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Ted Lasso

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Everything posted by Ted Lasso

  1. Even still, it makes you question if this is really the job for Neeld, maybe we need someone who has seen it all before.
  2. We should be able to at least compete with those sides, more importantly the way we are playing the players will have even less confidence after the next four weeks, i think we need to take the chance a change would spark something, if it doesn't we are no worse off, i don't see how Neeld could last out the year anyway.
  3. If that clown is still coaching us at the end of the year, we will need to fold. surely you can't be happy with what's being dished up? it's a terrible performance followed by him trying to justify it by saying we're a young side, well so are gold coast, who have three wins this year, two against non expansion teams.
  4. The presser is disgusting, end of story. all faith in Neeld is gone.
  5. At this point it's about improvement, i can cope with losing as long as we see it every week, right now we are terrible, we creep back up to something like the minimum performance we should be dishing out then we slip back to terrible again. we are going nowhere under Neeld, we are going to have a player walk out and rightly so, he surely can't survive this week. we lost to gold coast by 10 goals at the MCG for god sake! a gold coast without Hunt, risca, dixon, warnock, bock.. what a disgrace.
  6. The sort of comment made by a dead man walking, if he can't stand up and take responsibility for the side he is the coach of putting out a terrible performance, how can he be the leader we need to guide us out of this hole? Someone for gods sake show him the door.
  7. For the board to back Neeld in after this would be to turn it's back on the clubs supporters, we are all sick of this crap, we should have beaten gold coast, the club, players, coaches are divided and lack any sort of leadership, we are in worse shape than when Bailey was sacked in my opinion. and Neeld will sit there and preach the same excuses in the presser. I won't go to another game as long as Neeld is there, we as supporters deserve better.
  8. Ultimately they're the ones who can do something about that, being lazy and sooky makes them half the problem.
  9. Just sack him already.. we lost to gold coast by 10 goals! he shouldn't have even made the presser.
  10. Neeld puts more effort into trying to talk his way out of poor performances than the team puts in on the field. cya later mate.
  11. can we just fast forward? whatever confidence our players have is going to be destroyed
  12. Surely Neeld isn't going to get through this?
  13. Absolutely, we should have not only won this game, but won it by at least 5 goals, todays result is nothing short of disgusting! if Neeld makes it to Wednesday i'll be shocked.
  14. I see what you are saying, but we can't just accept performances like that either, the players claim to be united but nothing on the field reflects that. I think Mark Neeld needs to go, just to show the players that it won't be accepted.
  15. He might be a great assistant coach, but we are in a hole, we need the best coach we can possibly get.
  16. 6.Viney 5.Sylvia 4.howe 3.gawn 2.m jones 1. n jones
  17. I'm sorry but i don't think Neeld has a leg to stand on with this issue, the morale and confidence of the players is shot, they don't look capable of playing as a team on the most part and they just got beaten by ten goals by a team that we should have beaten comfortably, he's not just going to be able to sweep this under the rug.
  18. "Melbourne appeared at times to have lost the will to fight and the capacity to play as a team. It let the opposition do as it wished." just about says it all.
  19. Neelds gone, they can't justify this as part of our development, we are embarrassing
  20. what are Neelds chances of making it through the next two days?
  21. How do we hope to keep blokes like hogan when our whole club is a mess?
  22. It's on a par for me, because we should have won this easily.
  23. Do we have five players out there who have dished up acceptable performances?
  24. Jack Viney is quite literally the only positive i can take out of today :/ might be coached by his dad next week.
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