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Wells 11

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Everything posted by Wells 11

  1. It's going to get worse still before it gets better. Theres every chance we'll lose to GWS and or GC this season. So I guess we better buckle up and not hit the panic button. Neeld and Craig and whoever else is having game plan input just cant be as bad as they look right now. Sometimes I trust them saying " we have a direction" and sometimes, after watching the way we play... I dont. But I have to admit that having appointed Neeld there isnt any choice but to trust the direction he wants it to go...at least for the next 2 years. Im with you Nascent....Im a dee for life. No matter what . Success starved and sick of being the butt of every ones jokes. Sick of all the media hacks attack on the supporters, the club and the players. But none the less a dee for life and I think I better hold back my post match vitriol for at least this season. Let Neeld go his own way...its why we got him.
  2. I WANT to believe in Neeld and be patient. But what they're serving up is just SO bad. I mean consistently at the worst level Ive ever seen in 41 years as dee follower. Its not a game plan its a carefully thought out SUICIDE STRATEGY on game day. All that compliance he wanted is turning them into morons. I dont think its the players as at least last year they looked ok most of the time. So if this is Neelds idea, even of stage 1, of a game plan then its awful, needs changing and worst of all is counter productive to the players self belief. Neeld has lost the players if you ask me.......how could ANYONE believe in this rubbish plan. He parades the players in post match like fools and makes them look like that in the matches. We've got Neeld for a long time, so I just hope he's smart enough to find a way to change tacks and get the players back. We'll see........
  3. Then you're part of the problem. If you dont have a membership and want us to FOLD then why bother posting!
  4. What makes this hard to take is that we've just BEEN in a rebuild and essentially we're worse now than 4 years ago. All those picks and not ONE gun player. But ...what else to do but look for a silver lining. Im with you. Its either that, give up football or change clubs....all of which are impossible! Im a dee for life so unless they fold Im looking for silver linings. Perhaps with more class everyone looks better? My hope is that Neeld doesnt end up being the worst coach in league history and that I look back and laugh at how short sighted I was in a year or two.
  5. I enjoyed the article but it refers to jones being "in" the leadership group which, correct me if Im wrong, I thought he was demoted from? Which is a decision thats looking more and more absurd. That aside he's really emerged this year as a genuine leader at the dees and its great to see. Bring him back next year into the LG as VC.
  6. Maloney probably [censored] off re leadershp group ....and another rebuild. If he and / or Jamar goes, do we get any kind of compo?....or do they just walk?
  7. I'm a first time poster ......but wanted to wade in with 2 questions Personally, as much as I hate losing week in week out, I can live with it if I have a definite sense of a positive direction. Having adjusted myself to life post 186, and accepted the necessity of rebuild Mk 2, I have 2 big concerns. 1. The game plan. Aside form a Clark or Howe screamer, we just seem to be playing such uninspired, slow, predictable football! Im afraid we've over reacted to the criticisms of Baileys style and in doing so have made "outside" football some kind of dirty word. I dont think you can win a flag without a functioning inside AND outside game. Neeld looks like Baileys opposite and mirror image and Im concerned we'll get into equal and opposite bad habits. Anyone got anything positive to say about it? 2. Player unity. Whatever happened before and after 186 it seems a whole group of demon players got pulled into something political then hung out to dry. Their big sin after all was to back their coach against some others in the club. A position they should never have been put in. 186 was at least partly the result of a deeply distracted player group. Neeld has a tough, hard style...which is ok, but the TOTAL change of the leadership group seemed related to that day and a further divisive action. Its not clear to me , looking at them play, if the team is united. Does any one know what the feeling amongst the players actually is?
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