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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. Their best player has only himself to blame. Their forwardline is a disgrace and he could make a massive difference.
  2. GWS is embarrassing. Their forwardline is more abandoned than Melbourne after 9pm.
  3. Ok GWS you’re done. Start smashing skulls. Thanks.
  4. [censored] me GWS are putrid. Make it a contest at least. Jesus Christ.
  5. The only thing he has going for himself is that he’s good to look at. It’s all downhill after that. This game is embarrassing on all levels. Mostly skills.
  6. God I despise Hawkins.
  7. We need to have a quiet chat to the AFL before we play Geelong next week. This umpiring bias is totally unacceptable
  8. Great goal. We have a pulse.
  9. Leon Cameron with all the inspiring personality of a wallpaper
  10. You have options. We are stuck in lockdown, curfew has kicked in, and it’s pouring rain. WE HAVE NOTHING ELSE LEFT 😭
  11. Infuriating. GWS horrible. Geelong disgusting. If we somehow lose to Geelong next week I am burning WA down.
  12. Oliver’s poo would be BOG tonight.
  13. Mumford is embarrassing.
  14. Well you can be sure we will be playing Geelong and the umpires next week. Disgraceful.
  15. GWS against our backline. Lol. Sadly won’t happen. This game is painful. I hope GWS start bashing skulls when they know the game is beyond them.
  16. I’m on an alcohol ban this weekend. Lockdown is not good for my drinking. On the other hand, this game is not good for my sobriety.
  17. Geelong clearly the better team. I really don’t want to play them again.
  18. I’m not drunk enough for this game.
  19. To be fair they are both revolting clubs.
  20. I do wonder how much of this is a popularity contest? Bont is a nice guy on the field, so other players vote for him. Wines and Oliver are competitive beasts. Probably not out there making friends.
  21. No state in Australia will have Victorians at the moment without an exemption, and no state is giving our exemptions for desperate footy fans. So unless you can swing a work or compassionate exemption, good bloody luck to you!
  22. Even if we can get a deal done (say bundle picks for lower picks trade, Weideman trade etc), I am not sure how we are going to pay him? We have so many quality players coming out of contract soon and a list full of stars and rising stars. Cerra would need to be getting paid well unders if he wants to play for us.
  23. I thought we'd struggle to make top 4. If we lose a close one next week, it would still be a very good season with a largely very young list that is on the rise. If we get smashed like that last PF we played in, then I would be worried. But there is a lot of long term excitement with our current list. We are not at the end of the road like Geelong, or to a lesser extent Port and Brisbane. Having said all that, we have been blessed with an amazing injury run and a pretty even competition where there isn't a very strong and obvious stand out. This may never happen again. Our golden opportunity is now, and to not grab it with both hands would be really disappointing.
  24. Can we PLEASE remove all the clear misinformation in this thread regarding vaccines? If you are a Melbourne supporter and you plan on attending games next year, I suggest you get yourself vaccinated and quickly. Daniel Andrews made it pretty obvious today that no jab no footy entry. Just another reason to do the right thing and get jabbed!
  25. I got my first dose today! (I was booked in for Monday but the clinic didn't get their supply so got pushed out to today). Literally jumped on and booked the very first day it was available. Both my husband and I will be fully vaxxed come October 11th... my parents 10 days later as they got AZ.... I can't wait!
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