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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. Feel for JJ. Has been good all year. Deserves to play ahead of Sparrow IMHO.
  2. We have the highest rates of child vaccinations in the world. Inherently we are pro vaccines and science and for those who aren’t, you can trust the government is make it as difficult as possible. Think no jab no play. It will be incredibly difficult to live in Australia without a vaccine by this time next year. And so it should be. I am sorry if you don’t believe in science. Tough luck. Immunity is a community effort and we all need to do what we can to protect everyone, especially those who really can’t get vaccinated due to age or other medical conditions.
  3. Why would Yze go there? Seriously why would any unproven coach go there? They treat their coaches like trash. They need a big name with big clout to shut their board up and put some support around them.
  4. Any idea if the rising star / AA / coaches award is going to be shown on Kayo and if so, what time?
  5. Joke of a club. I hate them and hope they fail for years to come, but gees you gotta feel for Teague. Hasn't exactly been awful and hasn't been given sufficient time either. To sack a coach after 2 years, they have to be Mark Neeld bad. Still feel like some strong assistants around him could have made a big difference... not to mention actual support from the club!
  6. If he costs us peanuts (salary wise, he won’t cost us anything in a trade as he’s a free agent), then isn’t he far better depth than Mitch Brown?
  7. When Tommo is back we do have the option to put Petty forward. But I agree our key position players are mostly on the wrong side of 29. Which is why I’m very strong on keeping Weideman.
  8. Maynard would be a brilliant get. Replacement for Hibbo but also gives us a lot of options to push Rivers or Bowey to the middle or half forward.
  9. Imagine… cases go down in Victoria… WA has an outbreak the week after the prelim… GF back in Victoria. Bam!
  10. I think given Pfizer has just been made available to everyone this week, they can certainly make the game open only to those with one dose and a mandatory test 72 hours pre game and/or a rapid test on the day? And say 30,000 capacity? It could be a good trial for things to come once we open up more. But firstly we need people to sit the hell down and stay home and stop waiting so long to get tested! FFS Victorians be less dumb!
  11. We need to prepare that we may well be away for the next 4 weeks. That means we have to factor in lots of scenarios, including match ups, injuries, players having to go home for an emergency (eg- Jonesy for the birth of his twins?)… I am guessing that we won’t take as many to Adelaide but may have a few extra fly directly to Perth from Melbourne? But overall I’d say we go to Perth with minimum 30 guys. You need a backup for just about every single position on the ground.
  12. Please Victoria, please get your [censored] together!
  13. I wonder if that favors us. Brisbane would have played very few games in cold and rainy conditions.
  14. If you listen to the Gus and Gawny podcast, Gawn has discussed previously that she’s due around the spring racing carnival and that it will be a tough choice between attending the birth or attending the horse racing. Also this is a very creepy discussion to have. Let the poor woman be pregnant for as long as she needs to be!
  15. The Herald Sun loves misinformation and scare tactics. Rest assured though, they can’t make up gestational periods.
  16. Jackson said on the Gus and Gawny podcast that he absolutely loves Melbourne and has no home sickness. Kid doesn't sound like he is a good enough liar to pull off such a convincing story.
  17. Oh I love a cheeky bastard ginger. I am very much here for his vibe! And I love that he was a fat kid who got told to lose weight or nobody would draft him, and he's now probably the best midfielder in the competition. Also can confirm I am not a Pratt by any relation.
  18. Odds of winning a premiership in relation to use of medical sub please? 😅
  19. People throwing up Gus and Rivers need to think very carefully about team harmony and unity. The players are very close knit bunch, and a lot of the way they play is because of how much they love one another and enjoy playing together. Our culture is finally one that other clubs can be jealous of. We need to be very very careful not to just throw out key players in our team. It will cause big disharmony and could backfire. We also can't bring in someone who will demand huge money. Remember Oliver and Jackson will both be out of contract soon enough. That is a big chunk of money gone right there. Have to be very smart, and I think for where our list is at now, our best chance is to target specific needs with free agents or players really keen for success willing to play for less money.
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