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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Depends what numbers the picks might be. ATM Geelong have 16 & 17 and Bris have 18 &19. Both pairs are 1st rounders. Would you give 18 & 19 for Papley? I certainly would, dc!
  2. Will be Interesting to see if Norf use their 2 x first round picks to bid on any of the aligned players. Or if other clubs with top pick do, for that matter. I like that happening because it means 2nd, 3rd, and 4th round picks get gobbled up for points, and our later picks move up the order and potentially become very handy. For example, 48, 60 and 62 might end up being 32, 45 and 46.
  3. Not much of a step back from the 1st rounder we swapped to Norf, which will be Pick #18 ?
  4. As much as I love Max, he will be 29 at the end of the year, with 2 knee recos behind him. Jacko looks great as a ruck/forward, but is still only 18. It's not impossible that after two more seasons Preuss could find himself 1st ruck with us and playing finals. Clearly he arrived knowing he'd be 2nd fiddle to Max, and made it clear he wanted to learn from the best. He's an infectious, enthusiastic and popular character at the club. Definitely a keeper.
  5. From your lips to god's ears, Polly!
  6. I love lamp. And the lady down the street is stealing soup
  7. AFL stats say Tmac took zero contested marks against North and Collingwood the last 2 weeks Unless Max is absolutely cherry ripe and assuming we have no further injury issues during the week, I'd like to see no change
  8. Agreed. Isn't this exactly what we got Mr Preuss for? Insurance for Max. If he's fit, I'd tell him to crash into Grundy all game long. To quote ONJ, 'let's get physical' (within the rules) LJ and Weid are starting to gel in the forward line. For now, let's keep them there as much as possible
  9. Imaging if BT was roaming the room and The Package was involved!
  10. At least the tigers were playing the ball and not the man...
  11. For the twitchers out there, his call sounds remarkably like a Southern Boobook
  12. I thought it was a very clumsy and reckless tackle. Looked like his intent was to sling him from the start. He'd be fortunate only to get 3. Along with AVB reversing the near certain goal on the siren, Nibbler's tackle was one of the dumbest things we can take from the evening. As for Burgoyne, we'll...
  13. Watch Hannah's last kick to Fritter in the pocket. THREE Brisbane players easily within 5m of Hannan. Why no 50m for that????
  14. Generally agree with this. Might encourage people to upgrade their club membership to premium levels. Some tweaking around country members or members with disabilities might be worth exploring. Certainly the emphasis should be on members, rather than corporate box packages.
  15. I thought Clarry had the better of the battle with Cripps until Cripps moved off him to the forward line.
  16. Lewis would've dropped that chest mark with 1:50 to go and then fumbled it into a Carl turn over goal. So in that respect, Lever won us the game!
  17. Sorry, I forgot... the Land way is to sack everyone 2 mins after the game ends
  18. Not sure I'd be ridding us of Lever or Tmac just yet. 2020 premature expectation, I'd say.
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