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Earl Hood

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Posts posted by Earl Hood

  1. Our set shot accuracy worries me of late. Last week we should have kicked at least 4 extra goals from set shots all inside 50 and within 30 degrees either side of centre. Tommy has suddenly become iffy in front of goal. Not sure why. In the run to the finals this inaccuracy could come back to hurt. 

  2. 23 minutes ago, Demonland said:

    Did Melksham train today?

    Melk and  Hibbo were training separately from the main group. I saw them doing leading and kicking drills with Crossy. Both looked to be moving well, no sign of problems but they never joined the main group and left early so looks like another week or so. 

  3. 1 hour ago, chook fowler said:

    I reckon Gaff and/or Methcoast should bear financial responsibility for the many years of dental work to follow - could easily be more than $100,000 for implants and the like.

    I have had a couple of implants over the years at about 3 to 5k each. Not cheap but not $100K I think. Just for the record. 

  4. Gee the kid has played about 10 games had his shoulder busted in his first game by a 6 foot 5 iconic forward who should feel ashamed of himself, came back briefly that season then did a knee injury flying for a screamer at Sandringham and works his way back to gain a regular spot this season and now this! The football gods are not fair. 

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  5. 34 minutes ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

    That Crows Port game was one of the best I've seen for some time.

    These SA showdowns nearly always are great games Uncle but we never see them here on free to air! We are more likely to get Carlton vs St Kilda. 

  6. 22 minutes ago, grey wolf said:

    Great to see Vanders back if only to increase the number of “depth” players with recent experience in the ones.. so Kent for Spargo, and Hunt for JSmith at least ... we need 30 live ones going forward at the start of the finals

    If we go by today’s training I would say barring injury,  Kent is not in as he left the track early. Hunt hasn’t played a game yet after his return from injury so needs time surely? Of the extended bench maybe Pedo is still in running for a position. He was still training hard with the other backs and forwards toward the end. Let’s wait and see. My bet is one change. 

  7. 54 minutes ago, Wrecker45 said:

    Was told by a family member of Balic's that he never had the mental health issues implied by the speculators.

    Constantly on the injury list at Freo and never bonded with the players because he was in rehab during the week at training and outside football the others liked to bond over a drink and Balic does not drink.

    Wish him well but never trust anyone who doesn't drink. 

    KB did all right on the footy field. But never drank! 

  8. 27 minutes ago, Win4theAges said:

    Maybe he should have cut ties earlier then. 

    The timing of this announcement is a bit bizarre for me. I thought I saw him at training today?  I remember watching him at training preseason and he was often gasping for air, obviously physically underdone early but then of recent times he has looked very comfortable at training, moves well and executes well. Is playing well with Casey and has a finals campaign ahead, why pull the pin this early? Where is the grind in VFL/AFL once you have worked up your fitness to acceptable levels as he has done? Us mere mortals will never understand. 

    • Like 1
  9. I reckon Vanders is in this week

    - players and coaches formed one huddle then huge cheers, couldn’t see who for but it had to be for someone who hasn’t played for years or a debutant?

    - straight after that Hannam, Bugg, Kent left the track while Vanders continued training with the forwards

    educated guess Vanders in for Jake! 

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  10. 11 hours ago, DV8 said:


    This modern-day march to some sort of oblivion.   What destruction.

    This week Orangutans, tomorrow Koala's.

    Next year Fish.


    Neckminnit Us.




    Was in Borneo recently to see the Orangutans that are still surviving the palm oil plantations, now we have this hydroelectric dams in Indonesia! What hope for the Orangutans in this world? 

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Chook said:

    I don't. I see him kicking 3-4 goals every game until he retires. He's not the kind of sledgehammer that you need to be to kick bags. He's a dynamo; he just keeps on ticking. And as reliably as a dynamo, he will always reap rewards.

    It is also modern footy, the days of key forwards kicking 5 or 6 plus are diminishing. Perhaps The Tomahawk is a recent aberration. But 3 or 4 is the norm for a good days work for a key forward these days. Coaches don’t want a too predictable target and pathway to goal. I think if Tommy was one out in the square back in the 70’s he just might have kicked a few bags. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, jnrmac said:

    So the Jack Higgins goal. Incredible quick thinking but was it a throw?

    Scenario 1

    Imagine I had the ball and was about to be tackled. I threw the ball over the head of the tackler, ran around him and caught the ball before it hit the ground. Legit or not?

    Scenario 2

    Similarly if I was running towards the boundary and like in cricket grabbed the ball, threw it in the air, ran over the boundary and them back in where I caught the ball before hitting the ground. Legit?

    I am very sympathetic to the higgins goal as it was great to see, in front of a big crowd and at a big time in the game.

    But the AFL make stuff up as they go and this is no exception. To me it was a bad decision.



    No it was not a throw. A throw is where I attempt to get the ball to someone else, or just release the ball under pressure and fail to handball or get a boot to the ball.

    I think I can do whatever I like when getting the ball to my own boot! 

  13. My thinking calming down after the match and watching the replay is no changes until: 

    - Viney and Hibberd become available, then decisions have to be made,

    - there is injury

    - or someone absolutely demands a spot, putting in a series of blinders at Casey. 

    Until any of these events occur let’s keep the current 22 in place so they learn more playing together. 

    Yes maybe it could be better but I think there are more short and longer term advantages sticking with a stable team coming into the finals, if we manage to get there. 

    Tyson played well. jKH has earnt another game, I think. J Smith is worth the gamble, he is learning, has great potential and he will improve. 


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  14. 6 minutes ago, bingers said:

    Great post. I remember at the time thinking TMac was lucky that it wasn't called a throw. Thankfully it wasn't !!!

    Isn’t it only a throw if you try to throw/pass to someone else because you are tackled etc? Throwing/dropping/passing the ball to your own boot must be within the rules surely.

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