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Roger Mellie

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Everything posted by Roger Mellie

  1. I wonder if we'd lost the grand final, would we get 16 FTA, 10 Thursday/Friday night games and no twilight games like the Bulldogs? Lucky we're premiers so we can capitalise on all these twilight games! The marketing department must think all their Christmas's have come at once.
  2. I'm not fussed if sore players are 'managed.' Lever might be better off missing the long flight with his corky and Jordon was definitely hobbling all last quarter. I'm sure he'd be right for the game though if it's not a short turnaround.
  3. I think we should express interest just to mess with the Toigs
  4. Agree, his defensive efforts and 1 %ers were huge and still took the game on. 6 Gawn 5 Petracca 4 Clarrie 3 Viney 2 May 1 Hunt Stiff: Brayshaw, Bowey, Bedford
  5. Really? I would've thought any team would trample over Tim English to get Jackson.
  6. Agree! At the start of the game, with all the lethargy, I thought half the team looked like they had Covid or the flu (much to my horror). There wasn't a whole lot of pressure in the midfield, but they seemed to get rolling later in the quarter (phew) I'll take that win any day.
  7. Toby 'The Crumb' Bedford Great game young fella!
  8. Listened to the podcast. As supporters, we really only got the club's side of the story at the time. It sounds like Neale was caught in the middle on this one, and it doesn't cover the club (board) in glory. It's sad it took so long to heal the rift, but I,m glad he's back on board. It's worth a listen before shooting your mouth off about how greedy you think he was. Taj was a Dee from the get go and it's his dream come to true to be drafted by us.
  9. The way we play now, reminds me of playing the Hawks over the years. I remember getting excited in the few games that were relatively close. 'We're a chance here,' I'd think, only to watch the Hawks temporarily shift out of second gear to take the game out of our reach. I hope we smash them!
  10. This is Gawn's go to kick out of the ruck contest. I suspect it's more natural than deliberate.
  11. I guess Dunstan is pencilled in to go up a couple of gears. No doubt he will replicate his game versus the Tiges last year. Might have to postpone the bowling, but in the meantime I'll work on my bowling shirt collection.
  12. I remember years ago scratching my head, wondering what on earth was remotely funny about 'Jeelong.' I put the question out there and SWYL kindly responded that the genius cheer squad spelt Geelong that way on the banner for a game. Pretty bloody funny
  13. Unless Dunstan can go up at least two gears, he can continue to plod around at Casey. Gus needs to stay in defence for now, so I think it's Sparrow, Harmes and JJ to get extra minutes in the middle. Pickett might have a few more there cameos too. I really cant see TMac going back nor three tall forwards, so I'm expecting one of them or Jackson to be a late out.
  14. We do if one of them needs a fitness test leading into the game
  15. A late withdrawal of one of Weid, TMac, Brown or possibly Jackson isn't beyond the realms of possibility
  16. Agree! Even though Freo really haven't beaten a decent side, I think they're a solid finals contender. The game against the Blues will be telling. They certainly need more punch in the forward line. I can't remember if they bagged a decent forward with thier boon draft picks. One thing I do remember is they got the fitness guy who spent a year here under Burgess. I'm sure that'll serve them very well. I think they might struggle if Darcy is injured for any length of time.
  17. Yep, not a fan of the above. I loved this one (2016): and Nev's 2020 design:
  18. 6 Gawn 5 May 4 Oliver 3 Petracca 2 Spargo 1 Viney Stiff: Pickett, Harmes, Fritsch, Rivers etc etc
  19. Yes, Sunday 4:30pm is the least preferred and least supported timeslot. IMO, Saturday comes in second. This should be reflected in the crowd numbers and the lack of tangible marketing/exposure value. I'll watch the game at the annoying time because it's Melbourne or record it. The worst timeslot of all is the 4:30pm Good Friday game. I think it's a great opportunity for North that's straight down the toilet because of the time. What a waste.
  20. I agree with you but find it curious the number of AFL players whom have re-signed in spite of this (and I'm excluding the fringe players)
  21. FWIW, my theory is that Freo's more a bargaining chip for Gus. He's very keen to stay but there'd be a bit of a gap between the two parties. I think the club (list managers) budgeted for more of a role player price than a gun. While we can factor in extra for his leadership and being a highly valued clubman, his 2021 defensive wing role was more solid than spectacular until the GF. Brayshaw's now gone and taken it up another notch with his form in the men's department. I think the club has some shuffling to do to find some more cash while trying to accommodate Oliver and Jackson etc.
  22. Round 11 - Graveyard shift at Marvel v North. To be expected as it's a nothing game in terms of ratings. At least the there's no schlepping to Tassie again. Round 12 - Game of the round - Melb v Freo! Graveyard shift again! Codswallop. AFL can GAGF
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