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Earl Hood

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Posts posted by Earl Hood

  1. 12 minutes ago, Grapeviney said:

    It's Jewish land because the Jewish people originated there, thousands of years ago, and have maintained physical, cultural and religious ties to it ever since.

    And just to further clarify, I don't use the term 'Promised Land' for any religious reasons; I like the phrase, just as I do the Land of Milk and Honey.

    So if some Wurundjeri elders knock on your door tomorrow to say they want their land back, you will be saying fair cop mate, here’s the keys! 

    • Like 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, ProDee said:

    If they're simplistic you'd be able to.  You're not.  You're a dud.  You're an intellectual lightweight.  You know it and anyone reading this knows it.  It's embarrassing for you.  Set a challenge you can't refute a single argument, because you don't like who's stating the argument.  Is there anything weaker than that.  I'll mail you a white feather.

    Back to ignore, along with Balwyn's physically challenged son of one of Hitler's best. 

    White feathers now! What’s this 1918? 

    Pro I implored you to see your doctor ASAP last week but you obviously didn’t follow up and the medication has worn off and you are raving again or at least providing links to raving lunatics from non universities and other nutjob web sites. Are they the same sites that deny climate change? Again I suggest you to see your physician immediately! 

    • Like 2
  3. On 5/21/2018 at 9:02 PM, Deemented Are Go! said:

    No [censored]

    Interesting I know in our darkest hours  I was Pro [censored]! If I had been the head recruiting officer back then we would have Hurley over Watts, Dusty over Trenners, Darling over Cook! And we all agree on Wines and there are others. My mantra at the time was kids with talent but with a dose of aggro and we had the full selection of the best talented, mongrels available at that time. But we went for the nice kids, often with questionable talent.

    Once Roos showed up he used the phrase competitive nature I think as a major indicator for draft selection. I believe competitive and aggro are similar traits. Thus we started picking out Bugg, Tracca, Oliver, Harmes, Hogan, then Vince, Lewis etc. 

    And given the management at the time yes we would have stuffed up and lost the talented [censored], if we had drafted them. 

    Many of  your greatest talents were one degree away from disaster, what the unauthorised [censored] up, the late night disco club punch up when you should not be there, etc. Think Matthews, Duck, Darling, Brereton, Hamel, Dipper etc. common in the 70’s. 

    • Like 2
  4. 8 hours ago, nutbean said:

    Dieter  - just a couple of things about your statements that completely lack accuracy.

    No  - the Taliban was not "founded" by the US - if you are saying that they were initially funded and equipped - you would be right

    No - the US did not have a hand in setting up Al Queda - if you are saying that were initially funded and equipped  - you would right

    No - Israel did not "create" hamas  - it was tolerated in the early days as a foil to the PLO. In fact, as reported above, in the early days  Hamas was socially and politically active in helping the lot of the Palestinians. Those days are long gone with Hamas more interested in armaments and tunnels. 

    I do not condone the killing of anyone, anywhere but i do need to ask one question - It has been reported that 8 children have been slain in the current border clashes. Why exactly would children be at the border protests ?


     Nut gee you are splitting straws here, not founded versus initially funded and equiped??? Most people are comfortable with the facts that the US played a major role in the development of the Al Queda via support for the Mujahideen in the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan, which created an opening for the Taliban. My reading indicates the Israelis were initially happy to promote the creation of Hamas as a better alternative to the PLO. Hamas initially concentrated on developing health and education services for Palestinians but increasingly diverted funds and efforts into fighting the Isreali Government’s siege of Gaza. Why did they do this? Was it because they are mindless, aggressive terrorists or because they saw no future for their people due to the siege and the increasing co struction of illegal Isreali settlements on their lands, who knows? 

    • Like 1
  5. 55 minutes ago, titan_uranus said:

    Forgive us for not all being ex-AFL players. 

    Seriously this is one of the most infuriating things anyone can say on a football forum. 

    Bugg’s doing the right thing by playing well at Casey but he was woeful in the seniors this year and whilst he was in the right spot often enough, he too regularly either didn’t want the ball or turned it over. We are also “unsociable” enough without him. He won’t be getting a game for being “unsociable” alone, either.

    Sorry for that comment, didn’t know you would be so sensitive about it. But Bugg does get a lot of forward opportunities when he plays, think he got a few goals in an early game in the ones. Then he struggled like a few others like Garlett in our hopelessly congested forward setup in rounds 1 to 5. He still offers something I believe, although no automatic pick I agree, I prefer Jeffy for his X factor but he can go missing. 

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, Jaded said:

    Bugg is not a quality AFL player. 

    He is for the delist pile. 

    Well people who have not played at this level keep saying such I know. But he has a habit of being at the drop of the ball in the forward line. If he could kick straight he would be a weapon as he usually seems to get 4 or 5 shots at goal. He also adds a bit of unsociable football, but that needs to be managed I agree but he has defensive forward skills, so in my eyes he is a chance for a game this week, but what would I know. 

    • Like 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, stevethemanjordan said:

    Was considering.

    Well please attend no matter who the FD selects. They know best,  but yes there were some circumstances last season where they...... OH no need to go there! 

  8. 37 minutes ago, rjay said:

    As an AFL level player Garlett is streets ahead of Bugg though 'Diamond'....

    I know you are stirring the pot, but as we all know there is form and then there is form.

    A bit like Viney's form last week and on Sunday.

    You will be giving @ProDee nightmares suggesting Bugg come may back into the team.

    Interesting dilemma though rjay. I would like Jeffy in just because I believe we have fixed up our game plan issues, I think he would have had a field day against his old side yesterday and he has X factor, foot speed, goal kicking accuracy but how our game plan stands up against top sides is still to be demonstrated. 

    Alternatively the fact that we are No 1 for inside 50 entries by a huge margin may push you toward Bugg who seems to be a limited player but has one undoubted skill, he seems to know where the ball is going to land and pops up with a mark inside 50m. His set shot accuracy is still an issue but he does also bring aggro and defensive pressure. I love Jeffy but perhaps if there is a change it is Bugg in and Spargo rested? 

  9. 1 hour ago, Deemania since 56 said:

    More deliberate kicking across shorter distances, to a man finding space - the team triangulated a little, providing two flankers for every lead - and that was tremendously difficult for Carlton's youth to keep pace with - and it provided double the options we had to receive fwd set-ups. The backline pressed on, drew Carlton fwds out and also found space about the ground; their opponents also had difficulty keeping pace, manning up and winning the ball. 

    Yes our play in the second half, the running and hanballing, short kicks to a man in space, risk taking by spotting up someone in the corridor, etc is the first time it has looked like full ground drills I have watched at training this year. The bomb it long into a congested forward line didn’t happen that often and how many goals did we get over the back with players running into open goals? We have built up a lot of confidence to take the game on in the last 4 wins, let’s hope our attacking style holds up against the better sides who will intercept  more often and make us pay on the rebound. If our midfield remains healthy, hungry and inform we can match it with any team I believe. 

    • Like 3
  10. 2 minutes ago, Moonshadow said:

    [censored] me! There are some ugly inbreds in the royal family. Bunch of chinless wonders, really. Bet you they've got a propnsity to be born with a little tail.

    Earl, I hope you do us proud and streak in your birthday suit down the aisle. Throw in a cartwheel for us if you can

    Please Moons refrain from your vulgar colonial banter. It has been a previlege to meet the guests prior to the ceremony so far, George and David and Posh and Serena, who I must say has kept badgering me to provide advice on her backhand but really this is not the time. As I said earlier I will be backing guitar for Sir Elton in the after party. Busy day ahead. Keep a watch out for the demond scarf! 

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  11. On 5/17/2018 at 10:17 PM, Earl Hood said:

    Well DC let’s just say I have been approached about certain matters to do with the ceremony, me of course being well regarded in important circles, beyond reproach and of a respectable age, but let’s keep it at that for the moment lest the gutter press get hold of anything and do their damnest! 

    Happy to report that Charles and myself did the old rock, paper, scissors and Charles got the honour of escorting Meagan down the aisle. Disappointing perhaps but that has allowed me to be more relaxed for the preamble to the big event. So it is great to catch up with George C and David and Posh, however I can’t embibe too much shall we say, as I have been asked to play bass guitar backing up Sir Elton at the after party! Busy times. 

  12. Getting back to the original issue, the move of the US embassy to West Jerusalem and with all the propaganda machines working overtime I don’t know who to believe as to what happened on the ground, like who got shot and their background etc.

    I just ask if you are doing a cost benefit analysis of Trump’s decision on the embassy please point out to me the benefits. We know the costs so far, some 60 dead and hundreds injured, no matter if they are humans worth worrying about, as some query. 

    Forget that, please explain to me the benefits, given the poor images it shows of the 21st Century Israeli Defence Forces in lethal action against people throwing stones and the resultant condemnation of Israel by many European Nations, etc, etc. 

    I say this symbolic act is the equivalent of poking a stick at a caged animal. We do it just because we can. 

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  13. 5 minutes ago, hemingway said:

    Sorry Earl, I was thinking of another fictional character when I read your post. Apologies to you and Milo.  Just make sure you observe the Royal Protocols, no touching or hugging the Queen, excluding Elton and Meghan (because Americans hug). Just hope the cucumber sandwiches that you are supplying from China are suitable for the Royal tastebuds. 

    Milo Minderbinder you mean? Please this is the royal family we are all above that shall we say American behaviour. 

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