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Robot Devil

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Everything posted by Robot Devil

  1. Would Roos have been at the MCG for Foxtel commitments anyway?
  2. Hopefully Roos will teach the team to actually shut down the opposition rather than the half arsed defence we roll with now.
  3. Would love to have been a fly on the wall at that meeting.
  4. Is the hot water service in the change rooms on the blink?http://basham.com.au/insidesauce.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/kevin-sheedy01.jpg
  5. C'mon MFC.... make this happen.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxdmw4tJJ1Y
  6. Yep, spot on monoccular. AFL spin will prevail most likely.
  7. Sorry mate. Billy2803 has kindly informed us that no one cares, not even the media. So we'll probably never know what happens. You're probably just delusional.
  8. And yet you keep coming back... Everyone here is speculating, but you think you're in a position to call people delusional? We get a mention in the paper regularly even if its not directly our controversy or story. If I'm delusional then you're just plain ignorant.
  9. Well, at least I now have confirmation that your opinion is worthless. That's a real time saver.
  10. Yes, I do. Yes, it will. No, we are not. We sell a lot of papers and the general public would be interested in our current status. You write a lot but it is as speculative as anything written here. Good luck with your thesis.
  11. I'll renew when the letter arrives. Supporting MFC is the only hobby I genuinely invest in.
  12. Whilst "Rock you like a Hurricane" by The Scorpions plays at an obscene volume. Awesome.
  13. Yeah, but they will be hunted from pillar to post on the interchange rule all next year.
  14. Depends on what was injected, but as we know all too well, it's not a good look.
  15. I'm not sure that a free kick and 50 metre penalty is a wise choice for any rotation over the cap. It is going to be another thing for the interchange steward to flap up. Surely merely stopping any further rotations once the cap is reached is the logical answer? In the event of an injury forcing a rotation then you could apply a penalty or an exception as warranted.
  16. I recall Dunn being mentioned on the "730 Report" in the context that other players had reported good results and he wanted to get on board. There were several other players (other than Trengove) mentioned in that conversation that I cannot recall.Link to 730 report- http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2013/s3740340.htm?
  17. Hird can now spend 12 months somewhere sunny working on a natural tan.
  18. And can someone fix the thread title... it's hurting my eyeballs.
  19. Most likely punishment involves Mark Neeld being reinstated as coach of MFC. A punishment for all involved.
  20. I can imagine that the AFL will force us to announce our new coach to draw attention away from the currently unfolding disaster at Essendon and get it off the back page. (Probably still be on the front page though)
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