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Wells 11

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Everything posted by Wells 11

  1. Sadly I think this may be the truth. Whatever it is...I hope we as a club prioritise his health over short term playing goals. Clarry back and healthy in 2025 would still be a good outcome.
  2. A year for feasibility? sheesh.
  3. I guess this is the real question. Hope you’re right!
  4. Good run down thanks. As another bonus perhaps everyone who joins the gym has a Melbourne membership built in.
  5. I’m a total nuff on this kind of thing. But what exactly does an announcement about the go ahead for a feasibility study mean in real terms? explain it like i’m 5. Or, explain it in relational terms. i’m dating someone new. …. where am I at in this relationship?
  6. Greg Parke and Greg Wells visited the primary school I was at bk in 1970 when I was 10. Greg Wells smiled at me and patted me on the head. That was my fate sealed .. the laying on of hands was complete…the curse officially laid.
  7. it’s quite glaring isn’t it. I can’t help but think it’s going to invite shoulder and or neck injuries at AFL level …and his time there may be limited. I’m guessing at that and hope i’m wrong but It’s hard to get excited about him for this reason.
  8. Kudos to Trac and the boys who joined him. Wonder who was there? shache, Salo, spargs… any others?
  9. Haven’t read this whole thread so apologies if I’m repeating. We get a 10 day break between opening round and round 1 so that’s handy. We also get an extra bye thrown in in the first 7 weeks somewhere…reckon that’s handy in a long season too. We also get the massive publicity of being the first game of the season. Surely this a decent win fr the club!
  10. hmm… like if we can get Viney no need to pick wines?
  11. The blues also just got v lucky didn’t they. a ridiculous number of Finger tip touches ( or lack of them) going their way, missed kicks by the opposition ( Eg viney) and keeping concussed players illegally on the ground all conspired to get them a good finish. We, in some weird equal and opposite $hitfull measure, were SO unlucky. eg devastating late season injuries , suspensions, missed goals in finals , umpiring decisions. Perhaps “ the burn” you describe can bring some magic back into our luck factor? Despite the press pile on and all the off field dramas, in reality there was precious little between us and a flag in 23. Mere inches. So if “burning” in the off season can seduce the football gods to care about us again or even just lift the bad juju then bring it on.
  12. I dont even bother reading these [censored] now. Its the off season there's no news stories but this one...but soon it will be replaced but something/ someone else. The media spotlight gets brighter, more dangerous for the individuals involved and more pathetic each year. I refuse to listen to Barrett and Cornes any more...I'll only put down that ban if we ever win another flag,
  13. Thanks for the update. The “community use” aspect would surely be critical in getting funding as well. I guess what that means and who it serves are big questions.
  14. When Grundy is starring next year in a way he never did or never could with us, let’s remember what we got back. Grundy unhappy and lord knows what else and then in and out of the side vs Mcadam and Fullerton. For mine, it’s so far so good even IF Grundy stars at the swans.
  15. Do you seriously consider all 4 would ever be on the park at the same time? there will always be one or two with mummy like strapping riding bikes on the boundary at training.
  16. So, thats 46 and probably a pick in the mid 30's if the swans finish somewhere between 4 -8
  17. Damo, from Ive been told, and as of right now, is more than happy to live inside a toilet booth.
  18. Is holding on to Brodie a realistic option? Can whatever was broken be mended?
  19. Is Jefferson considered a flop? I hadnt quite come to that.
  20. If he left which I dont think he will, its wouldn't be a "silly" thought. But it would be if we gave up a first rounder. Has to be a pick in the late 20's or early 30's to have my interest. Geelomg would never let him walk anyway.
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