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Wells 11

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Everything posted by Wells 11

  1. King, twice in a week. Whack on Pert re McCartney and now this. He can say he was right when we change leadership at years end...but the thought that that act cost him the captaincy is utter and out and out stupidity. King tipped us for the flag and feels made a fool of by the club I think, so hes getting his own back. [censored] him.
  2. From the looks, he does a fair bit of terrorising himself and no doubt brings some attention on. suspend him.
  3. I Still think , re watching the vision, that the bigger story was the clear and dangerous milking. Ie dropping the knees and extending the chin w the intention to create head high contact , not the fairly innocuous bump. But yes...It WAS always risky right there in front of the ump, especially when we had a free shot on goal . I wanted to kill jones at the time.If it was a final and we lost he’d never live that down. Its just on watching it a few times I felt the ump just got that SO frikn wrong. Maybe some lingering resentment in me from that west coast game a cpl years ago. when , was it Kennedy? came thru t huddle of players after the half time siren w his elbow raised , whacked Oliver on the chin and he fell. And all the talk was should Oliver b suspended fr diving. Still makes me angry!
  4. Can’t help thinking that if that was Oliver that dropped his knees and fell like that in that jones bump it would have been the headline. Kane Cornes in “ the round so far” rightly pointed out the action and suggested the ump should never have paid that free. It was perhaps clumsy by Jones but not “ Ill disciplined” as his action was v minor. Walters really milked a few frees yesterday ...and tried to attack viney off the ball. Sooner or later the umps will wake up to him.
  5. Agreed but He’s going to be way better than Frawley imo. Much better awareness and kicking.
  6. The dees have got to make a few big calls this off season. Oscar will be line ball. But you may well be right.
  7. That’s what real supporters do.. thick and thin. Think u need to step away fr a bit. Tmac Bk in form, viney, Lockhart, May. We beat an in form top 6 side. Enjoy it ffs.
  8. fair call and good evidence. I take back the 30 metre bit. But still I feel kicking is a major limitation in his game as 40- 45 is prob the top of his range... and not 40- 45 low and hard either . If he had to kick over someone on the mark he couldnt kick it from 40-45
  9. He’s got some good qualities I agree, and I thought he added something last year. But I’m really just not sure, no matter how hard he works, that you can play AFL level consistently with a 30 metre kicking limit... and even then he shanks many of them.
  10. 10 weeks out of 22 is strange. U could say half suspended which would b 11/11. But it’s like they balked at suspending a pie fr the finals. The pies have so much clout in the AFL it’s ridiculous... and made more painful by the fact that we have precisely none.
  11. 3 games, 3 unsuccessful bets totalling $36?? Not sure why everyone thinks hes so lucky. Thin end of the wedge I guess.
  12. My question is this. Roos is a fabulous people person and will impact positively wherever he goes. Why couldn’t we have him back at the dees in a similar role to this one being discussed? I know goody took from Roos but i think they might be ok if he had a good back room position? I think we should try to keep him at the club.
  13. I think its pretty clear that the forward line was an utter shambles...and the forward line coach was in his first year on the job. So could be he was just simply no good, or could be that he didnt have the experience or the trust of the players to deal with the situation this year as it was arising. Rawlings will bring some confidence back so Personally I think its great they made some changes. The last thing we need as a club is to go out with a whimper this year. Bold gutsy move by the dees.
  14. when did that happen? cant see it on the site
  15. I wonder if you’re allowed to go as a depressed supporter?
  16. We won’t be trading Brayshaw or Petracca.
  17. Sums how I feel to a tee. Theres been crappy times in the multitudes in my almost 50 years as a supporter. But I expected them to be crap for most of them so I was never disappointed to this same degree. This has definitely been the worst feeling as a supporter I can remember....even if the team itself and the results are better than they were at our lowest Neeld ebb. Truly speaking had we won ONE close one last year instead of losing all 4 or 5 of them we finish top 4 and who knows from there. they were really a top side in 2018, perhaps one that didnt quite realise just how good they were. So it could well be that 2018 was the high. We go back to dreaming and planning.....and hoping this player or that one comes on. But however you spin it we're no longer in the elit bracket of teams, and probably ( even given players back) are still only in the lower half of the medium ranked teams.
  18. omg that is truly scary....lets let that stay in America
  19. Cant help but feel , like everyone here, overwhelmingly depressed about this year. Thought Id start a thread about what is left ( if there is anything at all) to be interested in or hopeful for, for the rest of the year given finals are done. In no particular order. 1. The new players. Especially Jay Lockhart. Have the sense he could be a gun. Looking forward to seeing him find his feet and play a few more games getting ready for a big 2020. But him and Baker and Dunkley in particular will def have my full interest. 2. Lever and May playing together at last. Get a glimpse of how those two, with Frost and Hore look all in the same backline. Could be exciting. 3. Weids taking further steps into his game. Maybe one really big one of 5 or 6 goals to just whet the appetite for next year. 4. Finding form and beating one or two really good sides before the end of the year. 5. Resting Tmac and Viney 6 looking at draft picks 7 Petracca kicking a bag. Anybody got anything else?
  20. Fair call... but somehow what he doesn’t do is looking twice as obvious as it used to do. Gives me no pleasure to say it as I’m a Jeffy fan. He just seems really weighed down somehow , even when he kicks a goal he barely celebrates. Looks like a man w the world on his shoulders.
  21. Stop being logical Praha. The panic is starting and This is turning into a lord of the flies scenario. We just have to find the right person to sacrifice.
  22. I’ll get more detailed. With these 7 kicks He’ll kick 3 behinds (his other 4 will be 2 out on the full, 1 didn’t make the distance from 35 and 1 a turnover upfield ) but yeah... hope I’m wrong too. Dont we miss his form from last year! I hope whatever injury he’s carrying isn’t permenant and he can regain that elite level he was at last year.
  23. I used to agree with you. Im not sure now. Whats not feasible is the current situation in which facilities are falling rapidly behind the league leaders and the admin is separated . Soon its going to be getting in the way of good recruiting as players will look at what we have and be unimpressed . Players will have to adjust to a move. StKilda moved when perhaps it was seen as unnecessary. So, Unless there is a plan underway somewhere else then we're starting to not have a choice. If they sit on this again for years on end then watch our slide down the ladder in the coming years.
  24. Exactly. I hate we sell a home game but truth is We’re a struggling small club and we do what we need to do to survive ... until a better approach is found. We gave up the pokies income which is moral and the right thing to do but dangerous to the bottom line. ( didn’t bring the new training base either) As diamond Jim said... we should have bargained with the AFL about who we played there not whether or not we play there atm.
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