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Wells 11

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Everything posted by Wells 11

  1. hopefully he goes back and revues his set routine or is helped to. Whatever he is doing just didnt hold up under that intense pressure. On the screen it looked to me like he leant back and lost control. Could be he learns from it and becomes elite. As many have observed, if he kicks the goal he would topped off a good night and have been spoken of as the difference between the teams. What a difference a meter can make, to seasons and careers.
  2. Agree re Garlett. Hard to know how to judge that game. he did kick 3 but critical errors prob coast 3 more. He stays for now. But too early to dump JKH he wasnt our worst. Id give a Hannon a week off instead as he clearly wasnt ready. Preuss played a shocker on the weekend so I wouldnt be picking him either. Ins May, lever, Salem, Neal-Bullen, Hore Outs OSCAR!, Tmac, Wagner, Spargo, Hannon
  3. Some tough calls here. We dominated this game...except in the goal kicking. What was it... 5 set shot misses in the last? 3 in the last 5 mins? FML But, massive disappointment aside, I thought we were mostly really good ( discounting the macs) Better ball movement and great set ups into the Fwd 50. Best all year. Reckon we badly need fritsch in the fwd half as hes one of the only one that can kick for goal reliably. We're all going to sleep better when Lever and May return and when Oscar is playing for Casey at the level he belongs in.
  4. We played some great footy tonight and should have banked a 6 or 7 goal win. We are starting to look good again ...except no one is a reliable goal kicker . in fact everyone seems like they’re totally [censored] themselves pre kick. .How much do we miss the melk ? Such a painful season... every week offers another way to add to it.
  5. Hot Slippery conditions is going to really stretch the fitness of the group later in the night. They’re down Sloane, which is a lucky break fr us. Go dees. Let’s bring this one home and light up a bit of hope fr the season!
  6. Maybe it’s this... but imo we Still should be able too see the basis of a good game plan operating. Missing this at both levels.
  7. Maybe a comp? . Whoever gets closest to the mark wins. Im going to say career threatening concussion or his done his navicular...just because Im a miserable bastard these days.
  8. It also disturbs me how far we've fallen since PJ left. On that score its undeniable something seems to have gotten lost. So I agree with you in the main but I dont think ANY of the members are happy to go and watch us lose...this has to be one of THE most disappointing seasons in all my time. I dont know any dee fan that isnt hurting big time in 2019. Its bad enough dee fans get attacked by the media we dont have to do it to ourselves. In my experience we're a committed, passionate and steadfast group! Secondly I think ( on field anyway) all we have is frikn mongrel , intensity and desire . Its why we win contested possessions and the i50 count so often. What we dont have is a decent game plan ( to suit the players we have available and the game as its being played THIS year) and we also just lack leadership re playing smart. eg lewis getting suspended when we most need him, viney and Jones bombing it in long , trac missing from 15 metres. We have the worst i50 retention record so far since records began on that stat (2006) . Im satisfied with the mongrel in the team just not the nous.
  9. GWS also had three running players injured on the bench in the last.... so I’m pretty sure that was a significant factor.
  10. He'll go to hawthorn or Geelong for 750k...its why I hate this competition
  11. [censored] me. Goodwin will be feeling even more feint after this. talk about not thinking of the team. Tbh I wouldnt mind so much if he was throwing his body at everything as well but he's actually playing way softer than he was at hawthorn AND getting suspended more. I think its faor to say he's in his final year. Hopefully he comes back with a bit of fire in his belly...and expresses it at the ball.
  12. Well... I think it’s fair to say that neither of us know the answer to that. One of the questions they have to answer is a bit like our Joel Smith question, in that they played daniher again 5 days after his first jlt. All I can say is if we rush May back and he does his groin again I’m going to feel there was a lack of caution shown. Which is how I ,and many of us, felt about Joel. People make mistakes at all levels of professional endeavours and after the smith debacle I’d just rather we err on the side of caution here. With both Lever and May.
  13. I used to love this dude as a kid. He was honestly the best mark but THE worst kick Ive seen at the club . Pull in a screamer and then regularly miss from close in direct in front. Would put petracca to shame re how many misses hed conjure up from 20-30 metres. Funny in hindsight they still feel the golden years...even though we never even played finals. Hardeman, Wells, Alves, Biffen, Keenan, Bourke, Davis, Molloy, Tilbrook etc. The team is still clear in my mind. Guess it was the age I was.
  14. Well “average” will get u a game every day of the week fr the dees seniors. Bring him in!
  15. Mainly agree but.. Frost: In our best Garlett: contract termination coming Petracca: Tank exposed again. Viney: some good things Brayshaw: bring back 2018 Tmac: Cannot play injured or Must be rested
  16. Better game to listen to than the seniors
  17. [censored] this. I’m turning off.
  18. I’m giving this another qtr. but if it keeps on like this I’m gong to do something else to try and enjoy my Sunday. Because that was as crap as they’ve been all year. They look tired or something. Viney and Brayshaw and McDonald are just woefully out of form . With so many missing we need our guns up and about. All in all haaaard to watch.
  19. Looks like a big step bk so far. This is a thrashing in t making.
  20. Love your sentiments, but re trac, Lets let him have his best game of his career.... so far. Way better to come. I have this strange optimism about today. Could be deelusion...soon find out! .
  21. Agreed. AND he can kick straight from a set shot...which puts him way out front of the rest at the moment.
  22. Just saw that. Im sure they are fuming over at bomber land. I do HOPE we're smarter with May and don't rush him to appease the supporters. Id rather he was long term right.
  23. Was thinking the same thing. So much pressure on a coach anyway. Let alone a young one who’s side lost form and players faster than any I can remember. On top of which that side needs its members like few others for financial survival. I just hope the club is taking care of him and ensuring he has enough support and gets enough time out.
  24. Lol.... ok. But apart from that! FInally some good injury news... I’m not sure how to process it.
  25. I suppose if misso had come out after utterly mismanaging him in that JLT game and said, "Jeez its a bad injury...looks like season over" the supporters may have burnt down the club! Not a good look when memberships are so important. Instead of that we've had the slow drip " nothing to see here" story.
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