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Earl Hood

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Posts posted by Earl Hood

  1. 23 minutes ago, hemingway said:

    Milo,  the entrepreneur that you are, I had forgotten about your role in The Wedding. Of course, the old Country and indeed the Royals do not have the budget they once had, which is where you no doubt fit in.  A quick visit to China, a lick of paint, and I'm sure the imitations look like the real thing! 

    Who is Milo? No matter Ernest I have no time for trivialities, the Queen beckons! 

  2. 2 minutes ago, daisycutter said:

    well enjoy windsor earl. it's a pretty little sleepy village by english standards. far removed from cosmopolitan fitzroy though.

    unfortunately when i toured there mam was not in residence. but do pass on all our regards from 'land

    no doubt you'll keep in touch with the more important events in the commonwealth with your afl app

    Don’t be surprised if you see a demond scarf on a certain royal at some stage in the ceremony, let’s just leave it at that. 

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  3. 6 minutes ago, daisycutter said:

    i hope you offered to walk the young lass down the aisle, earl, now that her poor dad has become incapacitated

    i would offer but i couldn't miss jv's return

    Well DC let’s just say I have been approached about certain matters to do with the ceremony, me of course being well regarded in important circles, beyond reproach and of a respectable age, but let’s keep it at that for the moment lest the gutter press get hold of anything and do their damnest! 

  4. 4 hours ago, hemingway said:

    Red, apart from your good self and a few other stalwarts, the posts on this thread seem to have dropped off lately. 

    Many of the old characters with their peccadillo's seemed to have disappeared into the ether, with the result that the only thing to talk about is football.

    What's happened to all the chameleons, the perverts, the eccentrics, the boasters, the liars, the weirdos, the freaks, the nuts, the sad and lonely, the non conformists, the entrepreneurs, the drug peddlers, the pretenders, the psychotic, the delusional, the washed-up lawyers and academics and writers, the homeless, and the bizarre characters that used to come and go in the night on this thread. 

    I think I have covered everyone. Oops, I forgot the dead. 

    After 7 years, perhaps its time to close this thread.

    Let's face it, this is not a thread for mundane, boring or repetitious comments about football. 


    Ernest I am sorry I have been absent from this thread for some time but I have had other more pressing priorities such as a certain wedding this week! Do you think I have time for the minor tribulations of the underlings of this thread, BBO, Biffen, Moons and DC come to mind, when I have to deal with the real issues of readying myself for the Royal Wedding this Saturday. Priorities my man! 

  5. 40 minutes ago, ProDee said:

    You must feel impotent to use this as any type of meaningful rebuttal.

    Meaningful rebuttal/discussion are you serious? Have a good look at your last half dozen posts. You are not open for meaningful discussion, if you can’t see that it is your problem. No use putting up any of my opinions you just throw back utter bile.

    And as for your Hamas’s tools post of photos of palestinians throwing stones and Molotov cocktails and burning tires to be somehow a threat to the nuclear armed, Israeli State 21st century military machine  is bordering on utter lunacy! Again I say take your medicine you need something! 

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  6. 43 minutes ago, ProDee said:

    Put simply, I know FAR more about Islam than you.  What you know could be included on the dot that ends this sentence.

    As for 1.5 billion Muslims ?  You have no clue as the percentages that want sharia to be the prevailing authority where they reside.  And when you work out the percentages and extrapolate that to millions it's telling.

    But you're Left.  It's not incurable, but I don't like your chances.

    I say again take your pills and have a lie down before you have a turn. 

    Another symptom is that you think you know more about any particular subject than anyone else. It’s a sure sign that you missed a dose! See your doctor as soon as you can , please! 

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  7. 9 minutes ago, ProDee said:

    Know nothing about them.  If they were peace loving innocent people then of course.  If not, then not so much.  Being a Doctor doesn't convince me either way.  

    How you and other Israel-hating Leftist weirdos are against the Jews but instead support a religion and people that want to kill every living Jew simply for being Jewish is extraordinary.   Not to mention they would also like nothing more than to relieve you of your own head.  All true orthodox Muslims hate every single kaffir.  The ones that don't, and thank God most don't, don't understand the Qur'an or what is truly expected of them.  ISIS, Hamas, and other terrorist groups practice Islam as it's intended.

    But that's the Left for you.  The vilest and most stupid people that God ever put breath into.

    How the intelligent Grapeviney leans to the left is one of life's great mysteries.  And it's not lost on me that he edits or deletes some of my posts as a favour.  He keeps me safe from trigger happy George :)

    Pro have you forgotten to take your medicine today? You know one of your symptoms when you don’t take your pills is excessive stereotyping, in this last rant you have had a crack at 1.5 billion Muslims and of course everyone whose politics is to the left of Gengis Khan, their all stupid apparently! 

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  8. 1 hour ago, Grapeviney said:

    Let's be honest. No-one really gives a rat's about the Palestinians - they're only ever mentioned in relation to Israel, including by posters on this board. 

    No mention of the 450,000 Palestinians in Syria, 95 per cent of whom are in dire need of humanitarian assistance in order to survive, and 280,000 of whom are internally displaced. Even the UNRWA - their specialist UN-appointed agency - doesn't mention the estimated 13,000 Palestinians who are political prisoners in Syria, of which an estimated 700 have been murdered. Palestinians in Syria are actually prohibited from leaving that country - they're trapped in what must surely be the greatest hell on earth at the moment.

    But hey, there's no need to talk about that, when we can compare Israel to apartheid South Africa or, better still, to Nazi Germany. 

    As for your question @Earl Hood, it's clear you know very little about World War II, and I seem to recall we've argued before about your penchant for describing anyone/thing you don't agree with as a Nazi / fascist.

    So here's a bit about the ghetto of Piotrokow, where my father's parents were, and which was the first ghetto to be established in Europe.

    In total, between 16,500-28,000 Jews went through Piotrokow on their way to the Treblinka and Majdanek death camps. As Wikipedia notes:

    "The Ghetto liquidation action began on the night of October 13, 1942, commanded by SS-Hauptsturmführer Willy Blum. About 1,000 Jews unable to move were shot in their homes for "insubordination". By the next morning, some 22,000 Jews were herded onto the square by the Synagogue in order to undergo a "selection". In the course of the next few days, Jews were marched in columns to the railway station and loaded onto the awaiting freight trains without food or water, 150 to one car....Many non-Jewish Poles were murdered by the Gestapo for helping Jews....Following the 1942 deportations to Majdanek and Treblinka extermination camps, some 3,500 Jewish factory workers still remained in the small Ghetto. However, mass executions became more frequent in 1943, even inside the depleted Synagogue, in the Jewish cemetery, and at a special execution site near Raków. By 1944 only 1,000 Jews were still alive." 

    So let's do it this way: Rather than me point out the differences between Gaza and the Nazi ghettoes, why don't you point out all the similarities, making sure you explain how Gaza is a holding place for Palestinians on their way to Israeli-run extermination camps, and how many tens of thousands of Palestinians have already been murdered in a systematic program of genocide.  

    Grape Viney

    A few points of clarification

    I cant remember labelling anyone a fascist on this forum or anywhere else, I think you have the wrong person.

    I made the comparison with the Jewish situation in Germany in the 1930’s, not the 1940’s. Specifically I was referring to when the Nazis gained power in 1933 and their progressive stripping away of Jewish human rights becoming second class citizens where their businesses and properties were vandalised and confiscated, leading thousands to flee to other countries if they had the means and if they could find new homes. 

    In my reply to ProDee I talked of Hitler up to 1938, when he was admired by many for rebuilding Germany and solving their economic problems before turning feral. 

    The term ghetto has been used for minorities living in designated areas of larger European cities long before the Nazis. 

    Palestinians, second class citizens, property confiscated, booted out of their homelands, trapped in Gaza and elsewhere, water, power, medical supplies all controlled by the Israeli Government. 

    I will stand by my earlier comments. 

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  9. What is the bet there will be total over reaction and frees paid up forward right left and centre and much nashing of teeth from supporters. And a reversal the following week. This weekend will be a good one for a key forward in the goal square. Actually I might put a few hundred on Roughy to kick 5 this week. 

    • Like 1
  10. 14 minutes ago, rjay said:

    Used to watch Hawthorn train in the 80's under Jeans...

    One of the drills they did was to block for a teammate taking the mark by raising hands and keeping the opponent out of the contest.

    They've been at it for decades.

    Even Lewis said on 360 tonight they trained to block when he was at Hawthorn...

    Clarko has zero credibility after he had a go at Selwood for dropping his shoulder but when challenged about Poppy, Cyril, Breust et al doing exactly the same thing he waffled on about it being an evasive tactic? As soon as Poppy feels arm contact his arm goes straight up and he drops at the knees no different to Selwood. Clarko is a Hippocryte and Gil should not be meeting with him for a coffee to discuss these things, let alone acting on this whingers concerns. Can we act on Hawthorn’s blockers on the man on the mark then? 

    • Like 3
  11. 7 hours ago, ProDee said:

    You should never appease a rogue police state.  Only the deluded and the Left think otherwise.

    You would have been one of the appeasers that Churchill had to fight in the 1930s.  I doubt even you'd deny that.

    Good to see Trump delivering on yet another pre-election promise.

    Yes I will deny that! Pro if you call me a lefty I will call you a right wing conservative and guess who were the Hitler appeasers in 1930’s? Yes it was the conservatives, the left turned away from appeasement in the mid to late 30’s. There were conservatives and royals who thought the fascists were on the right track.  Not sure where you would have stood if you were around in the 1930’s by the way with your values. After all Adolf up to 1938 or so was just a pro nationalist promoting Germany and jobs for the German people. He talked tough and promoted national values, just the sort of talk you celebrate with Trump. I think you might have been an early Hitler groupie back then before he turned feral of course. 

    Rogue police state? Rogue means not on your side I guess, so yes Iran is on the other side of the US alliances, so it must be evil in your opinion. 

    Police state well yes but no more than Saudi Arabia I would have thought. Iran has elections however imperfect, Saudi has royal Ascension to the thrown. Both could be deemed police states. At least Iran is not a medieval kingdom that carries out routine and regular public executions I think. 

    I see Trump has delivered on yet another promise to open a US Embassy in Jerusalem, that has led to Palestinian riots and some 52 deaths and hundreds of injured people. The Gazans are throwing stones, the Israeli forces are shooting people! Another Trump policy triumph. The last hope for the Palestinians is the two state solution but that is all but dead without Jerusalem. 

    Can anyone explain to me the difference between modern day Gaza and it’s relationship with the Israel State and a 1930’s Jewish Ghetto in Germany and it’s relationship with Nazi ruled Germany? 

    • Like 2
  12. 14 minutes ago, Go the Biff said:

    Hawthorn block & impede in marking contests as much, if not more than anyone. Stratton is a master at it. Not sure what they are hoping to gain from this

    Yes I hope this is part of this week’s crack down. The shepherding/blocking of the player on the mark and the fact it is allowed does my head in! I must admit if that happened to me in my playing days I would have been reported for undue violence on the blocker. 

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  13. How about he plays on the wing as an outside receiver, delivering the ball into the inside 50? He has pace, great hands, great kick and is building his tank and running ability. He should also rotate inside as he showed in the first 2 games that he can be a very good inside mid but with Viney back we can limit his time there. I see him as a great transition player, marking the ball coming out of defence and turning it into a forward  weapon in his hands. 

  14. Worried about the 4 games in 18 days affect on our run! 

    Just taken my seat at the Vulture street end ground surface looks great, conditions near perfect except for a swirly wind. The crowd is underwhelming. I thought there was a clown convention on as well but just realised they are Suns supporters in full gear! 

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  15. Oh dear our Donald has now torn up the deal with Iran on non nuclear proliferation based on some dodgey info from the Isrealies that Iran is still developing a nuclear capability. This revelation is contradicted by the UN observers and the US intelligence agencies and US allies in Europe. For what strategic gain only Donald knows. Yes Iran is no cleanskin but it is engaged in a battle with the Saudis for influence in the middle eastern political vacuum created by Bush’s disastrous war in Iraq. Why are the Americans so wedded to the Saudi Regime, a medieval kingdom existing in the 21st century with a barbaric record of treatment of those who transgress their archaic laws. Who manned the planes in 9/11? Yet Iran is the problem. Now we have the possibility of an Israel vs Iran conflict (they are already shooting at each other in Syria) that will give the green light for US aggression. 

    Scary times I think because we have too many testerone driven narcissists in vital positions of power in this area of conflict, Netti, Donald, Puttin, the Ayatollahs and worldly princes of the House of Saud, may God help us all! 


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  16. 51 minutes ago, deespicable me said:

    Hunt trained with the seconds as well. Would assume the only change may be Salem in for Hunt.

    Hmmm did Hunt train with the seconds? He was training with the ones and really berating himself for struggling with some one on one contested marking duels with Harmes/Melch/Neville. Later he was doing a drill with Stretch and a coach it seemed on body positioning to get a contested ball. This was after the firsts left. Not sure how to read it. He was really [censored] off with his efforts for the contested mark drills so he may have requested further advice from the coaches. Just an observation on my part. I got the impression we have a kid who really wants to be the best he can be and that is good news. 

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  17. 17 minutes ago, loges said:

    Jeffy's  form has been bad for a while, his last 4 games of last year were bad and he's had 1 good game this year. That's 1 good game in about the past 8.

    It’s a shame because Jeff has some leg speed, can kick accurately for goal from set shots and from impossible angles on the run, abilities we need more of. He brings some X factor. I think the way we have executed our game plan for much of this year has not helped his cause. He is a small and fast and plays best when he has some space to work his opponent over but this year he has usually had 30 other players in the forward line with him when the ball is coming in. The games against Geelong, Hawthorn and Richmond I cant remember us getting an intercept in the back half and unloading the ball into a near vacant forward 50, that scenario hasn’t happened for us much at all this season. 

  18. 7 hours ago, DemonLad5 said:

    Anyone there who can give updates regarding Viney and Salem? 


    Only saw the last 20 minutes of the firsts training. Salem was involved in various drills but still has a guard on his hand and was favouring the other hand when handling the ball but then I remember last year he had something wrong with one of his hands at training yet played that week. So maybe?

    Viney was training with the seconds who kept training after the firsts left. Looks ready to rock and roll. 

    didnt see Hogan or Lewis or the large stepladder that made a brief appearance last week! 

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  19. 2 hours ago, hemingway said:

    Apparently, Clarrie told the coaches that his team mates were soft tacklers and that only a man of steel could stop him. 

    The coaches looked around the group, shrugged their shoulders and decided that the only way to test Clarriés boast was to bring out the steel ladder.

    Good theory Ernest but I think the ladder was made of aluminium! 

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