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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. That would be a rare clearance (free) out of the middle for us this half. So many fumbles
  2. Have to say this is the worst team performance this season for mine. Players running past the ball far too often. Players fumbling. Handballs at players feet. Rivers playing on and handing it straight back. Kicks falling short. Losing the clearances at CBs and stoppages pretty badly surely?
  3. So far this season we've used a fair amount of chip kicks to work our way out of the back half and then launch to dangerous spots or find a short target nearer the arc. Tonight instead we've mostly hail mary'd to contests up field. Petty moved forward. Roo's had a shocker.
  4. Yep you're allowed to take a player on as long as you drop the ball quickly. New rule apparently
  5. Port have had 21 of the last 25 inside 50s. How we are this close is incredible and testament to our defenders. The mids, bar Viney, are not doing as well.
  6. Im wondering if we made a mistake not having Tommo as sub? He takes the Petty role allowing Petty to go forward? Our forward line is screaming for a contested marking beast.
  7. Needs to play a more true CHF role imv. He's playing from behind too often when starting deeper and getting lead to the ball. BBB deeper to drag their tallest defender away from the drop which might help Roo take a few grabs and/or get to the contest (in front) more often and bring the ball to ground. Kozzy, Chin, ANB and Vins around his feet.
  8. Sparrow needs to seriously clean things up in this second half. Winning the Mr Fumbles award so far
  9. Goal of the game Jack, Nibbler crazy good body work and handball
  10. Can we get a last minute goal instead of givimg one away for a change?
  11. When the ball hits the deck and the oppo turns the pressure wick up we are all at sea. Too flakey at ground level and shutting down the spread. Winning the stoppages. We look slow as a wet week around the ball and very poor closing speed bar Kozzy (to deep), tracc (fumbles) and Windsor (a wet rookie). Roo having a mare
  12. Who was the player that received the ball from Lever's free then kicked quickly in panic to an outnumber down the line for the turnover that came straight back in which resulted in the free and a goal!! DRAG and give a bake pls!! [censored] on your team mates when you pull that
  13. ✅️ Can someone pls get hold of Max (Choco) and tell him to plant that left foot (last step) pointed towards the right hand post. That way he has little chance of such a big hook which he does about 80% of the time. The left foot when planted is duck footed slightly left and thats where he kicks it
  14. He had BBB or Fritta behind him also going up Brownie. Stay down and crumb front and square. No point flying when you NEVER take them
  15. Don't the umps usually say "no arms around" at the ruck contests and if you do its an auto free to the opponent?? Not if its Max apparently
  16. Hopefully Kozzy has flown for his one and only MOTC and stays down to crumb from here.
  18. Saints were monstered in the ruck and marking contests down the line in that last quarter
  19. Add King & Henry and Aints would have this. Two throws in a row against the peptides there
  20. Bonner clearly held there. Middle of the ground and not one of the 4 umps have the guts to call that?
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