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Little Richard

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Everything posted by Little Richard

  1. Sewell has signed a 3 year deal so no chance of picking him up through FA. Also Jay Clark seems to think we are in the box seat to land Chris Knights from the Crows.
  2. Best of luck with everything mate, no doubt you are the most exciting player in the league to watch and I would love to see you out in the red and blue again, but get yourself right before thinking about footy again. Good luck Liam.
  3. Passionpit aren't too bad, some good upbeat tunes!
  4. Was it Kyle Matthews who was king hit a couple of years ago and ended up in a pretty bad way? If so great to see him playing again, good on him and hopefully he kicks a few.
  5. Absolutely yes, he will be a gun.
  6. Fairly sure that was the 'fantasy' trade for us and not based on anything substantial.
  7. Sure the leadership group is good for leadership (as long as the good leaders have been properly identified). However, you didn't address the issue of experience, which is what we sorely need. Rivers has this, and so is required IMO.
  8. RR do you think we should get rid of Sellar and Rivers? Or Rivers over Sellar? Without Riv on the ground we are devoid of experience and leadership. Who is supposed to teach all our 18/19 year olds without players like Jared? The 20 year old's and the very few players we have in the 24-26 category who actually deserve a spot on the park?
  9. I thought Otten had some stints in the middle and did pretty well. How is his disposal?
  10. Must keep Rivers, an important on field leader with valuable experience.
  11. I'm sure it isn't the end of the story for many, and I don't think you get to decide that. Anyway I have said everything I wanted to say. Edit: In saying what I said, I don't totally think he was pushed out by Neeld and co., I just thought it sounded a bit nqr. As someone else said, obviously it was speculation.
  12. I'm not saying he was pushed out by the club, but it does sound a little fishy. This is quite possibly 'Brad Green' (written by the club and given to him on a palm card). You can never really know these days whether the words coming out of a players mouth are his or those of the footy club.
  13. Green did say a couple of weeks before he announced his retirement that he wanted to play finals again.
  14. This is even more true with Darling, playing as the third or fourth tall would have aided his development massively. If we had taken him his development would probably be much slower as he would have been thrown straight in as our primary or secondary forward. As well as that, every single team passed on Darling before West Coast picked him up the second round so there is no use bemoaning that.
  15. The way we are going you could say this about most of the list.
  16. It says on your profile that you joined this year, Jose. So was that when you were e25 or Artie Bucco?
  17. Richmond really do seem to be the dumping ground for us. Strauss won't go, definitely need his disposal out of the back 50.
  18. But what if you could sell the cherry for an important part of the recipe for the cake?! We can get another cherry later, glazed ones are good.
  19. I see this as a bit of a compliment to Frawley. Chip is all class and has played fairly well this year but well under his best IMO, which tells what a class player he is. Tommy Mac has had a good year but the turnovers are unforgivable - the amount of goals scored against us each week via turnovers is just depressing and he is a big contributor. Fix the kicking and he will be a very good player. I wouldn't mind seeing him have a go up forward in the last couple of games either.
  20. How so? Did you speak to him personally or was it reported pr something like that?
  21. This is great mate, thanks a lot. Keep it up!
  22. Jeez that has been said for what, 8 years?
  23. Do you know this for a fact or is it just speculative? Fair enough of course and it would offer one explanation as to why no one has picked him up yet. Can totally understand that the AFL lifestyle is not for many.
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