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Wells 11

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Everything posted by Wells 11

  1. Yep agreed. If he went to the national soccer team or cricket Australia that would be one thing. If he marched into collingwood or the tigers that would be next level embarassing. Heres hoping he has some loyalty in his charecter and gives us a decent few year run. Might be he just wants to see if we're a basket case or a real thing. After 39 years supporting Im not sure I know myself!
  2. If we were to pick up Bennell and Murray ( and if they get picked up the presumption is they are off drugs and will play) then I think Jackson at 8 is a good move. I dont know much about him except the comment made that he would be a better forward next year than Weid. IF thats so then Im all for it. A forward/ ruck rather than a ruck/ forward. Im returning to the camp that I existed in pre the geelong final in 18 that I dont think Weid is going to make it. Or at least not as a 1st or 2nd forward. We're missing a big precense up forward and you dont usually get them with anything less than an early pick. Happy to be wrong again with the Weid...but putting all our eggs in his basket feels to me like a bigger risk than going with Jackson.
  3. Interesting. It’s depressing about Sam though. Really hard to stomach that we chose him ahead of both curnow and Keogh now. both of whom look like future stars to me...well Curnow sort of is one now already. Preuss was a mistake and only good if max goes down so we do need another more mobile tall.
  4. Someone like Martin falling through to the PSD is a hugely rare event. I’m quite sure the dees are exploring every option and every method of persuasion behind closed doors. At least I hope so.
  5. Compensations? Don’t be crazy. You’re forgetting our place in this world. This is the dees we’re taking about not the hawks or the pies.
  6. Jesus we’re a depressing bunch on here lately. This is a bad as I remember it ever being. Although on the positive everyone seems in agreement on the depressing sentiment so there’s little arguing. Im going to go out on a limb here. Melb has an industry acknowledged wealth of talent.. we were absolutely crucified by injuries last year and a lack of prep preceding that. People know this. Goodwin still seems to be held in high regard and our facilities aren’t [censored]. There not like the pies but they’re not [censored]. If im Elliot and I get to train really close to where I used to, get a better deal with a side that may come again with a rush ( I’m a believer) in 2020 then why not us?
  7. Which is why it’s only happened once in our entire history. Im struggling to see your point. Even IF what you allege is accurate , and it well might be, you can be damn sure all clubs do that . But your anger seems very directed at our club only. Re Frost, he clearly divides opinions. Personally I love him and wish we could work around his assets more as they’re very unique. But as coaches and casting votes post game, how the hell do you rate his brilliance against his deficiencies and how well he gets the job done. I’m sure votes for him are wildly divided also. Do u rate his 6 excellent intercept marks and 5 running bursts from the backline higher than the 5 times he gave up goals thru poor positioning or turnovers. Top 10 finish is about right for frosty imo.
  8. On the positive, I remember how we all spoke about melksham.
  9. That was a year that felt as long as 2013. One good win against the swans at the scg when I thought... ok, now we can start. We didn’t. One good qtr against the bombers when I thought...ok now they’re clicking. We never did. One stupidly close win by a point in the final second... but that didn’t really count as a good feeling because it was against the bottom side who lost 19 games straight. Shocking run with Injuries then more injuries... then a backline formation, game style, that made us look like amateurs. Then injured players re injuring themselves because we played them too soon. Continual and systemically Horrible kicking for goal that regularity cost us games and a miss after the siren as if to just add salt into bitter wounds. 2019 can just [censored] off fast.
  10. Marlin picket is going to be a sensation I reckon. Wish we’d had the guts to go there... but I hope we go there w Harley.
  11. If we deserved one so do they as they’re in worse shape than we were. all their stars leave... and will continue to. the problem being that I I think the afl need to accept that this project is a failure and they won’t. What they really need is to start again, get gifted about 8 afl B+ players from top 8 clubs as well as extra draft picks. But no one would tolerate that. They’re rooted anyway so I hope they get pick 10.
  12. I’d feel good about it if we had other better ideas to make money. Id like the Alice game to stay. Darwin was always a crap idea but watch the suns get a bye the week after straight up.
  13. Yep.... truly horrible how fast that ended. Memories of the 88 gf...which was actually way worse. Mainly because I was there and stayed to the end. But even then we were in front half way through the first qtr. ie we at least turned up fr half of the 1st qtr. That was the official end fr me of the dream that started in 87. But as has been pointed out in other threads now we DID win 2 finals in 18. the lions bundied out in straight sets would be hard to bear.
  14. U mean the game that but fr crap kicking fr goal , [censored] umpires and a freak Liam Ryan mark we would have won. We dominated them that day....so who cares what they said.
  15. Horrible story. And yes yr right. The dees we’re crap against WC but at least they were there on time and sober! Small mercies.
  16. “giving something to all the shareholders “ is often a terrible way to run a footy club. it all good in ideas but can also miss the heart of the place. i’m so glad it’s not us fr a change setting up to be this stupid. i’ll eat my words if it comes out that woosha drove this, but it’s not t vibe i’m getting.
  17. Elliot easily on talent alone and a really dangerous player creating a new avenue to goals. But Frost as more likely to play every week . A big physical precense, improving, hyper speed, short or tall option. Elliot is an exciting talent and a great get if he stayed on the park . but I can see Him missing as much as he plays. I can’t help but think the only reason he would leave a team like the pies , a big club , smack bang in the premiership window, is if he was worried about his health and trying to make money while he could in this game. I’m presuming Burgess would be involved and if we get him this would be one of his first big calls. For mine, IF it is indeed a choice I’d stay with frost...the devil we know.
  18. Because the hawks are a smart outfit.
  19. Yes he does. I can understand for a young man how hard it can be to give up on the game. Give up on an elite talent you possess and all the dreams that go with that. But I do hope there’s some same heads in the club helping him make that choice. Game over as far as I can see and even then he well might be battling.
  20. After the Hogan episode on this site that statement almost feels like inviting trouble. Cursed words
  21. That’s what the hawks thought about Scully ... and the doggies thought about Boyd. Not.
  22. Talk about yesterday’s hero. Sheesh. He kicks what we thought was the sealer early in the last qtr in the final against the cats last year and was one of our most loved. Jones was never a real A grader but we depended on him heavily in the worst years I’ve ever had as a supporter and one of the truly dark eras of this club. He was no flower but he was a real heart and soul player and one of the very few that was widely respected in and out of the club. Yes he needs to step down or be stepped down from the captaincy.(as I think viney does as well) but he deserves our full respect.
  23. Unless he wants out it’s a definite no. And even if he does I’d try to hold him. Hes one of the only players this year that was consistent and improving.
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