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Little Richard

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Everything posted by Little Richard

  1. Aw sheet we coulda had Gazza in 84 and Coleman in 46! Think of what could have been.
  2. And there is a hell of a lot of difference between sprinting 20 meters on a set track to sprinting 20 meters at a bouncing ball with a couple of 90kg blokes putting pressure on you. Hence maybe his confidence is down or something like that in regards to speed. The testing shouldn't be much of a consideration. However RR you say he didn't set the world on fire in his first couple of years but in an article re Toby Greene the other week there was a list of the top ten highest disposal averages for a debut season and Trenners was on that. His first year or two were pretty damn impressive. Let's just wait until next year hey?
  3. I voted that we got it right between these two due to the fact that there is no way Natanui would still be here if we had drafted him in 08. As well as that Natanui is a supreme athlete but average footballer; poor skills and still struggles to read the play. However if it was Watts vs other players of that draft of course we could have got it right-er or wrong-er, just like every draft.
  4. For the MFC it would have to be Jonesy, Clark and Howe. After seeing them in person last night, Pat Dangerfield and Taylor Walker are super impressive, Dangerfield in particular. His size, breakaway speed and strength through the contests is outstanding. The fact that he had a modest possession count didn't matter as pretty much all his kicks were to advantage. I reckon he will be the best player in the league within a couple of years.
  5. Here's hoping that a combo of exhaustion from all the fitness work and a form slump is causing this. Look to next year, as I have been saying since I can remember.
  6. Almost 27, and if history is any indication it will be another couple of seasons of the same sort of thing until finally everyone will be saying that his best is past him and 'oh why didn't we trade him when he had value'.
  7. In regards to consistency I mean more over the duration of his career. I actually think we don't have to be shite for very much longer. If we play our cards right over the free agency and trade period (especially) and use picks well, we can turn it around rapidly.
  8. Actually I was talking about the content of some of the stuff he posts, not the number of posts. I think a good game mainly depends on the calibre of the player and what they usually produce and as most of the people defending Col have been saying he is borderline elite, all class etc I think good games for him have to be like today. Averaging 17.5 disposals a game and under a goal shouldn't cut it. I am happy to be proven wrong going into next year but I just think he will revert to his usual self.
  9. Not at all, I would prefer us to eject all the players that are holding the club back and bring in good solid hardworking players via free agency and the draft. I think Neeld has the same sort of idea considering 11 players contract talks are on hold.
  10. Okay he was great today, however the rest of the season he has been okay but mostly uninspiring. I'm sure a lot of people will claim injuries or what not but after seven years of the same sort of stuff (uninspiring with the odd blinder of a game) it has to stop. If Colin can put his hand up and say "from now on, I am prepared to take a leaf out of my mate Jonesy's book and give 100 percent every damn week", I would say absolutely hold on to him. But the fact is if he is around next year (even next week) he will return to his usual self, uninspiring and lazy with the odd flashy touch here and there. I would probably have to agree that he is almost the most talented on our list but all talent and little drive leads to not much on the field. What it seems like is that he loves the idea of being a footballer. I think Col would benefit us the most by being traded out of the club. For one, he would have value I think and could develop into an important part of a strong team, with strong leaders and individuals to influence him, which he doesn't have here and I think has been a big influence on his attitude over the years. Moreover his attitude here is probably not beneficial to the younger guys coming through on the list. So basically I think it is time Col and the club parted ways. It is amazing how some people are defending him after one quality game. Being the best on the list as some people are saying, you'd think one 34 disposal game isn't enough to justify that tag.
  11. Mate how long have you been watching Sylvia play? How can you still support him after seven years of constant let down intermingled with a terrible attitude on field. Judging by a few of your posts you don't seem to follow the footy all that closely.
  12. Jeez he's great... It's round 22 and this was a nothing game so typically Sylvia has a blinder. Hoping this raises his value at the trade table.
  13. What are you basing that on? Trengove has had a good year or two before this, but Caddy showed little to nothing last year. If you are saying Caddy will be good value at 13 because of what he showed as a junior we may as well keep it and use it on a player in this draft because from what I have seen this year his value has only fallen. Not worth pick 13.
  14. He seems to get good hit out numbers when in the ruck at Casey, though not too sure about effectiveness.
  15. Is that Clinton Young? He would be a good pick up I think, some good run and disposal and finals experience wouldn't go astray. Goddard wouldn't be a realistic chance IMO and Cloke would be nice as long as it isn't on a 7 year deal which is just ridiculous.
  16. Jeez those stats are damning for the critics
  17. 94 goals in 14 games for Yarrawonga. http://www.sportingpulse.com/team_info.cgi?action=PSTATS&pID=194753524&client=1-6190-80840-201257-10179081
  18. Interesting, what are his stats like for this year?
  19. Tappy and Strauss in particular need game time to pick up some form after struggling with fitness/injuries recently. Why play the rubbish who Neeld probably knows won't be there next season? Note. Sellar is not included in 'rubbish' as I think he deserves another contract.
  20. Would have saved us a lot of trouble if Cale was taken at number one.
  21. Does anyone have any details on Taggerts back injury?
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