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Everything posted by Diamond_Jim

  1. two of his marks were from kicks that fell short.... i got the impression it was luck rather than good judgement from the TV. Would love him to take a game apart.
  2. I like that..... I can remember pinching my brother's suit... if we both wanted to go out to the dance together ..there was trouble Yes to you younger ones.. you had to wear a suit to get into the Crock and the Berg !!
  3. Early days admittedly but looking like a regulation win to the Crows. Crows v Swans might be interesting next week
  4. You are so right. The AFL thought that the draft picks would be traded for players and that is what Gold Coast did and thus the GC early picks were spread around. GWS instead used a combination of exercising the picks and trading their picks for future picks. Their NQR players such as Tyson they then traded on for even more picks. Finally as their youngsters got into their third and fourth seasons they topped up with a few veterans of quality (NB none in the super star category). I think the average AFL supporter will put up with one GWS premiership but if they dominate watch the big boys cry. Of course all of the post VFL clubs have won one or more flags (except for Freo who has got close and Gold Coast) but in most cases we could accept it because to some degree those clubs had put in the hard yards. Not so with GWS. The article also talks about the fact that they have almost an extra $2million a year in salary cap concessions until 2019 !!
  5. It is worth remembering that in 2015 draft (four years after their debut) GWS still had three picks in the top 18 (the first round). Only one of them (Jacob Hopper) played today. To make it worse here is an article from a few years back which reports they entered their second year with 25 first round draft picks on their team. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/rivals-tip-juggernaut-as-greater-western-sydney-amasses-top-draft-picks/story-fnejogoj-1226492961889 And of course as a result of the Treloar trade they now have a pick in this years draft at pick 7 along with their own. I am sure someone will do the math but I can count 30 first round picks without even trying !!!!
  6. As an aside do you remember the game at the MCG against GWS where they had the rent a cheer squad of the five or six people dressed as orange bananas. It was hilarious until we got thrashed by them that day giving the GWS their first win at the MCG and the bananas lots to cheer about.
  7. Just thought I might bump this up. Frankly I did not give them much chance this year but after the way they put the Swans away (31 scoring shots to 20 so it should have been worse than the 36 point thrashing) who knows
  8. Could be the first interstate final where the home crowd is outnumbered by the interstate visitors. I'm sure the doggies supporters would travel up.... perhaps less sure about the Hawthorn supporters
  9. In the context of three years the irony is that they can stay around on lower salaries , rack up a premiership medal and then still have 3-5 years at another club on top dollar. Or GWS can do another Treloar... trade one or two for another pick in the top 5.
  10. And to think.... GWS will improve over the next 3-5 years !!
  11. Sydney V GWS Hard to see this game with the stadium half in sun and shade. When in the sun the colours are hard to pick ..... the AFL need to have a think about their product !!
  12. Only saw Tom Mc Namara after I posted the link. At pick 66 I am prepared to forgive the selectors for that one ! Tom McNamara (born 29 April 1990) is an Australian rules footballer who played in the Australian Football League (AFL). Taken at pick number 66 by the Melbourne Demons in the 2007 AFL National Draft, McNamara plays as a tall defender. He was recruited from South Adelaide, and was an AIS/AFL Academy graduate. He was the youngest player selected in the draft.[1] McNamara made his debut in 2009 and played three games for the season, but at the end of the following season, having failed to play a game in 2010, McNamara was delisted by Melbourne. He was, however, subsequently redrafted by the Demons in the Rookie Draft, only months later.[2] McNamara played only one senior match in 2011 and was again delisted at season's end. Just had a look at 2008.... at least with Watts at 1 and Jetta at 51, we got two out of 5 which is probably a pass in the world of drafting. Not sure what mark I would give 2009..... Scully, Trengrove etc but it does have Gawn at 34 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_AFL_draft#2009_national_draft
  13. I get a bit tired of listening to Bruce rabbit on about "Cyril" but it got me googling his draft year of 2007. A rather good year by the look of things except for one stand out failure pick at 4. Is it any wonder we do not have a decent collection of senior players. Cale Morton, Jack Grimes and Adam Marric, Kyle Cheney and Tom Mc Namara were our picks. Not even one out of four were a success. Thank the stars that we now seem to be doing better but it shows the baggage we carry. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007_AFL_draft
  14. Hate to sound like a broken record but to all those who excused our last two games on the basis that we were young or tired.... have a look at what a "TEAM" can do. They had every right after their incredibly bad run with injuries and then ending up with the almost impossible finals assignment to say... we are too young and too tired but they played to their strengths and won easily. Yes ... I am very jealous !!!
  15. Have you noticed how many times the Eagles players have stopped and propped (gone sideways etc) as they try to stream forward. You have to have players forward streaming into space. The Dogs are a faster side. A good marking side will beat them as will a precise disposal team (eg Hawthorn) but it osn't going well for the Eagles tonight, Interesting second half coming up.
  16. You are of course right Redleg but it's fun to think about it. The deal will not just be about money... it will be length of offer.... there might be some leverage there for a club willing to take a risk. By the way.... how do these offers that also include an offer as an assistant coach after retirement work with the salary cap. Seem to be hearing a few of those around this year or am I just imagining it.
  17. Point taken but who do you give up. Harmes (wouldn't get it.) Stretch (maybe but it would gut the supporters given the father ...son)... Watts (perhaps but ditto what I said about Stretch) After that it gets even harder.... Tyson perhaps but would that be a net gain.
  18. Good points Fifty-5 but the attraction of Wells is that as a free agent we do not have to trade. If you want Hartlett someone has to go. Let's face it.... other than our few good senior players and the gun youngsters (any of which we would be mad to trade).... we do not have anyone that would excite a trade (no first round pick either,)
  19. This is where we need to be smart. Two or three year deal with a big part of it front loaded. This leaves money next year for the Hogan deal and presumably we have some savings in the short term from the departure of Dawes and Grimes. (Of course some of that may have already been spent on T McDonald and Watts.) The riskiest part is the third year of the deal but hopefully that is the sweetener that gets the deal across the line with Wells and of course without risk... you know how it goes. Hell we have a dominant ruckman.... we need absolute class in the mid field and this guy has it.
  20. Not sure if I wanted to hear that. I remember watching Armstrong play a final for the Weagles. His job was to run with the fabulous midfield take a handball and give it off again. He has a premiership medallion which he would never have seen at Melbourne. Good on him !
  21. so we took Armstrong instead of Dal Santo Boy that reminded me of the lows after the relative highs of 2000 (GF excepted) The lesson really is about how hard it is to get to the top and how much harder it is to stay there. One has to respect Hawthorn and Geelong not to mention Sydney for their recent dominance. Meanwhile we can only dream of moving beyond mediocrity.
  22. Damian Barret and Matthew Lloyd discussing our season The most disappointing thing is that both of them see us as stagnating next year and finishing around 10 wins. I know many on this forum will lambast these commentators but it shows how we are realistically perceived in the media. Consistent wins against bottom 8 teams will do a lot to put us up there. http://www.afl.com.au/video/2016-09-06/time-to-put-up-or-shut-up-demons
  23. The EFC players are still within the cocoon of the club and the AFL. Later in life as these factors recede into the background and they think about their personal legacy the bitterness will grow, To some extent it would have been good for them to go to other clubs and express their disappointment (even anger) with the EFC but that is not to be the case. Many lessons to be learnt but it may take many years for it to sink in. The next "lesson" will be the removal of Jobe Watson's Brownlow. No doubt there will be an outpouring of sympathy but perhaps in time it will be regarded in the same way as we now look at the Olympic medalists who are being stripped of their medals.
  24. I think there is a role for a good full forward in today's football but that role is diminshing as it is replaced by the quick runner to space. In a way the hit up chf is becoming more important as the link player. Very happy to keep Hogan but if it's at a price or in a manner that disrupts the club I am also happy to see the right trade made.
  25. I would be interested to see how 7 a side works out. One of the problems with AFL when compared to soccer is the numbers required to make the game work and the size of the ground. At it's simplest soccer can be a game in the park played by around 8 people in total with a few backpacks marking the goals. In comparison AFL with that number is just kick to kick
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