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Everything posted by DemonWA

  1. disagree Stripping him of the VC punishes Beamer for his actions. The guy is a life long Dee's man so no doubt being a VC of the club would have been a big deal to him. Rubbing him out for a few weeks would punish him, but also the team. Why punish the rest of the team for something Beamer did alone? At the end of the day though, our next two games are winable, so no doutb the club didnt want to punish themselves by handing out a suspension to one of our key players....
  2. biggest over-statement ever! He hasnt even played a senior home and away game, so im at a loss at how he can possibly be considered an elite player?!
  3. i think the margin this weekend will be 100 points less than the record vrs the hawks....
  4. great post Thommo As i said earlier, its convenient to use his basketball history as an excuse for where he is now, but when we drafted him im sure BP & the FD would have saw it as an upside to his footy skills (additional agility & evasiveness skills), not a hindrance which people now conveniently say that it is
  5. not great luck, but to be honest having him (& jordie) out gives Tappy & Gys more oppertunities for good match time.
  6. Yes he played basketball, but i bet when we drafted him we thought this would equate to great agility, not an excuse for his footballing deficiencies.
  7. Dawes was drafted with pick 28, so the expectations were not as high
  8. great post. IMO there are a few different schools of thought on JW; - He's a work in progress, but will be an absolute star in a few year once he has grown and gains confidence - He's not the power forward we thought we were getting by using the #1 pick for him, but he'll be very good in a few years - He's no good currently and even in time he wont be a power forward becasue he lacks the desire for the contest, no we wasted a number 1 pick on the type of player you can get later in teh draft. IMO we as members/supporters were hoping for a once in a generation power forward when we used the #1 selection on a tall. The fact that he quite obviously isnt showing comprable form to the players hannibal listed above at the same ages casues us all to question wheather he'll ever get there. at the end of the day, if we had used a 2nd round pick on him we wouldnt be scrutinising his every move. Lucas Cook is lucky in that respect - IMO every time he does anything of note it will almost be like a bonus, where as with Watts, everytime he does somthing great we say "so he should, we used a #1 draft pick on this kid!"
  9. ladder position doesnt mean alot for a few more weeks yet. (as i keep telling the Eagles supporters who were over the moon after 2 rounds!) would/will be nice to sit in the 8 either way though
  10. haha The other one that pisses me off is the over use of the word Elite. I hear the word Elite used so often by the football media these days that it its almost like they have forgotten about every other adjective or adverb! player X has Y clearances per game, which puts him into the elite catogory for clearances Player Y has elite kicking skills player Z's running ability is elite IMO the word Elite should be reserved to those who are in the top echelon of all aspects of the game (abletts, Judds etc). /rant
  11. he's a gun and with guys like Davey & Aussie around i hope the club is able to get the best out of him on the field
  12. i expect Beamer to thrive on field with his own performance and his leadership a bit like when Benny Cousins lost the eagles captaincy after runnign away from a booze bus and swimming across the swan river!!
  13. davey should continue to play in the guts. If he is given a hard tag we can look to move him into the foward 50, but making him the sub or trading is way out of line!
  14. pointless discussion really. What is done is done!
  15. Gotzy, we're all just bitter that we've used our #1 picks on a dud (watts) and a traitor (scully) Just kidding. I tend to sit on the fence with Watts. I'm happy to wait for him to show his true worth, im sure he'll be damn handy eventually. However, i also can sympahize with those who are impatient due to him being a #1 pick in his 3rd year and not showing a great deal. Moral of the story - complaining about the bloeks performaces online wont change a thing!
  16. at the end of the day its his word against the bloke who called into the radio. He may well have [censored] on the bar, he might not remember alot from last night! I think the penalty is fair. Glad he's still available for selection though. I'm sure being stripped of the VC will only spur him on to trying to make amends on the field. watch out Suns!!!
  17. is this the ruling, or did you just post it in a very "matter of fact" manner?
  18. prefer previous years, the colours and quality are lacking IMO but at the end of the day it doesnt phase me got my new gurnsey and reckon it looks more maroon than the one the lads wear on game day (maybe its the TV contrast?), but again im not overly fussed
  19. the yay to win games of footy is to pick your best team on form / team balance out Watts or Dunn in Newton
  20. haha YES! honestly though, He's stepped over the line this time, but atleast he hasnt gone on a cocane bender, bashed someone, or slept with a 16 year old etc etc.
  21. theres no doubt we are their easiest game so far... If beamer gets suspended its basically kids v kids. I'd really hope that we win though, but if Ablett didnt talk up their chances then he wouldnt be doing his job
  22. who will come in for beamer?!
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