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Robot Devil

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Everything posted by Robot Devil

  1. So how conflicted will some people on here be if Jesse Hogan smiles on the field whilst we are losing?
  2. I believe Josh Mahoney said in the press conference announcing that Mitch Clark had retired that he would remain on the list for this year.
  3. Like they way he marks the ball. As soon as it's in the mitts he snatches it down to prevent the defender punching it out.
  4. On the upside: Lynden Dunn continues to impress with his efforts. Chris Dawes works hard up and down the ground. Some sparks in JKH and Salem.
  5. I was wondering why the Swans midfield were wearing green. Very odd. Swans disposal was shocking (throws, tipping the ball out, scooping it to teammates, outright dropping the ball) but they were never penalized. And as for holding the ball... how do I get a seat near the umpires race?
  6. PS. Is it Umpire Appreciation Round yet? I *really* need to appreciate them.
  7. I'm guessing I should have brought a pocket full of Matchbox cars to lob at Buddy.
  8. The article says "If you make a spoil, you can't be happy with yourself and think the play's over because he's like a 160cm midfielder." This is good news because both T-Mac and myself both tower over Buddy.
  9. Far out. I was there too. Great show. NIN were awesome.
  10. If you embarrass easily then you probably have a tough time as a Melbourne supporter anyway. Keep fighting champ, you will control all the discussion on this forum one day. Right after you win the International Cat Herding Championships.
  11. Does Ben Hur know you're doing his shtick?
  12. Phew.... I was worried we'd never know how you felt about this thread. Crisis averted.
  13. Hopefully it's HD footage of Trengove applying said foot to Barrett's behind at high speed.
  14. All fair enough. I always thought that Groundhog Day post captured the mood quite well.
  15. Which brings me back to a thought I had earlier this week. We generally accept the statistics presented on the web and in the paper etc to be a true account of what happened. But who is to say that some stats (if not many) are not mistakenly attributed or missed completely by the statisticians. I'm sure it's not a huge margin of error but this Viney example may be one of many.
  16. Viney coathangered and gets a free kick?? Outrageous!
  17. I'm tipping we'll learn a bit about Paul Roos this quarter.
  18. Heebie and Jeebie. Fearless Fly. Good memories there.
  19. I've decided that Basil Zempilas is the Play-Dough Bruce Mcaveney. It's like they synthesised him in a lab, got the proportions slightly wrong and injected him with a near lethal dose of smarminess.
  20. You'll suffer 'till the end of time, enduring tortures; most of which rhyme Trapped forever here in Robot Hell!
  21. I died on the table right? You can tell me.
  22. We might be on the back page of the HUN tomorrow unless Mick abuses a journo in his press conference.
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