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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Left overs from the charcuterie platter lunch, Ethan?
  2. Er, I don't think so. We were both reasonably sober. I was probably old enough to be their father, you their (great) grandfather
  3. That game for me was on a par with the '87 Whitten oval game to make the finals for Robbie. I was a young fella then, but it is etched forever in my mind
  4. IIRC we squeezed past two young women to get to our seats and you mentioned to them "tonight's your lucky night, ladies!"
  5. Agreed. We [censored] ourselves under pressure and turn over too easily. Bad disposal skills are our icing on the cake
  6. Who the f cares? Honestly. Self aggrandisement isn't necessary
  7. FMD, the more things change, the more they stay the same here
  8. Agree completely. He needs to make the most of his foward 2 way running pressure. Adds another element, and he can do it. But an organised back 6 (+ mids) will nullify his leads. If he gets 2 or 3 hit up leads per game and kicks straight it is worth it. Plus pressure acts. His field kicking is poor, set shots ok. Sounds like tmac!
  9. God I hope we aren't so tight with finances that rookie payment costs are determining selection. That sounds like Fitzroy circa 1996
  10. IMO he works best as a hit up forward. And he can do that well if we lower our eyes and there isn't a calamitous tangle of Dee's clogging forward 50. The days of him streaming out of the backline and thumping a long ball to an oppo key defender are over. Leave that to our mids
  11. Didn't the 2 cats games get decided by a kick? Not sure. Disappointing, but not disastrous given the cats aren't a poor side. Or is this thread about the top 5 losses, as in the 'best' 5 losses?
  12. Except that he's a FA, no trade required, so we'd get little in compo for him. He's certainly not a A grader, but he's worth more than that IMO
  13. Or perhaps even simply putting your real name to it. I know we mostly have pseudonyms here, but the vile hate on fb and the like is appalling
  14. Which ones are the worst ones, Mr Old? Any Demon supporter FB accounts that are terrible?
  15. I think clubs did that a year or 2 ago and the AFL "integrity" dept then banned thst kind of blatant draft manipulation
  16. Its also likely that due to numerous Academy/FS picks in the top 25, club's 2nd, 3rd and 4th rounders will be gobbled up for points. So picks 47, 60 and 62 could end up being 10-15 picks higher Edit. I also believe GWS come in with a deficit carried over from last year. Not 100% sure though. Bulldogs will likely use up 9 and some of 38 if they want to match the lad tipped to go 1, assuming Crows or Norf bid for him
  17. You love it WYL, something to whine about and carp on with a raised fist. You would not know what to do with yourself if by chance we were to win a flag
  18. This thread and SWYL are a match made in heaven!
  19. I think Goodwin saw exactly the Melbourne brand of football tonight
  20. Do not quote me. If you haven't already, put me on ignore. You know why
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