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Everything posted by jane02

  1. Oh I am so sad to hear that. What a bag of mixed emotions Dr Harris must be carrying. His father would have died a proud man.
  2. Truly a miracle. The entire rescue team and volunteers are heroes. Special mention to Dr Richard Harris - the Australian doctor and diving expert with over 30 years of experience who helped to co-ordinate the Thai cave rescue. He was apparently the last person to leave the caves after the final group of soccer boys and their coach were rescued. He has been described as 'The best, not good - the very best'. I am so glad your wife was right Ding.
  3. I have been transfixed by this story since the beginning. I am an experienced diver but cannot imagine negotiating such a complicated cave system as this. I hope your wife is right Ding. It sounds as though they have the right experts in place and have thought the options through thoroughly. The rescue team are heroes. I hope Mother Nature holds off those heavy rains and the boys, their coach and the rescue team all get out safely.
  4. Can't stand his ugly mug. Very, very arrogant.
  5. 6. Oliver 5. Salem 4. Brayshaw 3. Gawn 2. Viney 1. Petracca
  6. Sums up exactly how I feel.
  7. It breaks my heart to see them in a coaching capacity with other clubs.
  8. Since the QB game, I have had this sinking feeling that the season is over for us. Its really sad - I hope we can turn thing around but I just cannot see it happening.
  9. 6. Gawn 5. Fritsch 4. Harmes 3. Viney 2. Hibberd 1. Salem
  10. There are no words..... I’m totally shattered.
  11. They have had so many free kicks plus two dubious 50 metre penalty’s resulting in goals. im a fair person but this umpiring is terrible. I feel like going home - they are ruining the game for the spectators.
  12. I’m at the game and I’m totally appalled by the umpiring.
  13. Hope she has a great day. I’m rugged up sitting on my Dees blanket to keep the backside warm! Go Dees❤️?
  14. Gorgeous day here at the G. Go Dees. Dees win by 28 points.
  15. Ive been told by one of our players partners that quite a few of his former Dees team mates will be at the game supporting Jack. Nice touch by the boys. Shows how respected Jack was at our club.
  16. Agree with all of the above. Also take along a blanket for your mum to sit on. My backside always gets so cold on those seats. Despite my mum being a Dees supporter all of her life she only got to see her first game a year before she passed away. Hope your mum has a great day.
  17. Word from my contact is that Tom Mc did not pull up very well from the bump on Friday night and was not looking or feeling too flash on Saturday night. His/her opinion was not to lock him in as a definite for this weekend at this stage. I am hoping the extra couple of days may help.
  18. 6. Jetta 5. Viney 4.Brayshaw 3. Gawn 2. Tom Mc 1. Oliver
  19. I still haven’t forgiven my husband for putting the replay on the minute we got home from the QB match - and thinking I would be OK about it. ???
  20. I can’t believe I was supporting the Blues. God I hate Collingwood. My husband and his stupid family are getting so far ahead of themselves - it’s almost unbearable. Think I will book myself into a yoga retreat every weekend until the season is over.
  21. Wish I was a drinker. I’m away at a yoga retreat and I’m not supposed to use my phone. ?. Think I will go and have another green tea and meditate positive thoughts towards this game. Might duck out later and have a sneaky look at my phone. Go Dees ❤️?
  22. I just cannot tip against our team either. Probably explains why I have never done very well in the competition over the years.
  23. I’m loving these great interviews. Well done. I can’t wait to tune in. They were both past favourites of mine ❤️?
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