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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. It is disappointing that CJ gets delisted the year he starts showing he is a capable footballer. I wish him all the best for the rest of his career.
  2. St Kilda is fast becoming a dumping ground for every deadshit reject. That Carroll is going to get paid next year, despite him being an embarrassment and an idiot is just ridiculous. He screwed up numerous times and now gets rewarded. You gotta love the AFL
  3. The AFL can go and get..... *goes off to ban herself for inappropriate language*
  4. Being a good captain and having off-field issues almost goes hand in hand.... Carey, Cousins, Kane Johnson, wasn't Voss involved in an incident outside a St.Kilda nightclub? McLean has made errors in judgment, absolutely, but he's owned up to them and he served his punishment. Is it not time we move on from that and concentrate on what he brings to the club, on the field, as well as off. For all of his silly indiscretions, McLean also donated $10,000 to help save our club, has time and time again delivered measured and mature media performances and has proven that he can play and dominate in finals. He's a natural-born leader, and that's something you can't teach someone, no matter how good a bloke or player they are.
  5. If a player lives in say Sandringham and has to get to training at Junction at 8:00 in the morning, it would take them at least 35 minutes to drive given the traffic which usually starts around the Brighton area of Nepean Hwy. So really, the extra 10 or 15 minute drive to Cranbourne doesn't make a huge difference.
  6. To the contrary, as 2009 is a rebuilding year, having a strong leader at the top is of extreme importance. The captain will help set the tone not just for next year, but for years to come, which is why I would like to see someone at the top who embodies what I believe is the values and attributes necessary to win a flag. We may not win a prelim final, but what we do next year can and will influence whether or not we win one in the near future.
  7. Your reply to me was condescending and rude. Calling someone a non-thinker and claiming that Brock was "my boyfriend", is an extremely childish and silly way of bringing across your point. Furthermore, as you seem to follow me around this board, replying to any Bruce-related post, it's pretty obvious you only got on your high horse because Bruce's name was involved. And what on earth does playing football have to do with understanding leadership? I deal with leadership issues everyday in my studies and my work (and have taken various leadership roles in both). Besides, it is not a prerequisite of this board that you must have played the game to comment on the game. When was the last time you pulled on a Melbourne jumper? I also bet that I have a far better understanding of the army than you, so please, get off your moral high ground. If you don't want to hear me or other posters' comments on issues relating to Bruce, place us on the Ignore List, or better still, stop reading. I can assure you that this is going to be the very last time I engage in this idiotic and pointless Bruce debate with you, particularly as I have not expressed any offensive or inappropriate opinions, so you can stop wasting your time (and mine).
  8. Bailey is probably not commenting because the issue has not yet been settled. Sure Carroll won't be playing with us next year, but will we be paying him out, or can we sack him without a payout? Since the details are not yet confirmed, Bailey is not putting his foot in it by saying anything stupid. I mean really, did people expect him to say "Carroll is a bozo, and he'll never set foot in my club ever again"?
  9. Your defending of Bruce is becoming more abusive and inappropriate than almost any "anti-Bruce" post I read. I'd take a deep breath before posting next time. By the way my post was in reference to ALL our senior players, but then if you weren't out there just waiting to target anyone who says anything less than glowing about Bruce, you'd know that. Our numbers are firmly skewed towards a young list, and a strong capable leader will lead at any age. Was Neita the oldest player on our list when he was appointed captain? Doubt anyone had issues respecting Judd or Cousins or Carey when they were given the captaincy. IMO we have to start building a group, a unit, and that starts from the top. Appointing an "in-between" captain who is a so-so leader because we're too scared to bite the bullet and go for someone a bit left of centre (Miller) or someone who is still learning (McLean), is going to be a disappointing move in the face of all the progress we've made since the end of 2007. For that reason I hope that neither Junior, nor Bruce nor Green are appointed as captain. However I do think that we should entertain the idea of having co-captains, by possibly paring a senior player (yes, even Bruce ) with a younger leader, thus making the transition smoother.
  10. If Bruce is appointed captain for 2009, it would be disappointing because it would be an uninspired choice. The same thing applies to Junior and Green. We seem serious about reshaping our club, and building something really strong with our young group of players. Appointing a senior player in the position of captain, seems to really go against the entire plan, especially since we don't have a standout senior player who should or could really lead our players down the right path (such as Neita).
  11. Or we can go with GHD- the company that makes really expensive hair straighteners... god knows we have enough pretty boys at the club who can start a whole new men's marketing campaign for the company I can totally see Jonesy being their spokesperson
  12. Name one recent player taken at pick 90 that is better, or even half as good as Daniel Bell. There is no point delisting players, only to replace them with really REALLY ordinary players who can't crack it into the top 70 in the draft.
  13. I was so hoping this would be a picture of Jared Rivers, with arms and legs attached, standing in a vertical position, possibly holding a football... *sigh*
  14. Any player that deems himself to be above driving 45 minutes to get to work, can take their ego somewhere else. Seriously, millions of people who get paid far less than these guys travel a lot further each day to get to work. I'm sure if you ask any AFL player to choose between a short drive and [censored] facilities, and a long drive and great facilities, they'd choose the later. Not to mention the competitive advantage it gives us. So it's in Cranbourne, so what, beggars can't be choosers.
  15. I've also been away so we've been one mod short. Hopefully the spam stops soon... and yes, thank you for the 186 PMs I received in my absence
  16. I think he was asked to stay away, as opposed to being a no-show.
  17. There was nobody up for trade who would have brought us a premiership. We would have traded Green, but the deal didn't go through because of Hawthorn. To summarise, trade week is crap, and you don't win a flag in the first week of October.
  18. Build a bridge... Seriously, you'd think we just missed out on Judd all over again. Prismall is slow and now has a dud knee, and Warnock has done NOTHING in this career thus far. Gees I'm so glad to be so far away at this time of year
  19. It just seems that whenever anyone has anything negative to say about Bruce (Y_M aside, as he really is a tool), they are automatically labeled a Bruce-basher, or pulled up on their comments, even if they are not being offensive. On the other hand, it is completely OK to call Miller a hack, Bell a dud, Bartram a no-hoper and the list goes on.
  20. It amazes me everytime how Bruce is untouchable on this forum. And Rhino, if you compare me to Yze_Magic again I'll ban you
  21. Let me tell you a little secret, two ordinary players are no better than one ordinary player, it's just twice the crap. Miller is worth a lot more to us than he does to anyone else. As for Sylvia, he was pick 3 in 2003 and hasn't done a whole lot since. Not a chance anyone will give up pick 4 for him. How dumb do people think football clubs are?!
  22. If we want pick 4, we have to be willing to part with either McLean or Morton or Garland or Davey (last one is doubtful). Is anyone willing to trade any of the above? Because seriously, Bell and Jamar are NOT worth pick 4, neither is Jones, or anyone else at our club. Getting another top 10 pick seems very very unlikely because the players who are worth that much, are untouchable. I'm so happy I'll be away for the whole of trade week. I can't stand the speculation and dribble that never eventuates.
  23. No, it's disappointing because Bruce had an ordinary year. In a season where pretty much everyone had a shocker, it would have been nice if a player was rewarded for improvement or leadership. I would have been thrilled for Greeny or even Wheatley had they won the award, but to reward someone who has gone backwards with his disposal and play making, who played just above the average and wasn't particularly brave or strong this year, is just really disappointing. In such a [censored] season, rewarding players who have gone above and beyond would have been nice. That's why it's fantastic to see Warnock come 4th, because he has improved so much against all the odds. Bruce had some ok games, a couple of great games, and mostly ordinary or below par games. He did nothing spectacular and most of us sitting in the outer felt the same throughout the season. Would love to know on what criteria Bruce ended up winning it, because IMO Green was far more deserving. Edit: I don't dislike any of our players (Carroll aside), and my disappointment has more to do with the club than with Bruce himself.
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