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Earl Hood

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Posts posted by Earl Hood

  1. Great to see Kyle Cheney out there for the Crows. There is an ex demon who has made the most of his talent. Third club and 10 years since he was drafted by us with pick 53. Always liked him as a player, dependable type but didn’t have enough speed. Delisted by us in 2010 when we thought we had a star studded list of young talent. 

    • Like 8
  2. 51 minutes ago, ProDee said:

    It's "you're".  I'm glad you prefaced it with the word "thick".

    Don't try absolving Islam with FGM.  It's customary and widespread.  

    Listen carefully.  It doesn't matter if it's in the Qur'an, or has its origins elsewhere, female circumcision has become entrenched in Islamic communities.  It is practiced in Islam MORE than any other communities.  It is practiced by Muslims illegally in the West.

    You really are a disgrace for defending this practice in Islam.



    Sorry I can’t listen carefully to something you have written, I can only read it. But no matter, you refuse to recognise the false premise of your argument. Oh FGM is practised MORE in Islamic communities than others. Is it? I don’t know the absolute numbers but for umpteenth time I am not defending the practice, but I suspect you are too wedded to a side, the wrong side by the way.

  3. 3 minutes ago, ProDee said:

    Once again, this is about the infiltration of Islam in the West.  I'm not overly interested what they do in the Middle East, although I recognise how benighted their culture is.

    You said that you cannot "rail against Islam" for their practice of genital mutilation.  Swine worthy.

    You ought be ashamed.  But your Leftist tribe mentality allows you to somehow reconcile this point of view.

    As I keep saying, Leftism is a mental illness.  Good luck.

    Your too thick to work it out aren’t you Pro. My point is FGM is not directly related to Islamic  beliefs. Muslims and Christians and other animist communities in Africa and Asia carry out practice and have done for millennia. Through decades of immigration, this practice has unfortunetly come through to the West.  We can only hope better education and community pressure brings it to an end. Absolutely nothing to do with lefty mental illness.

    That is why I do not rail against one particular group on this issue.

    By the way have I missed you marching in the streets on this issue? 

  4. 5 hours ago, SFebey said:

    From what I've heard there is actually 2 stories:

    1. A racist post on social media

    2. Something to do with Crows in off season

    I could be wrong of course but you've got to feel for the guy, he's copped it his whole career and it's sad.

    Re No 1 I was told some female half wit Freo supporter asked Eddie for a selfie after the siren on the ground which he obliged and she then posted the selfie on FB complete with racial slurs. Where do these people come from? 

  5. 1 minute ago, ProDee said:

    This thread is about the West.

    What Christians in the West practice this ?

    And yes, you do condone it.

    Hey weren’t you on about soot in the third world yesterday? Now it is all about the West!

    I said I don’t condone the practice but you are now telling me I do!  

    Do Christians practice in the West? Are you inferring that this practice is only abhorrent if it is done in the West? 

    In short are you a complete idiot? 

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, ProDee said:

    Tell me something I don't know.

    Muslims are doing this abhorrent practice in the West and for you to accept this practice anywhere tells me all I need to know about you.  Defend the side, no matter the issue.  Classic brain dead Leftism.  It's a mental illness.

    That said, you didn't know poor cooking practices kill millions of people each year, so not much surprises me when it comes to your views.

    Have you ever thought of a career in the Diplomatic Corp Pro? Such subtle language. 

    Of course I can’t tell you something you don’t know because you know everything, that is a given, you are omniscient. A legend in your own mind! 

    Now back to reality

    Did you read my post? I said it is a barbaric practice I do NOT condone it but I am at a loss about what I can do about it. It is practiced across numerous poor and uneducated communities in Africa and Asia, irrespective of their religions. CHRISTIANS Do It TOO! SO ARE YOU A BRAIN DEAD RIGHTY? 

    These modern religions of Islam and Christianity are an add on to the beliefs of communities that have an animist past and continue their old practices.  There are many stories of African people that worship in a Christian Church but still believe in spirits and demons, what we would deem to be superstitious rubbish. But that is our thinking, not theirs. 

    And for the record I challenged your take on poor cooking practices on the grounds of context, relevance to your war on Islam. I still can’t make sense of it.

    I am aware of the issue. I give to charities such as World Vision so I get plenty of information on Third World problems thank you very much. 

    And please can you make sure you take your medicine. 


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  7. 2 hours ago, ProDee said:

    I know you're not the sharpest tool in the shed, so going slightly off track is exceptionally confusing for you.

    Funnily enough, you did that when you asked Ethan about civilian casualties in Iraq.  This thread is about Islam in the West, not wars in the Middle East.  But understanding discussions can veer off course I didn't find the need to highlight this to you.  Until now, of course.

    You epitomise the Left, who defend Muslims who fail to integrate into their new Western countries, because your support a "side".  Decades ago the Left supported jews, but that's not so fashionable now.  If you're on the Left you support all things Left.  It's called "groupthink".  I abhor Islam, as opposed to Muslims, because of its totalitarian nature and wish for the rest of the world to submit.  It wants to eventually dominate every country in the world.  That is the agenda.  Leftist dolts are the useful idiots who help them on this journey.

    This is why I brought up the millions who die each year due to soot from poor cooking practices.  It should be a massive Leftist issue, but it's not.  Groupthink hasn't got there yet.  Needless to say you had no $%#@&*( idea what I was talking about and were even condescending due to your said ignorance.

    Rather than railing against Islam and it's practice of mutilating female genitals the Left march around in [censored] hats when e President they don't like gets elected.

    Leftists are a waste of space.

    I did a quick review of the history of female genital mutilation just to confirm what I thought was its history. The practice is widespread across Africa and to parts of the Middle East, it predates Islam and Christianity being mentioned in Ancient Greek writings and in Ancient Egypt. It is practiced today by poorer people’s who are Animist, Christian and Muslim. There are links to its use as part of the slave trade in the 17th Century which might explain its movement out of Africa to Asia. There is no mention of FGM in the Quran or the Bible. 

    In summary it is a barbaric practice from our pagan, superstitious past that is still occurring in the modern world. It is not exclusively an Islamic issue. That might be why I am not railing against Islam on FGM! 

    • Like 2
  8. 11 hours ago, ProDee said:


    World Health Organisation

    Household air pollution and health

    8 May 2018
    Key facts
    • Around 3 billion people cook using polluting open fires or simple stoves fuelled by kerosene, biomass (wood, animal dung and crop waste) and coal.
    • Each year, close to 4 million people die prematurely from illness attributable to household air pollution from inefficient cooking practices using polluting stoves paired with solid fuels and kerosene.
    • Household air pollution causes noncommunicable diseases including stroke, ischaemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer.
    • Close to half of deaths due to pneumonia among children under 5 years of age are caused by particulate matter (soot) inhaled from household air pollution.


    7 million premature deaths annually linked to air pollution

    “Cleaning up the air we breathe prevents noncommunicable diseases as well as reduces disease risks among women and vulnerable groups, including children and the elderly,” says Dr Flavia Bustreo, WHO Assistant Director-General Family, Women and Children’s Health. “Poor women and children pay a heavy price from indoor air pollution since they spend more time at home breathing in smoke and soot from leaky coal and wood cook stoves.”



    If you dopes are unaware of an issue then ask me, don't go half-cocked and make yourself look utterly stupid.  Air pollution and soot is a year on year major issue in poor populations whether you scoff at such assertions, or not.

    Pro I accept your data on this issue just flummoxed as to its relevance to this thread. This thread started with the dangers of Islam and has strayed at times into the usual attacks on lefties, fair enough I suppose, but then to throw this statistic into the mix just didn’t seem to make sense. Poor cooking practices due to poverty are widespread across the third world, not linked to any religion nor any political persuasion I believe. There is a hell of a lot of misery and injustice happening on this planet every day that lefties or conservatives just can’t resolve and never will unfortunately. 

    • Like 1
  9. 9 minutes ago, Rogue said:

    Lewis is Lewis.

    Very slow, goes to ground too easily, is prone to absolutely horrible turnovers and giving away unnecessary frees/50m penalties.

    Also able to hit up targets nicely and apparently gives good leadership.

    Can't imagine he's playing much senior footy in 2019.

    Booked in to see my doctor tomorrow as I was obviously at a different match today. Thought I was at Dees vs Pies but I must have been watching Lewis on replay when he played for another team. 

  10. 11 hours ago, ProDee said:

    Ezra is a great man.  You'd learn much from him.  I don't believe in a minimum wage either.  There'd be less unemployed if governments didn't tell people what they're not allowed to accept to be gainfully employed. 

    As for your casualties of war question ?  I don't know and nor do I care.  What's done is done.  Blood spilt was at the hands of Saddam.  That said, like you, the West hasn't understood the Middle East and they've often meddled when they shouldn't have. 

    But I love how you Lefties pretend you care.  Four million people die every year due to poor cooking practices caused by poverty.  They die from soot.  Yet I've never heard you be concerned or mention it. 

    As I said, you're only interested in a side, not a cause. 

    Death by soot. Where did this come from? Yes there is world poverty but is that caused by the left, really? What do you want the left to do about soot? Reducing wages and working conditions even further will that help the war on soot?

    • Like 2
  11. 2 minutes ago, Roost It said:


    Pedersen selection just wrong,as was Smith. Needed Hunt and dare I say it frost for some pace in the back half. We got used to winning and found ourselves too far forward again much like the Richmond game.  We’re a good side but need to beat Port

    Well we certainly missed Lever coming across to spoil Cox. Not sure if J Smith failed there but someone did. Poor Oscar was manning Cox but we often had Jetta as the roving spoiler, instead of a 194 cm back. 

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  12. 12 minutes ago, deanox said:


    @Demonised Agreed, this set up their win by negating our strength. Gawn got the wrong end of the umpiring stick today and it cost us. 



    Has anyone explained what those ruck frees were about? I was at the game and it had me flummoxed. At times there was no free kick there, other times I thought Max was infringed but it always went to Grundy. Two monsters manhandling each other yet 4 times it was Max that erred? Bullshyte I say and that set them up early. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, ProDee said:

    Like a true Leftist, Jara doesn't care about facts.

    He defends a side, not a cause.

    Pro have a good look in the mirror mate! FFS that is exactly what you do. Facts are secondary in your war on those you deem to be dangerous lefty loonies which I have stated before is everyone politically to the left of Genghis Khan, in your mind! 


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  14. 4 hours ago, dees189227 said:

    What did people make of the Hodge heppell collision? A player goes off concussed and people go on a rage about it. All I saw was hodge go for the ball keep running and Heppell was exposed. I never saw Hodge deliberately raise an elbow or set to knock him out. Just one of those footy incidents. 

    You are right but how many times has Hodge had one of these competitive collisions and never gets injured? While the other player gets carted off. It is amazing, given there is not much of him, he is no Leigh Matthews but he has often been just as lethal (without the behind the play king hits of course). 

  15. Continuing the memory lane posts of 1973, I don’t remember the match in question but I remember that year I played winter Pennant tennis on Sundays for Grace Park and played against Ross Brewer who might have represented MCC in tennis I think. I remember he had kicked a bag the day before we played.  Amazing in those days he would play VFL on Saturday and tennis Sunday. I played local footy on Saturdays myself but was often stiff and stuffed when I played tennis the next day. In those days rehab for me after footy was a shower and a dozen pots at the club bar! 

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