got to change the players who precipitate it, TJ being one of them

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Woey never quite handled the pressure of winning the Brownlow. Had an awesome 2000, but wasnt the same after. Did nothing for Collingwood. We got Heffernen as a replacement who also did nothing.

Overall, I suppose we lost out as we only ended up with [censored] off supporters.

What the hell?

We got Pick 14 for Woey, which was used to draft Bell.

Bell has 10 years of good footballer ahead of him. Woey just retired from the WAFL.

We won BIG time from that trade. I wish supporters wait and see if we win again with this TJ trade. And even if we don't, I hope they don't jump off the bandwagon like the spineless supporters that they are.

Club > Player.

If you don't agree, you should go support tennis/golf/one of many individual sports.

Sorry to sound so harsh, but honestly, this is bordering on insane. TJ won ONE B&F, no Brownlows, he never even made the AA side. A bit of perspective!

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Woey never quite handled the pressure of winning the Brownlow. Had an awesome 2000, but wasnt the same after. Did nothing for Collingwood. We got Heffernen as a replacement who also did nothing.

Overall, I suppose we lost out as we only ended up with [censored] off supporters.

Noone blames Travis for the team's mediocrity. He is just one of many constants in a mediocre team.

I bet if Pick 14 plays in a Premiership team in the next 10 years you wont be too upset about Travis Johnstone.

Remember, you have to give a little bit to get a little bit.

We threw away a whole season a couple of years back and got Sylvia and Brock out of it.

If we got Judd, we would have lost a host of favourites to different clubs starting with Robbo and TJ. But I bet you wouldnt be too upset watching Judd bursting through a pack and kicking it down Newton's throat.

Time to stop being sentimental and start winning flags. Get players out of there comfort zones a bit and shake em up. Get rid of a few good players so that everyone is fighting to stay in the team.

Dont get me started on Woey, but I firmly believe his heart wasnt in it for Collingwood, he really wanted to stay at the Dees. I never wanted Judd for what we would have to give up for him, he wasnt worth it, and hes a money grubbing jerk anyway, definitely a Melb supporter we do not need. If u think getting rid of TJ is gona shake them up uve got another thing coming. And Im glad people have been ringing the club, we have favourite players you know, screw pick 14, its not going to be the difference between a premiership and not, just like Judd cannot single handedly help Carlton off the bottom

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We got Pick 14 for Woey, which was used to draft Bell.

Bell has 10 years of good footballer ahead of him. Woey just retired from the WAFL.

My mistake, but we did get Heffernan that year.

However, am I the only one that thinks Daniel Bell is slightly overrated by our supporters? Reminds me a bit of Brent Grgic. High draft pick etc, but never really has set the world on fire.

I do concede he will be better than Grgic though.

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screw pick 14, its not going to be the difference between a premiership and not

How do you know who we'll get with pick 14?

You a fan of Bate? Jones? Dunn? Bell? They were all picked at around the same number in the draft.

Besides, TJ is not going to be the difference between winning a flag or not, either. He has never won a final off his own boot, and he's unlikely to be around when we're challenging for a flag.

My mistake, but we did get Heffernan that year.

However, am I the only one that thinks Daniel Bell is slightly overrated by our supporters? Reminds me a bit of Brent Grgic. High draft pick etc, but never really has set the world on fire.

I do concede he will be better than Grgic though.

Heffernan had nothing to do with the Woey trade, nothing.

We traded Woey partly because he wasn't performing, and partly because we couldn't afford to pay him.

I'm not even going to touch the Bell and Grgic comparison. It's so stupid, it's laughable.

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This is a myth, at least for the last two years.

Johnstone's Kicking Efficiency (69%) is well below players like Daniel Bell (75%), James McDonald (74%), Paul Wheatley (82%), Brad Green (80% and best at Melbourne for a midfielder) and Matthew Bate (77%).

And before you say "yeah, but he tries to pull off impossible kicks", I can't remember too many dinky chip kicks being a major feature of the other players I've mentioned that would exaggerate their stats.

Johnstone's KE was even below Simon Godfrey (70%) and Daniel Ward (75%), our two whipping boys for turnovers.

fantastic stats ML...i agree, i reckon he tries to be too silky and smooth

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How do you know who we'll get with pick 14?

You a fan of Bate? Jones? Dunn? Bell? They were all picked at around the same number in the draft.

Besides, TJ is not going to be the difference between winning a flag or not, either. He has never won a final off his own boot, and he's unlikely to be around when we're challenging for a flag.

So what was the point in trading him? If either way it doesnt make a difference? As good as those guys are, they havent given us a premiership either so Im not seeing ur point. More young kids, look at Geelong, they have an awesome mix of young and experienced, thats what we need

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My mistake, but we did get Heffernan that year.

However, am I the only one that thinks Daniel Bell is slightly overrated by our supporters? Reminds me a bit of Brent Grgic. High draft pick etc, but never really has set the world on fire.

I do concede he will be better than Grgic though.


There is always room in MFC for someone who is willing to put their body on the line for the club.

Bell is one of the only players we have willing to do that.

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So what was the point in trading him? If either way it doesnt make a difference? As good as those guys are, they havent given us a premiership either so Im not seeing ur point. More young kids, look at Geelong, they have an awesome mix of young and experienced, thats what we need

The point of trading him is that we got an early pick which we can use to draft a kid who will be around for 10 years and will be part of a premiership side.

The other point relates to discipline and off-field behaviour. He was setting a very poor example and Dean Bailey doesn't want to have to deal with crap like that from his senior players.

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if reading the boards has made you feel this way dd, then i challenge you to find how melbourne supporters that are irate over johnstone's departure are in the majority. from what i've read 90%+ view it as a positive for the club, if not still sad to se him go

Jamar, you are spot on to say it hasn't just been TJ who has underperformer and underachieved, but that is not the point. he has been a player who has underperformed and underachieved that a new coach could not see as part of his team, that was the problem with TJ. if you want to start to turn the tide against inconsistency and mediocrity, then you have got to change the players who precipitate it, TJ being one of them

He has been an underachiever, and he is too old to turn it around in this current enviroment, and hence he has been shown the door. I am not for one second saying that he is the reason for the club underachieving, but he is a culprit, and they need to be dealt with appropriatley.

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I dont know how many times I have to say this, but what a load of crap putting the last 15 years of absolute rubbish football on TJ. The whole bloody team is incosistent and underperforming, if they werent we wouldve wont something in recent years and not finished 3rd bottom this year. You are talking about every bloody player on the list right now. Its not a wake up call to any of the guys I think some will be really upset hes gone more than motivated. I just saw a pic of TJ in a f-ing lions jumper and its broken my heart. This is ridicolous at least I am not the only one:

MELBOURNE suffered a supporter backlash late Thursday after Travis Johnstone became a Brisbane Lion.

Club staff took phone calls from angry supporters in scenes reminiscent of the dramatic day that Brownlow medallist Shane Woewodin was offloaded to Collingwood in 2002.

We had a decade of TJ, I loved him and I know it will be tough to see him play for the lions (although, thank jebus he didn't go you know where, or any other Melbourne club).

3 more years of TJ, I can understand the desire to have him as a one club player, but TJ will always be remembered as a very talented player for the Dees.

He wasn't going to deliver us a flag, at least he got us a pick.

That's cold. But ffs I WANT TO WIN A FLAG.

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