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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. *Sigh* Another week without McLean Great news for Petterd, while Warnock is pretty stiff considering his replacement is Ferguson!
  2. That is a completely different issue, and has nothing to do with injury management. For what it's worth, I agree. Our depth is as shallow as a kiddie pool. Whelan and Wheatley obviously passed fitness tests and were therefore deemed ready to play. If we had a full list to choose from, they may have been rested and the club wouldn't have bothered with a fitness test.
  3. Not so sure that West Coast fit this theory. They've had Fletcher and Cox out this year, and now Embley is out for 6. And if you want to talk about crap managment, how about Ben Cousins spending the year in rehab after years of drug abuse? We have been fairly lucky with injuries in the past 6 or so years. We've had very few long-term injuries like knee reconstructions, and such. There are a number of players in our side who are injury prone, like Whelan, but we are hardly alone in this. To the club's credit, Travis Johnstone has been on the field consistently for the past 3 years, after having many injury problems early on in his career. Bell and Miller have recovered from OP, Junior came back from a knee reconstruction bigger and better, and White no longer has shin problems. We have managed a lot of our players quite well IMO. Some players' bodies are weaker and more injury prone. McLean's latest injury was a freak one and completely unrelated to his soft-tissue problems, and this is Rivers' first ever soft tissue problem. Also, for those who claim Whelan and Wheatley shouldn't have played a few weeks ago, please go back and look at our injury list. We were running out of options and had little choice but to play them. IMO, we are very cautious with our players. We don't often rush our better players back from injury, and you only have to look at this week's Sandringham team for proof.
  4. Agreed, which is why, if they decide the keep him and he decided to stay, it will have to be as our senior coach and he will need to have the same power that he does now. Anything else would be an insult. I wouldn't mind if Voss was his assistant, giving us the option of him one day becoming our senior coach, that is all.
  5. He was dropped in 2002, I think it was. He went back to Sandy and took an absolute screamer (and dominated) and was back in the side a couple of weeks later. Sandy will smash Williamstown going by that side. Damn work, I would have loved to go down and watch! <_<
  6. Bryon and Robbo at Sandy. How much will the mighty Zebras win by this week?
  7. Ch. 10 Embley out for 6 with a knee.
  8. Embley out for West Coast, but Cox and Fletcher rushed back into the side.
  9. Also, McLean + Jones for the return of Heffernan If I could choose anyone to come to Melbourne, I'd go with Jonathan Brown, but that is probably because he is my favourite player (outside of Melbourne). I am well aware that his body is suspect, and that Pavlich is a better long-term investment. Oh, the thought of Jonathan Brown in a Melbourne jumper is spine-tingling
  10. Yeah, I saw that AFTER I posted, and edited my post accordingly. I should really learn to read properly
  11. I'm pretty sure the club will go after him for an assistant coaching position. I wouldn't be opposed to having him as an assistant coach under Daniher for a couple of years, then give him the senior coaching title. I'd rather a completely new coaching panel, but if the club and Daniher decide to stay, I hope that new assistants are introduced.
  12. I would rather give Warnock another week, than watch Ferguson perform the same old tricks. Great to see Brocky... hopefully he plays. And Ricky named as soon as he is fit, the boy has certainly made an impression. Don't think they should risk Wheels, and I'm glad they are giving Beamer a break. Bench IMO will be: PJ, Jones, McLean, Petterd. P.S.- What is going on with Jared??
  13. He'll make it, but probably not in red & blue... I'm completely perplexed by the lack of confidence shown in him. Yes, he has previously just gone at senior level, but why does he deserve less leniency and patience than the rest of the side? Why does Ward get one week off, then straight back into the side, but CJ gets extended periods at Sandy, where he almost always plays well. I'd be very disappointed if we don't see him play consistently for the rest of the season, and he would be better off asking for a trade if that was the case.
  14. No point in trying new things, if they will only disrupt our structure. Rivers is our best defender, period. We will achieve nothing by taking him out of the backline, where he is so good and very much needed. Apart from Dunn on the wing, which I think is a good move, and PJ being given time to prove he should be on our list next year, I would really love to see Bell released into the midfield when Whelan and Bartram return. Not fussed if he plays on the wing, or as a tagger, but I think it's time to unleash Belly :D Would also love to see CJ given game time on the wing or half-forward line... hell, give him game time in the ruck for all I care, I just want him to prove that he has what it takes!
  15. Actually, Dees189277 was trying to get confirmation regarding a rumour that was posted on Demonology, and I locked the thread because it was unsubstantiated, and defamatory. Btw, the rumour was that Pickett has been sacked, which he hasn't, so it was proved to be incorrect.
  16. Firstly, he didn't eye gouge anyone. He wasn't even up on an eye-gouging charge. He was up on rough conduct, and making unnecessary contact with Johnson's face. Secondly, Dutchy was bleeding at the time, so it was hardly an unprovoked attack. I wonder why Brad Johnson didn't even get charged, when Holland needed to be stitched up. Also, since when has Dutchy ever been a dirty player? You can't possibly compare the incident to the unprovoked attack by Farmer, who also has a terrible record. Just say thank you that finally something has gone our way.
  17. You and I clearly have very different inside sources. Just on the topic, I was listening to SEN on my way home tonight, and Ox made the comment that Gary Lyon was the best forward coach he has ever had, that he could really get through to players and that in his opinion he'd make a great coach. Now before anyone jumps on me, I am NOT in favour of Lyon being our next coach, but if he wants to be our forward coach, I'm all for it. However, as Ox said, why would he take the pay-cut, only to gain the extra headache?
  18. I went Pavlich, because he is so much more than just a CHF. He is a forward, a defender (he got an AA selection at CHB) and he can play in the midfield. His body is also less suspect... no dodgy shoulders. That's not to say that I'd be upset if Mr. Judd decided he wants to come to the Dees!
  19. Wow. it's all happening for us this season Very disappointing, especially from a highly-paid senior player who should know better. Glad to see the club taking immidate action. Given the current climate, you have to be seriously stupid to break any sort of team-rule.
  20. This place is full of rumours today. I'd say that Pickett is the one, if there is any sort of truth to the rumour. I hope not, but he seems to fit the bill. Bizzell is still fit and out on the track, so he could still technically play. Doesn't seem the type to retire mid-season.
  21. Of course he doesn't. What a friggin joke! Godfrey is not the sort of player who goes down like a sack of potatoes, yet he was lying on the ground for a good minute while West ran as far away as possible. :angry: :angry: :angry: I'm not saying he should be suspended for it, but at least a reprimand to let others know that smacking your tagger behind play is just not on!
  22. Well, if the great Y_M thinks we'll lose, we're an absolute certainty to win. Bring it on!!! :D
  23. Holland won't get 5 weeks. He has a good record, so maybe 2-3 at the most. I hope we challenge the outcome, regardless of what it is. He isn't a key play-maker, so we have nothing to lose if he doesn't get the sentence reduced. I want to know whether West is going to be reprimanded for what he did to Godders behind play.
  24. According to Hutchy (god I hate that man!) on Footy Classifieds, West is under investigation for that hit behind play on Godders. So maybe that will put a stop to players belting the premium tagger of the AFL :D
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