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Roger Mellie

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Everything posted by Roger Mellie

  1. I agree but how someone like The Ox or Daniel Ward would have dealt with our current level of ad bombardment beggars belief. If you were a gambling addict today (there are plenty in that minority) it would be impossible to watch/enjoy a game of footy.
  2. I wasn't directing outrage at betting organisations nor am I averse to a punt. My beef is with the saturation of all things sporting with gambling ads/odds quarter time, half time etc etc and the reliance of the AFL, SEN etc on the income of betting agencies. It puts them in a compromising position. Ciggies are a good comparison. Tobacco Co's certainly have the marketing budget and could easily (and would be desperate to) replace the betting agency ads in terms of media saturation but they can't for a good reason. What's the difference between kids watching gasper ads versus gambling ads? I also agree with you that for most people it's a bit of fun or makes it interesting, but the level of advertising is ridiculous and there are too many people that 'take it to the next level' (pardon the pun). I'm quite surprised by the amount they get away with in advertising.
  3. I think the AFL will go hard after Pell and give him a lifetime ban even if he doesn't get jail time. They'll want to be seen as taking a strong stand so there will be lots of outrage. They'll also be miffed because they can't control the judicial process. But, they and media entities enjoying the support of betting agencies wont look at the toxicity of their relationship - nothing to see there! That'll be left to media outlets that don't depend on gambling ads for revenue.
  4. I listened to a little of that and got the impression Jefferson wasn't coming as he was unlikely to be in the first dozen selected (the criteria for an invite as guessed by the AFL). Further Twomey pretty much confirmed no one had any idea what we were doing with pick 14 and many just presumed we'd go for a tall forward because Jackson left.
  5. I've also read that the draft won't go much past the 40's if that. If it goes to say 46, what on earth is the point? I assume it'll just fizzle into picking up NGA players that aren't drafted as a Cat B rookie and clubs will scrap their programs.
  6. Yes, hard to have Adelaide and magic in the same sentence. Tragic works though.
  7. Here's a (conspiracy) theory for you. The government committed to the Women's World Cup redevelopment, where we would be the long term beneficiary after the Cup with the construction of facilities in Car Park E or F or whatever the vague scenario was. The government then reneged or backed out of the deal with some excuse - election, funding issues, covid, will look at it next year etc. We're left with nothing and can't make a song and dance about it as we inevitably have to grovel to them again. I agree with Old Dee - there just aren't votes in funding a home for the MFC when you look at the ridiculous amount of money thrown at other clubs.
  8. Another Big Footy phantom draft. This dude has all the top WA prospects miraculously landing at West Coast, which is coincidentally, the team he supports: https://www.bigfooty.com/forum/threads/getgaff-2022-phantom-draft.1337694/ Some of his other detail is OK though
  9. Great contest, great game. These girls can go all the way, but they need to start well. I hope Eliza West pulls up ok. She's so important to our structure. Go you good things!
  10. Yes. Pig has a daughter and Melksham has 2 or 3 kids (not sure what)
  11. Most of them wouldn't get through the censor - Terry and Cockney etc. Maybe Biffa Bacon could be next on the menu? Probably best left in the 80's. PS. Billy the Fish sucked
  12. Friends of mine in Geelong inform me his siblings have shockers too!
  13. Roger Mellie is inspired by 'Roger Mellie the Man on the Telly' a character from Viz magazine. 30 years ago I thought it (the magazine more so than the RM character) was pretty funny, not so much now. I probably should change my name, but I wouldn't want other posters to lose sleep over where Roger went.
  14. Personally, I would like Josh Schacke to turn into Tom Lynch (of the Toig variety). If that was the case and JVR stuck around, our forward line future looks a lot brighter. Failing that, I'd like Tom Sparrow to put his stamp on the game. I realise it's hard to barge into the middle when you've got Clarry, Trac and Viney in there, but I'd like to see him start making more of an impact (acknowledging he does do an important support role).
  15. I don't have many issues with the changes to the constitution, but this was one. I agree two nominations is nothing, but I suspect if you're a club endorsed candidate, those twenty nominations will be organised for you by the club.
  16. This has been unashamedly pilfered from 'Johnny Karate' from Big Footy, with thanks: We have clearly been the most innovative club in the past 30 years… Ian Ridley wanted us to merge with Hawthorn which really united the club. Joseph Gutnick made us play an extraordinary amount of marquee Sunday games to fit in with the Sabbath. This was a real commercial boon for the club. Gabriel Szondy and the KPMG crew took over with the innovative fiscal responsibility route where we somehow ended up millions in debt. The Paul Gardner board attempted to solve this by attracting Chinese investment and surreptitiously dumping our Demon logo. They also made the erudite decision to offer Chris Connolly the footy manager role as a consolation prize for missing out on the head coaching gig. Jim Stynes’ board hired Cameron Schwab. Wiped the debt and then got it back. Were somehow so devoid of talent that a man who was recovering from brain surgery was deemed the only person able to step in as Football Director. Hired Mark Neeld and extended Schwab’s contract after we were belted by 186 points. Glen Bartlett stated we would be bigger than the New York Yankees. Froze out Peter Jackson from choosing his own successor. White anted his own coach, was fired from his own board and has been feeding Mick Warner talking points ever since. Kate Roffey still hasn’t settled the home base issue, despite her State Government contacts. Has appeared in the media a billion times claiming credit for the premiership. Now her board wants to change the club constitution to further entrench their positions.
  17. Lol, there's a podcast on the AFL site asking whether Lyon will bring in his mate SOS to help out. I didn't listen but here it is: https://www.afl.com.au/news/859325/listen-will-ross-send-out-an-sos-in-saints-overhaul- That would be hilarious. SOS could bring the Carlton rejects over to the Saints - Dow, Stocker, Setterfield. Brilliant!
  18. You're too kind Doc! At great risk of dying of boredom, I did just that. But first, some amusing observation/asides: 1) At Collingwood you can still serve as a director after having served a prison sentence (must have run out of law abiding options) 2) St Kilda either doesn't have a constitution or didn't provide it. 3) Bulldogs refer to clauses in the constitution that aren't there - lol 4) Not sure how Jeff Kennet is still President under their constitution For some info relevant to the MFC, I scanned the constitutions of Victorian clubs only - it's just too dull to go through the rest. I can offer the following observations, which must be qualified by the fact that I just scanned the dreary documents, so may have missed stuff: 1) Vic clubs require nomination of candidates by 2 or 3 members 2) 2 (North and Geelong) of the Vic clubs require candidates to supply a profile with a word limit for their election campaign. For others, there is no reference. 3) Collingwood is the only other club yet to make provision for electronic media. Their constitution is the next oldest to ours. 4) Some clubs expressly forbid direct marketing by candidates, most don't mention it. 5) The presidential term varies widely amongst clubs so I haven't detailed it. If one day, I'm forced to choose between re-watching the Dees lose a game by 100 points or comparing presidential terms between clubs, i might just look into it more closely, but again, it's that dull. Having now looked at them all, my opinion (only) is they need to ditch the increase in the number of members needed for nomination and need to fairly disseminate information/profiles of ALL election candidates to members. This should be reasonably cost effective with electronic media. One club (can't remember which) has provision for members to request ballots and voter information by mail if they don't have internet. I haven't gone into all the proposed changes but to me, there's an element of self preservation over procedural fairness in some of them. For the record, I don't know any of the current board members or Peter Lawrence. Please excuse me while I regain my sanity.
  19. With the changes to the constitution, amongst other things, such as strong corporate governance and evolution with the times, I'm looking for an all encompassing sense of fairness. I'm just not seeing this in all the proposed changes. I think it's thoroughly reasonable for members to scrutinise the club's proposal. I wouldn't mind comparing other club's constitutions to see where we sit in the scheme of things too.
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