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Ah yes, free speech is no longer possible even on Demonland as mods take down a video that speaks nothing but the truth.

The crime ?

Someone may be offended by the truth.

This country is stuffed.


Rape statistics for 2016 - Sweden vs Poland. Sweden: - 10 million inhabitants. - 6 715 rapes - 11% successfully cleared up.

Poland: - 40 million inhabitants. - 1 383 rapes. - 80% successfully cleared up. Seems like Sweden is not functioning properly.


Wonder why ?


Gee, those pesky refugees must have been sneaking advance parties off to Sweden in the 1990’s...

In 1996, Sweden registered almost three times the average number of rape offences registered in 35 European countries.”


You could be right about them not functioning properly...maybe those lascivious Lutherans have a few sexual hang ups. 

14 hours ago, hardtack said:

Gee, those pesky refugees must have been sneaking advance parties off to Sweden in the 1990’s...

In 1996, Sweden registered almost three times the average number of rape offences registered in 35 European countries.”


You could be right about them not functioning properly...maybe those lascivious Lutherans have a few sexual hang ups. 

You're unaware of the problems mass migration from Islamic countries has caused in Europe ?

You're unaware that 1200 Germans  were assaulted on new year's eve in 2015, including close to 500 sexual assaults, and that officials linked the assaults with the rapid influx of refugees ?





As for Sweden...

In 1975, the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the former homogeneous Sweden into a multicultural country. Forty years later the dramatic consequences of this experiment emerge: violent crime has increased by 300%.

If one looks at the number of rapes, however, the increase is even worse. In 1975, 421 rapes were reported to the police; in 2014, it was 6,620. That is an increase of 1,472%.

Sweden is now number two on the global list of rape countries.

Twenty-one research reports from the 1960s until today are unanimous in their conclusions: Whether or not they're measured by the number of convicted rapists or men suspected of rape, men of foreign extraction were represented far more than Swedes. And this greater representation of persons with a foreign background keeps increasing:

  • 1960-1970s – 1.2 to 2.6 times as often as Swedes
  • 1980s – 2.1 to 4.7 times as often as Swedes
  • 1990s – 2.1 to 8.1 times as often as Swedes
  • 2000s – 2.1 to 19.5 times as often as Swedes

Even when adjusted for variables such as age, sex, class and place of residence, the huge discrepancy between immigrants and Swedes remains.

Research reports on crime in Sweden have become a rarity, but among the eighteen that were done during the 1990s and the 2000s, eleven dealt with rape. Two of these reports dealt with the connection between rape and immigration, and they both confirmed that there is a link.

Since 2000, there has only been one research report on immigrant crime. It was done in 2006 by Ann-Christine Hjelm from Karlstads University.

It emerged that in 2002, 85% of those sentenced to at least two years in prison for rape in Svea Hovrätt, a court of appeals, were foreign born or second-generation immigrants.

And @hardtack you mention 1996 ?

A 1996 report by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention reached the conclusion that immigrants from North Africa (Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia) were 23 times as likely to commit rape as Swedish men. The figures for men from Iraq, Bulgaria and Romania were, respectively, 20, 18 and 18. Men from the rest of Africa were 16 times more prone to commit rape; and men from Iran, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia, 10 times as prone as Swedish men.


Dimitris Avramopoulos is European commissioner for migration and citizenship. His latest speech:

"It’s time to face the truth. We cannot and will never be able to stop migration"

"Migration is deeply intertwined with our policies on economics, trade, education and employment"

"Europe is dying. "In the next two decades, more than 70 million migrants will be needed."

The EU are bunch of unelected bureaucrats that have no mandate form anyone to conduct this mass scale migration from Africa and the middle east. At least now they are starting to be honest about their intentions. Up until now it has been conducted covertly. And the only Euopean nations kicking up a fuss? The Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria and Poland - countries that know a thing or two about totalitarian regimes like the EU.

If you import the thirld world you will become the third world.

20 hours ago, ProDee said:

Ah yes, free speech is no longer possible even on Demonland as mods take down a video that speaks nothing but the truth.

The crime ?

Someone may be offended by the truth.

This country is stuffed.

There isn't free speech on Demonland - all sorts of content gets moderated for all sorts of reasons.

And WGAF about Sweden -what does it have to do with immigration issues here? If you want to talk about Islamic rape culture I'd be interested to see any data you have from Muslim communities here, such as in Sydney's west, where, if your argument holds true, the incidence of sexual assault should be significantly higher than in the broader community.

There have been a number of very high-profile cases of sexual assault and rape here - the brutal Bilal Skaf-led gang rapes in Sydney many years ago the worst of them, where the language used during that attack was culturally degrading towards their Australian victim - but while I don't have the stats, in Melbourne I think that the biggest immigrant / crime issue is aggravated burglaries, robberies and car-jackings, the offences committed by Apex and similar gangs, who, rather ironically, came to this country courtesy of the tough-on-borders Howard Government

For the moment, the so-called tyranny of distance allows Australia to inoculate itself to a great extent against the global refugee problem. So few people make it here, relatively speaking, that we can shunt them offshore as we have without too much fuss. If we had tens of thousands of them queued up at the border it would be a much greater challenge, on many levels. 

5 minutes ago, Grapeviney said:

There isn't free speech on Demonland - all sorts of content gets moderated for all sorts of reasons.

And WGAF about Sweden -what does it have to do with immigration issues here? If you want to talk about Islamic rape culture I'd be interested to see any data you have from Muslim communities here, such as in Sydney's west, where, if your argument holds true, the incidence of sexual assault should be significantly higher than in the broader community.

There have been a number of very high-profile cases of sexual assault and rape here - the brutal Bilal Skaf-led gang rapes in Sydney many years ago the worst of them, where the language used during that attack was culturally degrading towards their Australian victim - but while I don't have the stats, in Melbourne I think that the biggest immigrant / crime issue is aggravated burglaries, robberies and car-jackings, the offences committed by Apex and similar gangs, who, rather ironically, came to this country courtesy of the tough-on-borders Howard Government

For the moment, the so-called tyranny of distance allows Australia to inoculate itself to a great extent against the global refugee problem. So few people make it here, relatively speaking, that we can shunt them offshore as we have without too much fuss. If we had tens of thousands of them queued up at the border it would be a much greater challenge, on many levels. 

This is a thread about Islamic issues in Europe, hence the Sweden reference.  

Start a thread about Australian migration and I'll participate.

Islam will be an issue wherever it goes, because third worlders have appaling cultures and youth get radicalised at Mosques.  In reality, whether one discusses Islam in Europe, USA, or here it doesn't really matter.  Islam in the West mixes about as well as oil and water.

Btw, I'm well aware that Amanda Vanstone has caused the issues we're now confronting.  She was warned at the time and we're now all paying for her horrible immigration decisions.

1 hour ago, ProDee said:

This is a thread about Islamic issues in Europe, hence the Sweden reference.  

Start a thread about Australian migration and I'll participate.

Islam will be an issue wherever it goes, because third worlders have appaling cultures and youth get radicalised at Mosques.  In reality, whether one discusses Islam in Europe, USA, or here it doesn't really matter.  Islam in the West mixes about as well as oil and water.

Btw, I'm well aware that Amanda Vanstone has caused the issues we're now confronting.  She was warned at the time and we're now all paying for her horrible immigration decisions.

No it is not!  Biffen's original post does not mention Europe at all... it discusses the impact of Islamists on western society.  So either you don't consider Australia a western society or you didn't bother to check the OP. 

35 minutes ago, hardtack said:

No it is not!  Biffen's original post does not mention Europe at all... it discusses the impact of Islamists on western society.  So either you don't consider Australia a western society or you didn't bother to check the OP. 

Even better. 

I'll discuss Islam in any western society, including Australia.  But if someone wants to discuss "immigration in Australia", which was Grape's comment, start a thread on it.

3 hours ago, ProDee said:

This is a thread about Islamic issues in Europe, hence the Sweden reference.  

Start a thread about Australian migration and I'll participate.

Islam will be an issue wherever it goes, because third worlders have appaling cultures and youth get radicalised at Mosques.  In reality, whether one discusses Islam in Europe, USA, or here it doesn't really matter.  Islam in the West mixes about as well as oil and water.

Btw, I'm well aware that Amanda Vanstone has caused the issues we're now confronting.  She was warned at the time and we're now all paying for her horrible immigration decisions.

What a subtle, finely-honed intellect old Pro has.  "...because Third worlders have appalling (he can't even spell it) cultures."   Not a hint of prejudice there.

23 minutes ago, Jara said:

What a subtle, finely-honed intellect old Pro has.  "...because Third worlders have appalling (he can't even spell it) cultures."   Not a hint of prejudice there.

i think prodee is freely admitting he is prejudicial to islamic culture - so what? it's not a crime. he is not saying all islamic people are bad, just that islam as a culture is an undesirable threat to our culture. it is not an unreasonable point of view. 

are you claiming you have no prejudices or that all prejudices are unacceptable?


Well, no, I don't think I claimed that I had no prejudices.  I am, for example, prejudiced against rabid racists.   What's your second question? All prejudices unacceptable? I'd probably say yes to that. Certainly they aren't very helpful. I'd prefer we tried to look at things logically, as Grape did a few posts ago.  


But you're right - we all have our prejudices, and we should work to reduce them - for my own part, I'll try to do work on my prejudice against rabid racists (that would be a lot easier to do if Pro wasn't ignoring me).

17 minutes ago, Jara said:

But you're right - we all have our prejudices, and we should work to reduce them - for my own part, I'll try to do work on my prejudice against rabid racists (that would be a lot easier to do if Pro wasn't ignoring me).

you'd probably achieve more personally by resisting putting prejudicial, simplistic labels on other people :D

5 hours ago, daisycutter said:

i think prodee is freely admitting he is prejudicial to islamic culture - so what? it's not a crime. he is not saying all islamic people are bad, just that islam as a culture is an undesirable threat to our culture. it is not an unreasonable point of view. 

are you claiming you have no prejudices or that all prejudices are unacceptable?

Be careful, DC, prejudicial behavior can land you in jail. And so it should,  if for example, you ranted and raved  about Jews. Enough is enough. Idiot bulldust flagged as 'prejudice' is just what it is, the belly ravings of the ignorant. Unfortunately in history the ignorant and intolerant have caused way too much damage. Enough is enough. 

I'm surprised - or half surprised - that a man with half a brain, a man like you for instance, can sit back and just allow a man who is 'prejudiced' to preach hatred and propaganda and think it's okay because he admits he's prejudiced. ?????

We live in very strange times.......... again!


Simplistic labels? You're probably right, Daisy - I'm a simple country boy -


but then again, maybe I'm just calling a spade a spade - when somebody spends their time trawling the Internet dredging up every negative scrap of dirt they can find about a religion shared by 400,000 of our fellow citizens, thereby stirring up trouble and fostering negativity on all fronts, what should I call it? 

On 12/19/2017 at 9:10 PM, hardtack said:

Gee, those pesky refugees must have been sneaking advance parties off to Sweden in the 1990’s...

In 1996, Sweden registered almost three times the average number of rape offences registered in 35 European countries.”


You could be right about them not functioning properly...maybe those lascivious Lutherans have a few sexual hang ups. 

Your thoughts...

Swedish Lawyer: Majority of Rape Suspects in Sweden Are Migrants

President Trump was ridiculed half a year ago by Swedish politicians for talking about Sweden’s migrant's problems. A few months later, no one is making those comments anymore in the Scandinavian capital Stockholm.

Ms. Elizabeth Fritz, the renowned lawyer from Sweden, has admitted in an interview that the government is trying to hide the fact that most of the suspects in rape cases are now migrants. Given the number of migrants in Sweden, this is a stunning statistic.


7 hours ago, ProDee said:

Your thoughts...

Swedish Lawyer: Majority of Rape Suspects in Sweden Are Migrants

President Trump was ridiculed half a year ago by Swedish politicians for talking about Sweden’s migrant's problems. A few months later, no one is making those comments anymore in the Scandinavian capital Stockholm.

Ms. Elizabeth Fritz, the renowned lawyer from Sweden, has admitted in an interview that the government is trying to hide the fact that most of the suspects in rape cases are now migrants. Given the number of migrants in Sweden, this is a stunning statistic.


Find me a more reputable source for the story if you want me to pass comment 


5 minutes ago, hardtack said:

Find me a more reputable source for the story if you want me to pass comment 


You and your Leftist mates are incredible.  In fact, you're nasty.  Horribly nasty.  And deceitful.

Instead of considering the story of a Swedish Lawyer, a lawyer who is concerned by refugee rapists from Islamic countries, you instead target the source reporting the news that surrounds the concerns of this Swedish lawyer. 

You don't care about the female Swedish lawyer's concerns, you care about the politics of the organisation reporting her concerns.

If there's anything more reprehensible than a Leftist I don't know what it is.


I wonder why the Swedes want to introduce this new law ?  Don't worry Leftists, I realise you're too stupid to link it to Muslim migrants.

Swedish PM backs new law meaning sex without clearly worded or demonstrated consent is rape

New law means prosecutors will no longer have to prove violence or threats to secure a rape conviction

The Swedish Prime Minister has backed calls for a sexual consent law which will mean more rape and sexual assault cases can be prosecuted. 

Under the proposed law, if a person has not agreed in words or clearly demonstrated they want to engage in sexual activity, then forcing or coercing them into a sexual act will be illegal.


2 minutes ago, ProDee said:

You and your Leftist mates are incredible.  In fact, you're nasty.  Horribly nasty.  And deceitful.

Instead of considering the story of a Swedish Lawyer, a lawyer who is concerned by refugee rapists from Islamic countries, you instead target the source reporting the news that surrounds the concerns of this Swedish lawyer. 

You don't care about the female Swedish lawyer's concerns, you care about the politics of the organisation reporting her concerns.

If there's anything more reprehensible than a Leftist I don't know what it is.

Get over yourself and spare us the faux outrage, so typical of you right wingers when called out on your sources.

Considering the reputation of the source, it would be hard to accept the article as being gospel. How do we know that they are not misrepresenting the lawyer?

As I suggested, point me to a more reputable source and I might comment. I’m sure her comments must have been reported by more sources than just The Goldwater.

4 minutes ago, ProDee said:

I wonder why the Swedes want to introduce this new law ?  Don't worry Leftists, I realise you're too stupid to link it to Muslim migrants.

Swedish PM backs new law meaning sex without clearly worded or demonstrated consent is rape

New law means prosecutors will no longer have to prove violence or threats to secure a rape conviction

The Swedish Prime Minister has backed calls for a sexual consent law which will mean more rape and sexual assault cases can be prosecuted. 

Under the proposed law, if a person has not agreed in words or clearly demonstrated they want to engage in sexual activity, then forcing or coercing them into a sexual act will be illegal.


They probably want to enact that law so that they are brought up to at least the 20th century. No means no... that should have been in place regardless; it’s indicative of nothing, but it’s no surprise that you read whatever you like into it.

24 minutes ago, hardtack said:

Get over yourself and spare us the faux outrage, so typical of you right wingers when called out on your sources.

Considering the reputation of the source, it would be hard to accept the article as being gospel. How do we know that they are not misrepresenting the lawyer?

As I suggested, point me to a more reputable source and I might comment. I’m sure her comments must have been reported by more sources than just The Goldwater.

I tell you what, I'll put in more work on this lawyer if you comment on all of these concerns from a previous post that you've conveniently ignored.  There's lots to digest, but be sure not to miss anything...


You're unaware of the problems mass migration from Islamic countries has caused in Europe ?

You're unaware that 1200 Germans  were assaulted on new year's eve in 2015, including close to 500 sexual assaults, and that officials linked the assaults with the rapid influx of refugees ?





As for Sweden...

In 1975, the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the former homogeneous Sweden into a multicultural country. Forty years later the dramatic consequences of this experiment emerge: violent crime has increased by 300%.

If one looks at the number of rapes, however, the increase is even worse. In 1975, 421 rapes were reported to the police; in 2014, it was 6,620. That is an increase of 1,472%.

Sweden is now number two on the global list of rape countries.

Twenty-one research reports from the 1960s until today are unanimous in their conclusions: Whether or not they're measured by the number of convicted rapists or men suspected of rape, men of foreign extraction were represented far more than Swedes. And this greater representation of persons with a foreign background keeps increasing:

  • 1960-1970s – 1.2 to 2.6 times as often as Swedes
  • 1980s – 2.1 to 4.7 times as often as Swedes
  • 1990s – 2.1 to 8.1 times as often as Swedes
  • 2000s – 2.1 to 19.5 times as often as Swedes

Even when adjusted for variables such as age, sex, class and place of residence, the huge discrepancy between immigrants and Swedes remains.

Research reports on crime in Sweden have become a rarity, but among the eighteen that were done during the 1990s and the 2000s, eleven dealt with rape. Two of these reports dealt with the connection between rape and immigration, and they both confirmed that there is a link.

Since 2000, there has only been one research report on immigrant crime. It was done in 2006 by Ann-Christine Hjelm from Karlstads University.

It emerged that in 2002, 85% of those sentenced to at least two years in prison for rape in Svea Hovrätt, a court of appeals, were foreign born or second-generation immigrants.

And @hardtack you mention 1996 ?

A 1996 report by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention reached the conclusion that immigrants from North Africa (Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia) were 23 times as likely to commit rape as Swedish men. The figures for men from Iraq, Bulgaria and Romania were, respectively, 20, 18 and 18. Men from the rest of Africa were 16 times more prone to commit rape; and men from Iran, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia, 10 times as prone as Swedish men.


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