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Little Richard

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Everything posted by Little Richard

  1. Very savvy move from the recruiting department. Professional!
  2. Not surprised he got snapped up so quick - good on Nev. The CFC are lucky to have him. On the other hand, it's going to be tough seeing him in the black and white next year.
  3. Sorry to hear that mate, do you mind if I ask what kind of scam it was that got you?
  4. You're probably right, they're coming from a fair way back. Carlton are another that I wouldn't be surprised to see bounce back in a big way next year. Anyway, back on topic - hell yes we'll be winning again in 2022!!!
  5. I was thinking this about Adelaide yesterday, I'd be surprised if they don't improve massively.
  6. It reminds me of the way they spoke about Natanui early on, and although he plays that way at times, early predictions never really came to fruition. Jacko is certainly playing that way at the moment, a true freak.
  7. Yet another band-aid solution... that wound is festering and one day soon, they're gonna plummet (I hope).
  8. I feel as though Goody's cool, calm, collected approach and Choco's 'pizzazz' compliment each other so, so well.
  9. Said it in another thread but he's looked really promising at times. I'd be surprised if he didn't get picked up by someone else - not being able to break into the best backline in the competition isn't the end of the world.
  10. Sorry that wasn't clear, yeah I reckon another club will pick him up.
  11. I'd say Lockhart will get another shot - he's looked pretty good in patches. Going forward I reckon we'll be fine between Smith, Hunt and even Bowey and Rivers pushing back when need be. Maynard though will be a good pickup if we can make it happen and will slot right in.
  12. I don't think an actual gold fist will be affordable each year, so I propose a rubber fist spray painted gold. Much more economical. And that way we can also include Haymes @TRIGON
  13. I see an alternate reality where we nailed some of those picks, even taking Martin over one of Trengove/Scully. But we fail to develop these players to the point that they're at (or have been) and end up a mid-tier side for the next twenty years... making finals every second or third year but failing to have any kind of impact. That would suck too.
  14. God I'm nervous but I think the squad is just too hungry to be denied. Dees by four goals.
  15. Viney for sure. Petracca and Gawn a hot second and third in my tips. Clarrie up there too of course.
  16. The man who will lead us to the promised land.
  17. After all of the Neeld stuff and distancing himself from the club afterwards, I'd have felt weird about Lyon presenting it if we won. But after seeing him in the rooms after the prelim, it feels more right.
  18. Sparrow is going to be a serious player IMO. His toughness, intent and ability overhead are some excellent traits and he has two of the best midfielders in the comp to learn from.
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