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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Keep an eye on Harley Reid from Tongala. U14 comp has kicked over 100 goals for the year. future gun in the making
  2. Schoolboy errors at this level is just embarrassing. I doubt we'll win if this awful brand of footy continues. Absolute shizenhouse
  3. Very good Game from the big spruce Pruess yesterday. He made Kruezer look like a rookie on quite a few occasions and won their contest easily. He's not going anywhere.
  4. Good to see rational fact based discussion rather than the usual negative diatribe
  5. Im ropable. The double standard of umpiring tonight was vomit inducing. Simon Goodwin needs to step up and ask some hard questions at afl hq. That balding a$$ wipe made so many awful decisions. Gambling is now rooted in this game and opens it up to corruption.
  6. How can you all put with this shithouse umpiring it absolutely reeks
  7. What a load BS I've been an mcc member for over 20 years now. A lot are country members cant make it to all games due to actually working for a living. Wife and daughter been members for 4 years as well.
  8. Can we make the 300 the crowd is anxious
  9. Well we almost got the triple century a fine knock nonetheless. And my 5 year old daughter will be stoked as Jesse is her favourite player
  10. The double century what an innings
  11. I love WA my oldest brother has worked over there for over 25 years. Had some great times staying in Cottesloe and Scarborough and burswood over the years. And I highly recommend the beaches it's a shame most the people have a massive Victorian inferiority complex though.
  12. Carpool and Road trip time people
  13. Missed out on these ones. ill try the walk ups and il be carrying a very big stick so no cutting in got it ?
  14. Fantastic to hear. And thanks for all your reports over the year.
  15. After the win today my 5 year old daughter and wife were dancing around shouting go dees I almost shed a tear. This is the best win for our club in a very long time been a supporter since mid 80,s Go the demons f€#^ yeah
  16. Listening to them booing was music to my ears. Their supporter base is quite fragile of mind.
  17. second thoughts PF ?
  18. He's in good nick I suspect he's spent an awful lot of time in the pool and gym
  19. Harmes and jones putting selwood on his ass. Pure bliss
  20. I can't think of another game that has made so rage filled. I was actually ready to go full run Swanson with TV. The last quarter was an absolute debacle and port clearly got some highly dubious calls. The afl is entirely to blame for continually changing the rules every year. I suggest everyone writes a letter or emails the afl to express our frustration at having to suffer such pathetic farcical one sided umpiring.
  21. Make sure your vaccinations are up to date the power ferals are pretty rabid
  22. Hes about cooked 13 or 14 post season operations. And a bit soft when the heat is applied
  23. Thanks for info Drunkn. Did anyone get reported ?
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