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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. How about Tex running over the mark on at least three occasions by a meter or so. Never called back. You're allowed to determine your own mark now apparently. Even if the player kicking in has only 4 meters or so between the fence and the player over the mark. One kick was partially smothered!
  2. Fox was bearable at one point but not once they start bringing the likes of Kingy into game day coverage. He should be left to First Crack and other specialist programes where his inane over analysis can be taken or left by choice and his bias against the Demons avoided. SEN i stopped listening to once Hutchy took over and muzzled or fired any who spoke their mind a little freely (KB, The Ox, Finey). Gerard 'The Crow' Whately call (snippet) on the Rivers non-holding the ball decision i accidently came across while surfing FB. There's very few callers that are unbiased or a bearable listen. Anthony Hudson & Richo are still passable on 3AW but then you've got grumpy Tony Shaw to put up with! I guess no one's perfect
  3. Attack from stoppage down i suspect due to Viney under done and Clarry with only one hand. Viney's our number 1 extractor and a fully fit Clarry (other hand plus uninterrupted pre-season) would surely be No.2 Hopefully we can get Clarry's hand back to some sort of normality pronto. With Gus out our 'managed' options here are limited otherwise you'd have to seriously think about giving him next week off plus the bye to try and get it right for the next leg. Maybe time to bring in the Kolt for his debut but probably too early?
  4. Not even a mention. Then you have Whately on the SEN broadcast literally barracking and booing against the Rivers non-HTB decision. Did he say a word with the Rivers push in the back? Bet he didn't. Weak as [censored] Whately. The entire AFL is such an inbred incestuous circus. Hard to believe but it's even worse during gather round where there's home town barracking now from supposedly impartial broadcasters. BT / Chanel 7 & FOX (Kingy in particular) included. Kingy couldn't help himself after the win... still highlighting that in his view we are under achievers if we don't win another flag. Couldn't just speak about the great win and had to drag that out lol. Pathetic the lot of em. No wonder Carey bags the [censored] out of them. Anyone who speaks their mind doesn't last long as a commentator on any stations / tv shows. Jordan Lewis & Richo examples of that. Chanel 7 also now has the blandest special comments ppl going. Talk about a snooze fest. Selwood...bah!!
  5. Billings just doesn't look strong enough through the core, at the contest / over the ball imv. Physically he is a fair way off this level imho. The missed tackles is a coach killer. To justify his spot he needs to be kicking the two gimme goals (at least) and hitting a few targets by foot coming inside or at least around the arc. He did very little of the latter last night unfortunately. The missed goals of Petty, Kozzy, Max and the two from Billings left the door open. Kick just one of those (and we should have) and the game was pretty much beyond doubt at 3/4 time. As much as i love Max and i felt he played a VG game, will he ever learn to aim for the right hand post from 30 odd out? Petty is slowly improving but it's a hard climb back from an interrupted pre-season. Slowly getting there. Smacca should be ready post the bye. Looking forward to seeing what he brings. BBB did a few good things and helps with structure but will probably also benefit from the 7 day break to Brisvegas and the bye the folllowong week. No doubt plenty of sore bods after that mammoth effort. The win even more amazing given Vins was just back from a dose of the squirts and Clarry with one hand behind his back.
  6. Max held around the waste / pulled away from the ruck comtest by the guernsey on at least 3 to 4 occasions and nada zilch ignored! Was it Howes pushed square in the back in the square for Dawson's goal in the last? That was an amazing win given the bias of the yellow fellows tonight.
  7. 63% win rate at AO!! Must be up there or at the top as our fortress now.
  8. That sums it up for mine. What a bunch of biased [censored] they are over there. AFL thought they'd serve us up a curve ball with two consecutive games against home teams in Adelaide on a 5 day break as punishment for the Tax Payer Park refusal and look where it got em. Love to see the free kick count in the last. Umpire 22 the biggest culprit. What a [censored] [censored] Farken fabulous win!! Carn the mighty redlegs!
  9. Molloy on Footy show said it was the 'game over' signal encouraging the Port fans to leave & go steal a car from the carpark to get home
  10. The best traditional (jam style) donuts in Melb. The piece de resistancee... the plum jam filling 👌🏻 Not to be confused with the hot (ball) jam donuts at the footy et al whIch are also pretty special.
  11. That's pretty much how it went down. HQ will be mighty [censored] if we knock off both of their S.A. babies in consecutive weeks. Bloody hope so. Also reckon they are probably 'all-in' on the Baggers, GWS or any other interstater for the flag.
  12. Don't laugh. That should be one of the major highlights of the development! Without footy, coffee, beer and smashed avos at 'dog friendly' cafes...what else is there?
  13. *and no i didn't buy this...courtesy of the Albury Beechworth Bakery
  14. I believe it takes a week to become effective from last Sat night. Almost there!
  15. I'm more worried about WCW... coming off a 3 day (home & back again) break & no doubt way too many coffees on the road!
  16. A few extra crumbs from the West Lakes charcuterie post the Caps run yesterday and Viney getting a dose of the squirts... Watch him still come out and probably be BOG Nah that will be saved for Petracca, Oliver, May, Gawn, Lever or Fritsch And a rookie on the wing If as a collective our playing group could make better decisions we probably would be 2-1. Unfortunately they all share the same brain cell Viney is a gun and if he's off his game all the better for us. Better still if he pulls out. I don't wish him ill, ...but yeah I do. Won't make a difference. Whoever they replace him with will still be better than our best mid Yeah, and you're saying that a 5th string mid for Melbourne is better than a guy that was AA 3 games ago. At least doom post in reality. Well given Dawson was an AA mid last season, their replacement probably isn't better than our best mid. Have you watched us play this year? The only way we win this game is if it is rigged. Well we have both Williamson & Fleer, so it won't be rigged in our favour! ****ing Williamson!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Nankervis, Dowling and Curtin all need to come in. Lets hope with the Gather round wankfest they are holding off announcing debuts just yet lol Chris Scott suggesting the SA teams should play each other in gather round as a third showdown, wait for it… due to it being unfair. So Chris how many clubs play each other 3 times in the main season? How many games do Geelong play outside of Victoria this year? 7. How many games at that cigar shaped piece of poo? 9. Yeah, it’s unfair. Surely they can’t be serious when they make these statements, has to be tongue in cheek They are a special breed across the border. At a crows gather round clinic with my son. They have sent out all the sanfl players. The kids would hardly know them, some of the stations don’t even have crows players doing it. Also they aren’t holding any other clinics over the weekend (which they easily could given their game will be done and they haven’t traveled, looks like they’ve taken the opportunity to hold the session before an open training session (which sucks for the kids as they have to wait with the adults to get things signed). [censored] poor AFC It’s only because they’ve cheaped out and held it before their captains run. Grow some balls and hold one on the weekend after the game when some of the A players can attend. Dowling part of the clinic, does that mean no debut? FFS. Possibly yeah No Nank so he might be in. Guy Sebastian there, might have brought him in to be a duo with Rankine Seriously can't wait to get pumped by 10 goals. Nankervis - deserving Cook - Soft AF. Sholl V2 Berry - Love his ability to tackle. I wish fumbles were recorded as a key stat because he'd lead them every week. Parnell - Like the lad but being a 3 foot 8 midget who can kick has it's down falls Butts - Can't wait to watch his inability to hit a target within 30m in the D50 then hold up the play and bomb it down the line, yay. Since somebody mentioned cohesion last week... Let's continue to not reward blokes who are in form (dowling).. What a s**t environment. Then you've got GC who're debuting 3 kids this week.. If I'm Curtin I'm requesting the trade at the end of this year. May and Lever to take 45 marks between them I reckon this might get ugly. Dees by 39 That's not that ugly. Probably the line... I'm on board with the George Kramer call. Have gone Crows by 57 points Yep. Let's go. 9 or 10 goals sound about right. We win tomorrow night you all better hail me (GK) Straight jackets someone get the straight jackets Gonna save myself the frustration by not watching this game. If we win i will take a look. i'm not expecting to see the game. Hopefully the players throw nicks gameplan in the bin. May having 14 odd days between getting his ribs broken and cartilage damage, i will be [censored] if he drops into the hole and no one puts a knee into them within the first 15min, even better someone "accidently" puts a shoulder into them before the first bounce The only thing giving me hope is remembering that "ring the bell" match a couple years ago when absolutely nobody thought we could beat them and we got over the line by a point or something, with Murray (or was it Doedee?) getting away with the most obvious deliberate you've ever seen in your life in the last few seconds. Are you ready to be [censored]ed?!?! Don't do it to yourself.... Stop hoping for the win. That's how they get you. Resign yourself to the fact we continue to be a rabble and will not achieve any level of success with the back the boys club in control. Once you've made peace with that, you'll lead a much happier life. Welcome to my TEDtalk.
  17. Who else thinks the "Viney is ill" rumour is all part of a cunning plan to shake the tag!
  18. Imagine getting between a yummy Kranksy and a ravenous Franky. While I'm probably not as Cranky as Franky, i'm also in the too early for May camp. Big match against the Lions looming next week. I'd save Maysie for that and allow him the extra week to shake any soreness off. We can play Petty back and bring Tommo in to cover the defence this week.
  19. As long as Jack et al don't have the squirts! 🚽🧻
  20. HT we don't wanna know about your boot fetishes ty
  21. Mine was cured in 2021 DG. However, some of those suffering MFCSS were apparently more severe and may need a second jab! 🌡💉
  22. I actually think we've learned alot from last season LD. We certainly won't be going in taking them lightly that's for sure. The recovery factors are there though. I'm also looking to go next year but hopefully the AFL aren't looking to crucify us for the Tax Payer Park snub and have us playing the two home teams off a 5 day break again! Chris Scott said something decent on that this morning....why are the teams hosting Gather round both getting an extra home game? Just have them play each other in this round. Seems to make sense, except at HQ.
  23. Whatever Chardy you're on LD, i highly recommend changimg it!
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