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Newman sent away


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sam newmans a moron and the footy show is crap anyway, if speaking his mind and not caring what others think makes him feel a better man then best he stay away from any form of media as he always talks crap and looks like a fool, and street talk hes always looking for people he thinks he can make a fool of and young girls who will turn him on and make it look like theyre in love with him when hes actually craving the attention making it look like hes still got IT.

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Just another example of the vocal minority winning over the silent majority. Such a typical reaction to appease the weak minded. It's another example of the 'tall poppy syndrone' that unfortunatley Autralians have a poor reputation for. Yes, Sam does some things that aren't 100% funny, but get over it.

If you don't like the bloke or the show, don't watch. The Footy Show is always in the top 15 rated shows for the week, so if you don't like the program turn the telly off - they don't need you!

The 'people' who approach Sam for street talk are used to be photographed - usually in a line-up though!

They say that 80% of the 'people' on street talk admit to having sex in the shower -the other 20% haven't been in jail yet!

Enjoy the show for what it is - you can't please everyone all the time.


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poor form from nine...

sam isn't on there to patronise people, he's there to speak his mind and try to be funny... he's certainly offended people before, i don't see why this should be any different... just because he was wrong, doesn't mean you take him off the air...

and it wouldn't surprise me if this is stumps for Sam... won't appreciate being dumped like this all too much...

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poor form from nine...

sam isn't on there to patronise people, he's there to speak his mind and try to be funny... he's certainly offended people before, i don't see why this should be any different... just because he was wrong, doesn't mean you take him off the air...

and it wouldn't surprise me if this is stumps for Sam... won't appreciate being dumped like this all too much...

I might just start watching the footy show again with the pathetic Sam Newman absent. He is an absolute idiot with all his attention seeking behaviour. I am very broadminded but he is the pits.

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Just another example of the vocal minority winning over the silent majority.

I suspect there's more to this than just that. He's been under a deal of stress whether he thought it was under control or not. He could be exagerating his self-image to prove to himself he's on top of things.

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I might just start watching the footy show again with the pathetic Sam Newman absent. He is an absolute idiot with all his attention seeking behaviour. I am very broadminded but he is the pits.

what a load of absolute tripe.

If you dont like Sam then watch one of the other 90 AFL shows on foxtel each week. If you dont like Sam then dont watch the Fugging show.

Get a grip and get over yourself, he is there to be controversial not to read you a bloody bedtime story. So if he makes you uncomfortable by being a little in your face go watch something else.

Nine are p!ssweak taking him off the air and trying to disassociate themselves from legal action. The bloke has earnt them good ratings for years and is more than partially responsible for his antics.

Sure as hell we didnt turn on the footy show to see Eddie bignote the magpies, Gary do nothing for our club or pretty boy strut his stuff (......maybe Billy being a fool but thats beside the point).

Mr Moose had it in one, the soccer mum vocal minority are wildly at play in this one.

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Just another example of the vocal minority winning over the silent majority. Such a typical reaction to appease the weak minded. It's another example of the 'tall poppy syndrone' that unfortunatley Autralians have a poor reputation for. Yes, Sam does some things that aren't 100% funny, but get over it.

If you don't like the bloke or the show, don't watch. The Footy Show is always in the top 15 rated shows for the week, so if you don't like the program turn the telly off - they don't need you!

The 'people' who approach Sam for street talk are used to be photographed - usually in a line-up though!

They say that 80% of the 'people' on street talk admit to having sex in the shower -the other 20% haven't been in jail yet!

Enjoy the show for what it is - you can't please everyone all the time.


Well said!

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If you don't like Sam then don't watch the Fugging show.

If you don't like the bloke or the show, don't watch. The Footy Show is always in the top 15 rated shows for the week, so if you don't like the program turn the telly off - they don't need you!

Oh yes they do. The problem for Channel 9 is that too many people are doing exactly what you say ... turning off. Ratings have recently dropped from about 500,000 viewers in Melbourne to 385,000, much of it attributable to the Caro stunt.

Whether the blokes like it or not, shows like the Footy Show are not doing themselves a favour if they make half the Australian population (women) turn off. So it's not a simple question of either watching Sam or turning it off. Sam, and Channel 9, have to provide something that will win over viewers, not dissuade them.

I watched the Footy Show for a bit last night, and didn't miss Sam Newman at all. It was just the same without him, no worse and in some ways better without all the misogynistic rubbish Sam goes on with. The whole show could certainly stand a bit of development from the tired old "boys pie night" formula.

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Oh yes they do. The problem for Channel 9 is that too many people are doing exactly what you say ... turning off. Ratings have recently dropped from about 500,000 viewers in Melbourne to 385,000, much of it attributable to the Caro stunt.

Obviously a Statistics major. Your sample size of a month is hardly going to provide you with a conclusive finding.

I havent been able to watch it recently because I've had other obligations. The premise of your argument is that every person not watching is 100% to do with Sam and couldnt possible be seasonal, or controlled by any other factor.

For memory we had a round off for the Dream Team vs Vic, hardly going to find our your team selections etc that week.

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I havent been able to watch it recently because I've had other obligations. The premise of your argument is that every person not watching is 100% to do with Sam and couldnt possible be seasonal, or controlled by any other factor.

The ratings trend for the footy show has been downwards for a while, but has accelerated in the last month. It's not due to just a seasonal factor or two. It actually went up directly in the week after the Caro stunt, from viewer curiosity about the reactions.

But what you or I do with our remotes is not the only issue. It's what sponsors think and perceive ... they pay the bills. There's been enough disquiet for them to get edgey about offending half their customers. For instance, Crazy Johns, one of their main sponsors, is a company with a woman (John's widow) as CEO.

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The ratings trend for the footy show has been downwards for a while, but has accelerated in the last month. It's not due to just a seasonal factor or two. It actually went up directly in the week after the Caro stunt, from viewer curiosity about the reactions.

But what you or I do with our remotes is not the only issue. It's what sponsors think and perceive ... they pay the bills. There's been enough disquiet for them to get edgey about offending half their customers. For instance, Crazy Johns, one of their main sponsors, is a company with a woman (John's widow) as CEO.

You are doubling back.

I agree completely that nine are removing Newman due to legal issues and corporate support.

My argument is that the footy show is successful in part (if not larger) from Newmans success as being an A grade clown. Nine should have more backbone to get behind their man.

What I object to is people carrying on purely because they disagree with sams opinions.

If Sam tells it straight (as he sees it) then good on him. Im not inclined to agree with what he says a lot of the time, and yes he should be reprimanded (or fined / sued) if he crosses the line but most of us are adults, it is in an adult time slot and we should defend to the death his or anyones someones right to speak out. After all, that is what Nine has encouraged him to do for years.

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Foxtel has bugger all AFL shows.

Teams, Winners, Before The Bounce, The Couch.

Yep, you definately disproved my point that there are other alternatives.

And none on free to air either (before the game, classifieds etc).

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I'm pretty surprised that people would turn off because of the 'Caro stunt' - it was typical Newman, he's always the same character. Virtually every epiosde of 'Street Talk' that I've seen has featured worse ridicule.

I havent been able to watch it recently because I've had other obligations. The premise of your argument is that every person not watching is 100% to do with Sam and couldnt possible be seasonal, or controlled by any other factor.

Your other obligations are likely to be balanced out by someone else now being able to watch the show because they don't have other obligations etc.

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Oh yes they do. The problem for Channel 9 is that too many people are doing exactly what you say ... turning off. Ratings have recently dropped from about 500,000 viewers in Melbourne to 385,000, much of it attributable to the Caro stunt.

The Sun reported that they’ve lost around 50,000 viewers since the Caro incident.

But it’s fair to say that for a long time the bulk of their ratings could probably be attributed to Sam Newman. Without him, it’s a pretty boring show…

So it’s fickle to attribute a drop in ratings to the person who’s given them such high ratings to begin with…

This year The Footy Show’s had a bit of a resurgence, and now it's dipped… All the while Sam has been doing exactly what he’s done for the past 10 years.

When he was dacked in front of millions of viewers, people just laughed... When he groped Molly Meldrum's balls, people just laughed. And when he repeatedly likens Jason Dunstall to a gorilla, people just laugh.

But when he fondles a manikin with Caro's face stapled on. THAT is where people draw the line. And really, that’s only because she’s a women.

The political correctness and dynamics between the genders is complicated. But if that’s where the joke ends, then he’ll just have to walk the tight rope.

It'll be interesting to see how the show rates in his absence.

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What I object to is people carrying on purely because they disagree with sams opinions.

If Sam tells it straight (as he sees it) then good on him. Im not inclined to agree with what he says a lot of the time, and yes he should be reprimanded (or fined / sued) if he crosses the line but most of us are adults, it is in an adult time slot and we should defend to the death his or anyones someones right to speak out. After all, that is what Nine has encouraged him to do for years.

What makes Sam so special? Are you seriously suggesting that noone should be allowed to question his antics because he was just telling it straight (as he sees it)?

Bev O'Connor and other women in football have every right to feel aggrieved. They are actually working to help their respective clubs, not sitting back taking potshots lioke this clown. MMM boned him already and 9 isn't far off.

And since when was 500,000 veiwers the majority of Melbourne. You fans of that idiot are a long way from being the majority

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Caroline Wilson and her lezo buddies are a bunch of mentally weak old tarts. The sooner females are weeded out of the AFL ranks, whether that be at club level or in the media, the better. They have no sense of humour, these pathetic, hairy legged femininists. And they want us males to take them seriously? That is hilarious.

By the way, I havent heard any outrage from the male fraternity about Jason Dunstall being compared to a gorilla, and that happens every week.

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But when he fondles a manikin with Caro's face stapled on. THAT is where people draw the line. And really, that’s only because she’s a women.

I'm sorry to see that people still think that sort of behaviour is ok. I'm also sad that people forget Newman also called women directors of AFL clubs "liars and hypocrites"...

Our own football club has three women directors.

Any director of a football club is doing countless hours of unpaid work. They personally take on enormous legal responsibilities as a director of public company. They attend regular meetings, take on additional roles to help the club function, attend club events almost every weekend and often during the week as well, they are happy to speak to any club supporter or member who approaches them to talk about any subject under the sun. They rarely get thanked for any of this volunteer work.

And yet they do all of this because they're just as passionate about their footy club as any of us on this forum. For their troubles, Newman says they are "liars and hypocrites"and that "women serve very little purpose at board level".

Let's hope we've seen the last of troglodyte attitudes like that.


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The original incident iteself was bizarre and it really was very offensive to a lot of people, not least Wilson's family.

It should've been added to the apparently 'idiotic' and 'patronising' AFL guide to appropriate behaviour that was released a while back.

Question: You have a low opinion of a colleague who routinely criticises you, should you

a) get a mannequin in lingerie, staple a picture of the colleagues face to it, then make vulgar comments and casually grope it.


B) not.

As for the bru-ha-ha afterwards, it was a bit over the top, and there were a lot of people involved who had no business doing so in a public way.

It should have ended in a basic 'yeah, that was stupid, but honestly it was only stupid, I didn't set out to offend'.

Ironically, Caroline Wilson is the only person who has come out of this with reputation intact - she pulled her head in from the start, didn't ask for any campaign, and sought to deal with things at a private and personal level.

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what a load of absolute tripe.

If you dont like Sam then watch one of the other 90 AFL shows on foxtel each week. If you dont like Sam then dont watch the Fugging show.

Get a grip and get over yourself, he is there to be controversial not to read you a bloody bedtime story. So if he makes you uncomfortable by being a little in your face go watch something else.

Nine are p!ssweak taking him off the air and trying to disassociate themselves from legal action. The bloke has earnt them good ratings for years and is more than partially responsible for his antics.

Sure as hell we didnt turn on the footy show to see Eddie bignote the magpies, Gary do nothing for our club or pretty boy strut his stuff (......maybe Billy being a fool but thats beside the point).

Mr Moose had it in one, the soccer mum vocal minority are wildly at play in this one.

Do you watch the show for footy or comedy? The footy content is almost outweighed by the ATTEMPTED comedy routines. You tell me I can go and watch all the other AFL footy shows so I can tell you to go and watch all those American comedies with their canned laughter. You seem to enjoy the funnies so much. Give me a footy show which concentrates FULLY on the game. Not padded with childish antics.

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The thing that REALLY gets me about the 'Caroline Wilson Mannequin' stunt is that she accepted the apologies forth-coming to her afterwards. It doesn't matter if the public believes they were sincere or not, she accepted the apologies and wanted nothing to do with the 'formal complaint' letter that followed.

The victim, being Wilson, accepted that Newman erred and that should have been the end of it.

Unfortunately others saw an opening to start there own 'agenda' and take it further - what right did they have to do this when Wilson wanted no more to do with it.

Obviously their insecurities came out and off they went with the letters and newspaper articles bagging Sam. Oh, that's right, I forgot, Sam's not allowed to have an opinion.

As The Footy Show pointed out, Samantha Lane and the others on 'Before The Game' hung sh*t on Nick Steven's weight, but because he was a bloke, that's seems to be ok. Imagine if they hung it on the size of a woman, but no it was a bloke who was ridiculed. I gather that Stevens didn't whinge, sook up etc etc and it all went away. There are so many advertisements on TV where blokes are protrayed poorly, but who cares. If it was the other way around, the sheila's would go off their nut - sooky sooky la la's.

Sam does controversial things. He does funny things and stupid things. He gets abused and ridiculed (even Legend Lyon calls him 'Fossil' - naughty naughty boy) but he cops it on the chin and dishes it out - effing good on him.

To me it is more controversial having Cate Blanchett on the front of the herald Sun, supporting a rock-spider photographer taking photo's of a naked 13 year old girl and calling it 'art'. Call it 'art' and we are meant to accept that - pigs a&se! Every paedophile with kid porn on their computers will now use the excuse, "Oh, those pictures are just art."

Who the f*%k is she - Queen of Australia! She reads lines written for her and acts in movies. Wow - she has an oscar - whoop de doo. She is very rich, but gets invited to the PM's meeting - the poor Aussie Battler isn't there to be heard. But there is no, or little controversy over her support of this 'Art' - imagine if Sam had taken that stance or those photo's!

There are much more important issues than Sam's indiscretions. The sooner he gets better and back on the Footy Show - the better.

Now back to the footy - Go Dee's.


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