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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. Absolutely putrid day after a putrid week. I’m glad we have a bye. I need a break from this club for a week.
  2. On top of all the injuries we are just playing putrid football. I think unfortunately this season is not going to be another fairytale. We are a shadow of our former selves.
  3. I hope Viney puts that little gutter rat on his [censored].
  4. Time to put this Ginnivin kid on his [censored]. Little [censored] mouthing off to Gawn. Who the hell do you think you are? Have you won a flag or been an AA 5 times? No. So shut the [censored] up!
  5. North were never a strong enough club to bottom out. They have a small supporter base and low membership numbers. They also don’t have big cash flow like say West Coast, Essendon or Carlton. I think they feared that a prolonged period at the bottom will see them collapse, so they kept striving for middle of the table mediocrity, which in the long term only made everything worse. They are a nothing club. They don’t have the supporter base (Richmond, Essendon, Carlton) the history (Melbourne, Geelong) or the affluence (high profile supporters/ president) for anyone to care about where they are as a club. Essendon has gotten more attention being bottom 4 this year after making finals last year, than North has being a basket case for 4 seasons now.
  6. That he took offense to what May said. And fair enough. As I said in an earlier post, fat chance May says what he said to Jonesy. Yet he’s brave enough to say it to Smith. Very poor behavior.
  7. Using mental health to cover up genuinely poor behavior just minimizes the seriousness of those who really suffer from poor mental health. I’m not suggesting Smith hasn’t suffered from mental health problems, but let’s not for a minute blame that for using drugs and then having it recorded on social media. Seriously that’s not a mental health issue that’s a stupidity issue.
  8. Please please please don’t let this mean Petty is injured. We are holding it together by some duct tape as it is down back.
  9. Let me be very clear. I do not condone violence. Ever. And I have a feeling it got physical because all involved were drunk. Which makes the entire thing worse. Smith and May injured and therefore not allowed to drink. Melksham fighting to keep his career alive. None of them should have had so much alcohol that their judgement was so impaired to the point where they’re punching on in the street! And let’s be honest, these are all big solid guys. A beer or two wouldn’t impact them.
  10. All we need to top off this wonderful week is yet another defender to go down. Lever hasn’t been 100% all year. Sticky tape that sh it up and let’s go!
  11. Rate him or not, it’s literal trash to tell a teammate that you’re basically happy he got injured and didn’t play in a flag. If the shoe was on the other foot and May didn’t pull up from his hamstring, he wouldn’t want Smith to joke about it. These guys have worked their whole lives and have sacrificed everything to win premierships. Would May say that to Jones? No he wouldn’t! Considering May spent 10 years at a rock bottom club achieving nothing, it’s bloody rich of him to be pulling out this garbage. Really poor behavior from someone who is meant to be a leader of our club and the leader of the backline. How does he expect to command respect from the rest of his teammates after pulling this crap? Also he was clearly not sober, which considering he is recovering from a head injury, just shows me he has really bad judgment and probably an inability to not consume alcohol.
  12. No chance a kid debuts as medical sub.
  13. Don’t think the AFL can investigate a police matter. Let alone one that occurs overseas and ends up in court. I think the club handled this poorly. They tried to sugarcoat the truth and instead each day the real truth came out in tiny morsels, making the entire thing sound so much worse. AFL probably wants to know what else we are hiding.
  14. Hunt dropped seems harsh. No idea why Weideman is in unless we are planning to drop Mitch Brown. Turner likely debuts if Petty isn’t right to go. I am still so mad that May isn’t there thanks to his utter stupidity.
  15. And on it goes. Hope May and Melksham are really really proud of their actions.
  16. The more I hear about this, the more disappointed I get. May getting stuck into a younger teammate, senior players like Hibbo not stepping in to stop May from drinking. The whole thing is just rubbish. Let’s hope it makes us stronger. But right now it’s only made us a bad headline.
  17. The only positive to come out of this is the reinforcement that Gawn is a superb leader
  18. Hahahaha 17 other clubs would LOVE for us to delist the best FB in the game. Let’s give our flag back while we are at it.
  19. I don't disagree, but I also don't know what is happening behind closed doors. Melksham could have been told that this incident is curtains on his career. To be honest, nobody will punish Melksham more than I am certain his wife will...
  20. What a beautiful example to set to your younger teammates, particularly one contemplating going home. FFS!!!! What would be the point of suspending Melksham? He isn't getting a game anyway, and now he has to go in for surgery. The biggest punishment for Melksham is that he will most likely never play a senior game of footy again.
  21. These two are a complete embarrassment. Melksham has probably cost himself his career and May has probably cost us a win we so desperately need.
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