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Time to go Mark Neeld

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The club acceded to all of Neeld's demands when he became coach. A beefed up footy department spend. which included Neil Craig, Misson, line coaches with their own IT person, more dedicated roles in the recruitment department, etc. He was given carte blanche to do what he liked with the list and I doubt the club has second guessed any of his decisions. And 18 months down the track we have a dispirited football team that barely gives a yelp. No quarters of footy won out of 12 (GWS have won 2) and the worst percentage after round 3 since 1985 when the wooden spoon team of that year St. Kilda had the temerity to be on 34% compared to our 35%. Even a quality young player like Trengove has gone backwards, perhaps due to the burden of captaincy before he'd paid his dues.

Since Neeld has been at the club I've never heard so many players talk of "buying in"; the clear inference being that many didn't. Quality leaders get the best out of their organisation and individuals, but even Neeld's most ardent supporters couldn't say this has happened. We're not on the inner sanctum and yes, we all know that our midfield stocks are terribly poor, but there's far too little effort, far too much throwing in the towel when the going gets hard, far too little work ethic, far too little run and spread, and far too little confidence, which means that players aren't trusting their teammates to win contested footy, so they get burnt on the outside while they're caught flatfooted. And each opposition goal makes it that bit easier to give in, that bit easier to stop pushing yourself, to stop committing like you were at the first bounce. Ultimately the coach wears the blame if he can't change the mindset of a group.

And now Neeld states that we're in the same development phase as GWS. How convenient ? Let's just continually lower the expectations of your supporters. These days every time he opens his mouth I feel he's insulting my intelligence. But I have no answers. Getting rid of a coach so early in the year probably isn't the answer and leaving him until round 23 makes me shudder.

Worst of all though, unlike the players I did buy in. What a fool.

Spot on Ben, Welcome back matey!

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I'm not jumping off Neeld's reality bus, I think we are at ground zero and the future starts on Sunday.

Heresy I know, given the total capitulation of faith across this thread.

We are like a plane that has stalled and is plummeting toward the ground... I choose to believe that if we stick with Neeld, the engine will fire and we shall rise like a phoenix.

Edited by PaulRB
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The Dank issue has hastened the need for quick transition.

Our managers at the club thought it would be a good idea to be dishonest and unaccountable to the AFL, Members and Public. To me the lack of integrity and incompetence is nothing short of breathtaking. The dishonesty puts into question the statement that it was only vitamin B and C that was injected. Who on earth thought it would be a good idea not to be upfront with the AFL, when specifically asked? The board now has no choice but the sweep through the management of our club or resign. There will be no stability at our club until there is a clean out.

I fundamentally disagree with those who believe Neeld needs more time…... look at the walkouts, look at the performances. It is not like we are simply losing games. Once you realise that your girlfriend is not the one, you have no choice but to breakup. It is the same with a coach, once you realise that the coach is not the one you must part ways, waiting is only wasting time. Our club is facing a mass exit-is of players come seasons end, they do not believe in our coach , our club or themselves. I was told by a recently retired player that many want out. Only change has the potential of saving the day. Only a new coach can install self-belief and reduce the likely run come seasons end. Win or lose this week, our board must clean out the poor performers, they must do it quickly, they must do it over a short period of time.

Imagine being one of our players, knowing that players at MFC had taken jabs from Dent and knowing that the club had not come clean about this. Each week the club asks its players to play ACCOUNTABLE, HONEST football. Yet the managers of the club are setting an example of dishonesty, and no accountability. No wonder our players are having difficulty on the field...... no wonder they want out.

I demand the board gets the broom, start with Neeld, but don't end there, get all the dirty work done quickly. The quicker this is done the quicker we can start healing.

In the Dank thread Demon Dame suggested this explanation for our unexplainably woeful on field performance and it's the best one I've heard.

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Supporting the Melbourne Football Club is like being married forever to a totally unfaithful woman - you love her dearly, however she keeps playing up on you, making you more and more miserable whilst your friends laugh at you

Very good analogy DFW

You should email that off to DM.

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I chose to believe in his first year, admittedly on the conservative basis that sacking a first year coach was untenable & it was only reasonable to give him another pre season, another clean out & a fair crack at it.

I was under no illusions that our list was pox & that we could be 0-3 to start the year but it is the lack of competitiveness that is truly damning. Bailey's teams were loose in defense but Neeld's are absent.

His man management decisions have generally been appalling: Moloney, Gysberts & Magner are all C graders but why would you get rid of 2 & leave one on the rookie list when the team sucks at clearances? Why didnt he trade Bate when he had the chance?

There's something to be said for identifying/luring players on the outer at their current club to play a role - Mumford, Kennedy, Shaw, Mattner & McGlynn have worked a treat for Sydney while Houli & Grigg were shrewd selections for the Tigs. There's a difference between picking up players like that compared with past it, limited players like Byrnes & Rodan as well as middle of the road NQR's such as Sellar, Gillies & Pederson.

He's taken a poor list and made it the worst in the competition because he hates players like Sam Blease & loves plodders like Tom Couch.


Edited by Jimmi C
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Supporting the Melbourne Football Club is like being married forever to a totally unfaithful woman - you love her dearly, however she keeps playing up on you, making you more and more miserable whilst your friends laugh at you

Just leave her mate.

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I chose to believe in his first year, admittedly on the conservative basis that sacking a first year coach was untenable & it was only reasonable to give him another pre season, another clean out & a fair crack at it.

I was under no illusions that our list was pox & that we could be 0-3 to start the year but it is the lack of competitiveness that is truly damning. Bailey's teams were loose in defense but Neeld's are absent.

His man management decisions have generally been appalling: Moloney, Gysberts & Magner are all C graders but why would you get rid of 2 & leave one on the rookie list when the team sucks at clearances? Why didnt he trade Bate when he had the chance?

There's something to be said for identifying/luring players on the outer at their current club to play a role - Mumford, Kennedy, Shaw, Mattner & McGlynn have worked a treat for Sydney while Houli & Grigg were shrewd selections for the Tigs. There's a difference between picking up players like that compared with past it, limited players like Byrnes & Rodan as well as middle of the road NQR's such as Sellar, Gillies & Pederson.

He's taken a poor list and made it the worst in the competition because he hates players like Sam Blease & loves plodders like Tom Couch.

Jetta is no world beater, but he plays defence all pre-season and is one of the best performers. And we know he has a crack. He leaves him out of the team in the first two rounds and when he does play him he plays him in the forward-line. WTF ? He then puts him down back where he should have started and low and behold he does better.

He drops Watts, but doesn't give him a game in case there's a late withdrawal. If you thought you needed him that much don't drop him and if you didn't give him a game. It's a bit like the tunnel operators closing a lane in Burnley tunnel in case it's needed by emergency vehicles and in the process stuffing up peak hour traffic. Genius.

I could go on, but what's the point.

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Ben I wish I could leave The Melbourne Football Club as they have provided great emotional rides - a lot of ups and downs you might say.

Unfortunately it is too late for me I am attracted and dismayed at the love I have for our team currently of girls

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I think it might take years of loyalty by one coach,one administration ,one core group of players , going by the Geelong model.

Are sackings the solution?

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There is a lot of uninformed speculation and assumption of incompetence being thrown around by people who don't have a clue what's really gone down, i.e. re Jetta, Watts, Blease...

If you don't know why Watts was dropped and used as an emergency admit it. I don't know why. But to speculate that the reason was wrong instead of right has your agenda (dissing Neeld) tainting the facts (you don't know why Watts was dropped and used as an emergency).

It's a bogus way of justifying and projecting your disappointment in the teams performance and making the issue bigger than to most likely is... It's also a way to big note one's self by implying you know more than you actually do.

Edited by PaulRB
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There is a lot of uninformed speculation and assumption of incompetence being thrown around by people who don't have a clue what's really gone down, i.e. re Jetta, Watts, Blease...

Thank you.

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I think it might take years of loyalty by one coach,one administration ,one core group of players , going by the Geelong model.

Are sackings the solution?

Yes Biff

Unfortunately in this case sackings are the solution.

If nothing changes where does hope come into the equation, without hope supporters drop off, kids tell their parents no way am I supporting Melbourne they are useless, Free to air TV is non existent and finally sponsors are not interested

A Football Club becomes irrevelant ponder that Biff and then ask if sackings are the solution

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There is a lot of uninformed speculation and assumption of incompetence being thrown around by people who don't have a clue what's really gone down, i.e. re Jetta, Watts, Blease...

If you don't know why Watts was dropped and used as an emergency admit it. I don't know why. But to speculate that the reason was wrong instead of right has your agenda (dissing Neeld) tainting the facts (you don't know why Watts was dropped and used as an emergency).

It's a bogus way of justifying and projecting your disappointment in the teams performance and making the issue bigger than to most likely is... It's also a way to big note one's self by implying you know more than you actually do.

You mean I can't even believe the reason Neeld gave 3AW on game day ?

He stated that Watts was left out because of the potential that he'd need to replace a tall in the event of an unforeseen injury and that the team's needs overrided the individual player's needs. Ballarat was too far to get a quick replacement.

The guy is a whackjob.

Edited by Ben-Hur
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There is a lot of uninformed speculation and assumption of incompetence being thrown around by people who don't have a clue what's really gone down, i.e. re Jetta, Watts, Blease...

If you don't know why Watts was dropped and used as an emergency admit it. I don't know why. But to speculate that the reason was wrong instead of right has your agenda (dissing Neeld) tainting the facts (you don't know why Watts was dropped and used as an emergency).

It's a bogus way of justifying and projecting your disappointment in the teams performance and making the issue bigger than to most likely is... It's also a way to big note one's self by implying you know more than you actually do.

Watts was subbed out due to form against Essendon. Neeld stated this in his press conference. The next week he was omitted. So that's not in dispute, but as for why he might have been an emergency, how is he supposed to improve or build the necessary confidence by sitting on the sidelines? Is it supposed to make him hungrier? You either play him or drop him to Casey to get the ball in his hands and allow him to build that confidence. You don't sit him in purgatory.

Edited by AdamFarr
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Why does Neeld stating that "Watts was left out because of the potential that he'd need to replace a tall in the event of an unforeseen injury and that the team's needs overrided the individual players needs. Ballarat was too far to get a quick replacement." mean he is a whackjob?

We need emergencies in case of a late withdrawal. Are you saying he is a "whackjob" because it's Watts?

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Watts was subbed out due to form against Essendon. Neeld stated this in his press conference. The next week he was omitted. So that's not in dispute, but as for why he might have been an emergency, how is he supposed to improve or build the necessary confidence by sitting on the sidelines? Is it supposed to make him hungrier? You either play him or drop him to Casey to get the ball in his hands and allow him to build that confidence.

My point is I don't know. I have never met Jack Watts, never coached him, etc... and while you may have met Jack (I don't know), are you in a better position than Neeld to question his judgement with any authority?

No. So your accusations are irrational and driven by an emotional agenda...

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clearly keep neeld unless he majorly fcuks up the next 4 rounds, afterall tigers'coach was 0-9 at one stage.

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I'm not jumping off Neeld's reality bus, I think we are at ground zero and the future starts on Sunday.

Heresy I know, given the total capitulation of faith across this thread.

We are like a plane that has stalled and is plummeting toward the ground... I choose to believe that if we stick with Neeld, the engine will fire and we shall rise like a phoenix.

Some people need the plane to actually hit the ground to realise that everything is NOT ok.......believe in the Neeld all you want...it wont make it true

oh and remember that the phoenix only rises from the ashes...maybe the phoenix is not the right phrase or did you mean that the current admin is close completing step one by burning he club to the ground?

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Why does Neeld stating that "Watts was left out because of the potential that he'd need to replace a tall in the event of an unforeseen injury and that the team's needs overrided the individual players needs. Ballarat was too far to get a quick replacement." mean he is a whackjob?

We need emergencies in case of a late withdrawal. Are you saying he is a "whackjob" because it's Watts?

Watts had been the public face of one of the club's most embarrassing moments in history. He was subsequently dropped and is clearly not playing with confidence. And as the whackjob said himself, you can't go down to the milkbar and buy it. It comes from getting out there and playing. So what does the crackpot do ? Doesn't give him a game of any kind. Genius. He could have had someone else as the emergency. And let's not forget he had Sellar and Pedersen in the team along with Clark and Jamar, so it wasn't if he didn't have enough talls if one went down. And Watts doesn't play like a frigging tall anyway.

Edited by Ben-Hur
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Some people need the plane to actually hit the ground to realise that everything is NOT ok.......believe in the Neeld all you want...it wont make it true

oh and remember that the phoenix only rises from the ashes...maybe the phoenix is not the right phrase or did you mean that the current admin is close completing step one by burning he club to the ground?

The level of end of the world, hair pulling over the top language being used is out of whack with where the reality bus actually is.

By my pre-season reckoning I always had us down to lose Vs Essendon and West Coast. So only the Port game was an unexpected loss.

That said the margins were bigger than expected, but I always expected to lose at least two of the first three games. So the arguement to sack the coach 3 games in boils down to "we lost to Port" and "the margins were bigger than expected".

Flimsy justifications to turn over an entire FD that's only been there 18 months.

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