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Everything posted by Sydee

  1. Daw announces retirement from AFL (melbournefc.com.au) I guess not unexpected wish him all the best after footy
  2. Freo did a job on us in the second half at the MCG or have we already forgotten that ?
  3. Harmes is consistently underrated by many on this site His job last night was to nullify one of the best mids in the comp (Neale) and he did that very very well whilst also picking up 2 goals and only 6 less possessions than his opponent - great game I have no doubt Yze would be over the moon with how he went
  4. I think he definitely improved as the game went on but I honestly thought May was not having a great night particularly early
  5. Totally agree with this - set the standard for others to follow and didn’t let up for one moment - incredible and inspiring
  6. Interested in your thoughts on the game overall My take - we needed to move the ball faster and be more daring on transition ✔️ - we needed to up our pressure all over the ground ✔️ - we needed to get more efficient moving the ball into F50 ✔️( much better but still wasteful at times) Overall I thought Viney was completely unstoppable - Actually Petracca like from the GF. Lever back to best, LJ very good etc But I’m interested in your assessment of the Lions 🦁 particularly comments on them looking exhausted because the second half of the same fixture last year I saw them same scenario unfold in Sydney Were they what we were against Freo ? Either way I think our performance was as good as anyone has played this season but can we really take much away from whether the Lions are a genuine threat ?
  7. Because we have no marking target coming out of D50
  8. Really ? so if he said tomorrow he wants out it doesn't change the dynamic - I think it has to - how much who knows
  9. Interesting timing re English I'm wondering at what stage does LJ's non-commitment to a MFC future start to impact on the attitude of his teammates?
  10. Yes they did and interestingly I think they held leads in the first half of each then lost second halves - sounds a bit familiar Irrespective our team needs to make a statement tonight we have an incredibly tough draw and must finish top 4 to be a genuine chance of a Cup
  11. I was lucky enough to see that game live - for me it was really the start of believing we were the real deal Up to half time they had us covered easily - second half we simply ran harder and moved the ball quickly. Zac Bailey was very handy for them with 4 goals so him out is a positive - flip side we got 3 or 4 I think from TMac who is missing :( If we don't lift our intensity significantly and get more efficient with ball in hand we can't win tonight - hopefully tonight things change and they can get the season back on track
  12. How does this compare with last year ? Seems like a very predictable and easy to defend strategy particularly with Max missing and BB not really clunking them atm Brisbane will have a significant height advantage Thursday if we continue to bomb long and go down the line I can't see how we win the game
  13. Yes they do - we have been well beaten in the air recently and this looms as a real problem Thursday as the weather looks dry
  14. Apparently Zorko to Miss Top of the Table Clash (lions.com.au)
  15. Luke is a young man who irrespective of where he decides to play will earn extremely good money. If he fulfills his potential this will exceed what many people could hope to earn in a lifetime. If his decision is motivated purely by financials then a key for Luke is to surround himself with savvy investors/entrepreneurs that can help him optimize his next 10 years earnings. Some poor decisions can destroy the money he earns very very quickly - some smart decisions can have it multiplied many times over. I'd like to think that we are smart enough as a club to give Luke (and for that matter all our players) the support to optimize their earning capacity. Bottom line - anyone who looks at the financial side of this decision purely on contract value is doing so on a pretty superficial level IMO Until I hear he is leaving I remain confident he will stay, get paid well, help build a new grand old flag and be guided by some savvy MFC supporters to help set him up for life after football
  16. Really - I’ve watched quite a bit of Casey this year I don’t think his problem is not doing much with his possessions it’s more about getting more of it, building fitness and getting to more contests He is very skilled and has an excellent football brain - he reminds me a lot of Spargo. I’m a little surprised we drafted two players that are so similar and not sure how they both fit in the same team. Spargo has him covered atm with defensive pressure
  17. On Weid he may be being more positive because he’s simply running out of tall options to play F50 - they’re either all out of form or injured Sam really just has to find a way to become a more physical presence in the game - I’m sure his skills are fine and looks the goods at training but once he crosses that white line we need to see a Demon - I’d get him to watch the way Neita attacked the ball as a forward as inspiration
  18. After 60 pages of nothing but speculation - reminds me of sitting in the backyard watching the grass grow
  19. HMMM yes most recently last week - I sat through the same fixture at the SCG last year and thought there's no way that can happen again - alas I was wrong - very wrong 😬
  20. Unfortunately my punting has not been kind to me recently and I find myself with virtually a zero balance - this coupled with a fierce determination to not make another deposit will see me refrain - but good luck 😀
  21. Fair assessment - I struggle to see us kicking a big enough score to win based on exposed form in the last 3 weeks - their forward line is pretty capable and hard to shut down - ours is almost completely dysfunctional atm - personally I'd like to see us mix things up a bit and try Trac forward and Gus on the ball - if we go into the game with the predictable BB at FF and Weid at CHF its hard to see us creating a winning score IMO
  22. Are you backing us at those odds ?
  23. Are we still happy where it sits? Seems like things are going nowhere Time to p!zz or get off the pot soon
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