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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Who coaches tackling? We are tackling like Julian Clary with a bad hangover. This is the major issue behind our inability to kick the ball between the two central posts. The marking is so so. The handball is fair
  2. Roos is starting to make John Farnham look like a relevant artist.
  3. How does it feel to be the greatest living player in the history of the game of AFL Rodney and what would you say to the tribunal that robbed you of the Brownlow in the late ‘80’s?
  4. Totally agree. All nimby inner city greens are more concerned with sounding and appearing morally perfect than actually admitting the bleeding obvious. Polynesians and Maori bros once dominated the security industry but now it appears to be Indian students for at least the last 2 or 3 years. Shock horror- most of the inverted comma statements you made are actually true. Why are you concerned about the truth?
  5. No. You’ve extrapolated yourself into idiocy.
  6. My cleaning lady was listening to the radio as she was scrubbing the floor clean from the last little smug know all I had to murder and dissect before feeding the crocs in my moat.
  7. Kennett pointed out that the afl is so pi55weak it used a security company that employs gentlemen almost exclusively from the subcontinent who have little or no understanding of Australian football crowds, customs and behaviours.Wring your hands, pat yourselves on the back and go get your prize if you managed to use the R word today and made yourself feel good. The whole thing is pathetic. The AFL is a farce run by dunces. When the Romans have to be silent at the circus to please the Emperor then he should be thrown to the lions.
  8. Good for you. I respect the perhaps 3 or 4 journalists in the entire English language.I trust none of them to report the facts objectively. I trust none of them to propose solutions to societal problems. Journalism is a low grade scam . It’s an incredulous hustle and your great respect is obviously given fairly easily.
  9. At least you are speaking about subjects you know.
  10. Mensa will be playing close attention to this concept in anticipation of some new arrivals. I’m pleased for Tony Shaw that he is no longer eligible for ranking as this subject might have upset him had he been capable of reading. Mazer seems to have sewn together a few pertinent ideas but but others will get crotchety about the fabric in the thread. I felt it has some merit but others may feel he is desperate for new material and is simply trying to pull the wool. Kasparov was probably not exposed to AFL much but I’m sure if he was to make changes from the coaches box then 4 hours per move might have seen him ranked alongside Goodwin for dynamic strategy implementation.
  11. Nice after some blown pheasant.
  12. Or you could just let people express themselves however they wish .
  13. I’ve tried to explain to you all that the western world is/ has been manipulated by thought policing morons who are indoctrinated by a neo Marxist platform that has been running since The ‘70’s, no I’m not joking. They will attempt to control your morality, speech and personal beliefs. You must resist at every opportunity and tell these maggit to eat [censored] wherever you see them, be it AFL, schools, media or the workplace. I expect this comment may even be deleted as some people find individual expression too confronting.
  14. And another thing. BT may seem moronic but he was clever enough to kick several hundred goals from in front of the sticks. Same goes for Mark Jackson. They at least had the humility to work on their craft.
  15. Nietzsche would argue that BT has a point. It is not for us to determine the morality of an action but only live with the consequences of that action. Empathy /pity leads to a slave mentality whereas a master mentality has no need for this morality .It either is or is not (successful)because of personal action. All the players who missed should be chastised. It’s not a pre- school.
  16. Totally lame, weak, reactionary and pathetic. In line afl policy .
  17. Overall Goschs is not the issue. The issue remains amateurish administration of the club and piece meal decision making generally. The appointment of Pert seems open to ridicule. The “club house” issue still unresolved. Casey deal just dumb. Half baked grand plans announced publicly is stupid. Massive surgery decision has proven stupid. May deal looks stupid. Goodwin contract extension looks stupid. The decision to retain Jordan Lewis after the Prelim looks stupid. Rightly or wrongly we are looking stupid in both the short and longer term. Not too much to be proud of yet again. The playing group itself I don’t criticise .
  18. The club needs to string together some wins and support this guy. Hes a champ surrounded by very timid hearts.
  19. Maybe we just sack all the tools employed in Marketing, business development, liaison support, etc and get one decent manager. The amount of nice boys employed to wear mole skins and shiny RM.Williams boots with a Demons corporate jacket is appalling. Things are definitely going south since Peter Jackson.resigned. The off field team is a poisonous influence on the players/ coaching group. The members are happy to go and watch a losing team and head for the snow. Thing are bad.Zero has changed culturally. We are going down the tube. There is no mongrel, no intensity, no desire for success on or off the field. The odd win papers over the structural defects in the foundations and walls. The problem,as always,is a desire to be nice, to be liked, to fit in and appear to be a “good” club. I’d suggest that Pert is the problem. I reckon Bartlett and Pert must go. No vision, no mongrel, no success.
  20. I like to think I inject much needed style and sophistication to the place.
  21. Why does this club reveal its plans to the public? Why are we always run by self- aggrandising Nuf- nuffs? Just make a plan. Execute it step by step and announce it when it is signed, sealed and delivered. One sure way to have the Gods mock you is to reveal your plans.
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