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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. His disposal has been questionable for 3 years now, and he has often gone missing when the pressure is on and we're struggling. I support anyone who wears the red and blue, but that doesn't mean I ignore their flaws. Bruce has a number of problems that often make him a liability, and IMHO (and many will disagree) we should try and trade him at the end of the season. That doesn't make me a Bruce hater/basher, it just means I want to get the best possible value out of him going forward, and I believe we can do that by trading him.
  2. You can't be serious! Miller is not as talented as Juice, but he has ALWAYS been a team player. He sacrificed his own game to help out a depleted backline, and was brought into the leadership group at the tender age of 22. Newton could learn a thing or two from Miller about workrate and unselfish play. That's why Miller is still at the club at 24, and has been given every opportunity to prove himself, while Newton is skating on thin ice after 14 games.
  3. Hard to make the play when you can't hit a target by hand or foot. He is an incredibly hard worker, he runs all day and he can play in a number of positions, but he's gone missing this season and his disposal has continued to decline. I really love Bruce, his attitude is fantastic and he has never put a foot wrong off the field, but he is struggling and it's not just because of the quality of players surrounding him. I'm surprised that you, of all people, refuse to see his flaws for what they are and instead choose to make excuses for him.
  4. I'm certainly not someone who gets stuck into younger players, I'm all for playing them in fact. But as you've mentioned, a lack of intensity and pressure is not acceptable no matter how inexperienced you are. That's what disappointed me most about yesterday. It felt like the players are already thinking about their holidays in September. Shame our senior players are not pulling their weight in that regard. Green is desperately needed there!
  5. Can't disagree with that. At least Bell is not our captain.
  6. I expect him not to play like someone who thinks he is better than he is. I hate watching Buddy Franklin because he's an arrogant arse, but at least he has a reason to be. When you've played 14 matches and achieved a grand total of nothing, you should be working hard to prove you're worthy of a spot in the team. Newton dropping sitters, pointing to other players to pick up his man and making lame tackling attempts is not the sort of display of intensity you expect from someone trying to make their way in AFL. Newton might be a really lovely, down to earth guy, but his football persona and attitude is completely disproportionate to his achievements thus far. If he can't get a grip on reality, he will waste all of his talent away (of which he has plenty).
  7. I agree completely, and as such I am a fan. In fact, I'm a fan of 'pure' footballers (hence my love for McLean) because the pace fad will come and go, but a skilled, smart, tough footballer is always in fashion. And you can never have too many ball-magnets, even if they are D-Graders
  8. Hey, I said he's getting better!
  9. That doesn't make him fast, it just makes him not very very slow :D I actually don't have an issue with his pace, because I think he's smart enough to get around that (unlike say, Jones), but if he had the pace of Buckley he'd be an A-Grade midfielder.
  10. I think some of us are letting his past injuries cloud our judgment. Oh poor Sylvia, he's never done a full-pre season. Give me a break, Brad Miller hasn't done a full pre-season in 3 years (until this season), but that never stood in the way of him being a team player. Sylvia's skills are not the issue, and never have been. It's his attitude and selfishness that kills him as a footballer. When he clashed and broke Ferguson's ribs a few seasons ago, we forgave him because he was "young and enthusiastic". 3 seasons on and he's still doing the same stupid things he's done since day one. He has all the attributes to be a fantastic player, and that we settle on him being "a handy, strong bodied forward" just goes to show that we all know he'll never take the next step because his attitude won't let him. What a waste of talent (number 3 pick or not!).
  11. Pros: Can find the ball, can use the ball well, has football smarts and understands the play, decent tackler Cons: Lacks pace, very small He doesn't have that touch of class about him, but neither do the likes of Sam Mitchell. If he can become a handy replacement for Junior and take some heat away from the likes of McLean (currently our only effective midfielder, even with a broken ankle), we would have done very well for our investment. If you rate Junior as a C-Grade midfielder, than I guess your assessment is right. C-Grade/Battler to me says "Godfrey", which IMO he is miles ahead of.
  12. :D He's getting a little better, but he's no Jamar (our ruck stocks= depressing)
  13. Dunn may have struggled, and he may even be selfish (he isn't IMO) but at least he is not a diving cheat who has a cry everytime someone lays a finger on him. You may suck idiots like McLaren in, but I doubt anyone at the tribunal will give you any awards for your acting. What a hero he is, coming out and attacking a young player learning the game
  14. My comments were in relation to Dean Bailey employing a REAL youth-policy, not a half-arsed one. I appreciate all that Yze, Holland and White have done for our club and like I said they may even get a token farewell game in Round 22, but thank god Bailey doesn't revert back to our NQR senior players at the very first hurdle, because that would completely defeat the purpose of developing a team for the future. As for your comments regarding Bell, what a stupid thing to say. If Bell is not getting a game in the bottom team, he won't be getting a game anywhere else either.
  15. What the hell is the point of playing players who will be gone in 5 weeks, when they have no trade value, and when we're not trying to win?? Maybe you can explain it to me and Dean Bailey I have no issues with dropping Newton or Bell, especially Newton, but I have an issue with replacing someone like Jamar with Jeff White. That to me really does go against everything we are trying to get out of this season. No, but from where I was sitting he layed a pretty crude bump on an opponent in the goal square. Does he have carry-over points?
  16. Agreed. We were lazy, we lacked intensity, our lack of tackling was pathetic, our ability to win clearances was non-existant, we couldn't hit a target by hand or by foot, and we played incredibly dumb (sometimes selfish) football. The worst part of the day was that our 2 most senior players, and captains, were nowhere to be seen and had an absolute shocker. Add to that the creepy attack of the seagulls all over the ground, the freezing weather and the pathetic morons who get paid to umpire the game, and it was not a good day for football.
  17. Newton might cop a suspension, if he doesn't, he can get dropped regardless. Sylvia is on very VERY thin ice. I guess a lot will depend on the fitness of Green and Petterd, as both deserve to play if available. Jamar will not and should not get dropped for Jeff White. White is done, and we are not in a winning position anyway (in fact, we're better off losing), so what is the point of playing him when we can develop a young ruckman instead? Bailey won't play White, Yze, Holland or Carroll until possibly Round 22, if at all, and thank god for that.
  18. I give encouragement votes when I have nobody left to vote for. I think Jamar is working really hard and improving each week. He took some solid marks, layed a couple of nice tackles and he works as hard as anyone out there. He is still a very very ordinary footballer, but at least he tries. I am sometimes shocked at the lack of intensity from some of our players, but with Jamar it's never lacking and I can appriciate that. Jones was stiff to miss out, but he now has been playing long enough to be able to judge the required distance of a kick. The amount of crap disposals he had today was unacceptable, even if he is constantly under pressure. Valenti was under pressure and hit targets most of the day. Buckley is somewhat excused, but I'm slowly getting fed up with players who do not know their limitations and try to run before they can walk. Breaking 8 tackles in a row is NOT possible, understand that and we'll all be better off.
  19. Football, to me, is meaningless without the MELBOURNE Football Club. As much as I love the game itself, if my club died than so would my passion for the game.
  20. 6- PJ 5- CJ 4- Valenti 3- Buckley (attempted run out of the goal square= disgrace) 2- Miller 1- Jamar
  21. You better hope like hell West Coast win that one, because Freo are no longer a direct threat to our chances of getting the number 1 pick. If West Coast win we'll certainly finish last, even if we do beat them in Round 20.
  22. :D Has nice pace and worked well without the ball I thought. Very tough day to debut given the style of game employeed by both sides, and our disgraceful skill level (especially in the midfield!!!).
  23. Sylvia didn't do himself any favours either with his selfish attitude. Miller had a right to give him a talking to after he decided to miss the shot on goal instead of handballing to Miller who was open in the goal square. As for Newton, he kicks an awesome goal and nearly takes mark of the year, but spends the other 100 odd minutes doing nothing. Massive waste of talent thus far. \
  24. I'm just happy we're getting some exposure with this commercial (assuming it goes to air), regardless of how silly it is. Any publicity is good publicity, or so they say.
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