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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Ground floor was my retail outlet Kenty. I want my penthouse HQ back. I don’t care how much bronzing up I have to do to get it.
  2. He’s gotta whole lotta nuthin. But sometimes nuthin can be a real cool hand.
  3. It’s who decides and what parts of history we edit that’s the tricky part .
  4. Pol Pot and Chairman Mao would disagree. As would the Moreland City council and Melbourne University.
  5. I’d describe it as an attempt to control speech and in doing so to imply a sense of moral superiority by the controller. You know like that fraud Trudeau who corrected a guy that said mankind by saying “ we say peoplekind now” . The same guy that got around India in traditional Indian attire for weeks then later got caught out in “brown face” twice. It’s a symbolic hypocrisy mostly used by mostly white people who carry needless guilt or shame and project it upon others. Hope I cleared that up.
  6. Did you know J Cook popped in to N Z also? Don't let an opportunity to divide society pass you by! Tell us more about “destinations of preference”. Please educate us all!! My personal D of P is Monaco. I’m going to waltz in Sans papier and claim asylum.Worth a shot!
  7. It might still take some time for you to see why things are what they are globally. Racism , immigration etc are not left/ right issues as much as the left wishes they were. Not all conservatives are racist nor are all left wingers pure of heart. Controlling speech Is no solution. Political correctness is still a modern evil. Despising political correctness does not make someone a racist. There is a nuance that gets lost by the “woke”.
  8. Thanks Saty for taking the time out of your busy schedule to bring us all up to date on training. And also to Santa for allowing Saty out of the workshop at this busy time in the North Pole.
  9. I hear he can eat fifty eggs. And he’s got rabbit in his blood
  10. Nothing out of the ordinary Moon. I’m having trouble getting back into my old room at the Gat . Place has had some ghastly Reno done which I will rectify once I have had the locks fixed .
  11. Thanks for the info. I doubt they can hear us anyway. We’ve got Syd Barrett tunes blaring out on repeat.
  12. I’m back after an extended stay out near Beaufort . I won’t bore you with the details but I managed to reacquaint myself with some Christian values and received some guidance from a fairly senior “ Rock Chucker”. Will bless you with the details once computer and carriage service device privileges are restored fully.
  13. They’re all at my place. None of us know what we’ve taken so reporting in is fairly difficult. Needless to say I maintain a “ don’t ask - don’t tell” policy at the lab.
  14. My Jag V12 is a little thirty on the benzine. When I’m out shopping I usually just go with the rickshaw and to hell with speed limit.
  15. Can anyone confirm if the boys are skiing down the hill after the jog up? The Pomma was broken at Buller once and I know the climb can be agonising.
  16. Just a few errant handbags and some name calling. The emotional damage could be the main issue.
  17. This confirms what was evident at the start of the year. Totally dysfunctional club. Sackings needed across all levels. Deadwood/parasites and time servers everywhere .
  18. Derm is wrong about The downhill skiing. I myself am a moguls man as are many of us who don’t suffer knee problems. Ive spoken to Dermie about this in the chalet but he was more concerned about trying to appear intelligent to take the message in.
  19. Makes The Bee Gees look tough.
  20. Yep. We were all talking about making finals not being good enough in the pre-season Last year, the conversation was about keeping the players heads “in the moment” and enjoying each contest/game. Since Peter Jackson left the club has gone from taking it week by week to patting itself on the back and bathing in undeserved accolades. We are back to being an irrelevant, self congratulating, weak willed, over rated bunch of very mentally soft individuals trying to run a business . The focus has gone off the on field application of dogged competitiveness. The writing was on the wall in the pre-season. Big names mean nothing. Reputation means nothing. Its simply about what they put out each week that counts for everything. At the moment we are putting out about 20-30 minutes of half decent football a week. Supporters deserve more. The whole club is a disgrace and should be stripped back from top to bottom. Bartlett,Pert,Goodwin all need to take the blame. Terrible decisions allowed this to be a wasted year instead of being another chance to gain finals experience.
  21. Such a crap actor I’ve decided to call him Denis from now on.
  22. I’m always right. Monnshadow- I expect your sincere and humble apology to follow shortly. Never let moral superiority and virtue signaling stand in front of the bleeding and painfully obvious truth.
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