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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Do you think he might be able to speed up a little I don't have a lot of years to wait.
  2. Strange MFC supporters.We now enjoy losing. Anything less than a belting is considered joyful.
  3. Average dc?you are a generous man
  4. Me too Of and how many back men could slot that goal.Fitzpatrick was not the reason we lost today. There were 10 in front of him for that honour.
  5. All teams have injuries ETThose injuries show up our eternal problem bugger all depth. Once we lose a few better players there is only VFL level to replace them
  6. Statts are one thing what you do with them is another.His only saving grace is there is no one unijured at Casey who is better.
  7. I agree OfI have no idea what Roos and the FD see in Matt Jones. It is must be hidden talent
  8. I did not relaise there was a limit Al.Why anyone know?
  9. any position he is better than Toumpas and Newton
  10. Looks like Jack7 was correct and whats more he is happy.
  11. Out: Jones, vandenBerg, Toumpas, Riley and Newton. In: Tyson, Grimes and the rest is changing deck chairs but I would honestly have McKenzie before Toumpas or Newton.
  12. Dawes!!!!!!He has not played in a month and was still injured and unable to play at Casey this weekend. Please not old Iron hands
  13. I am no fan of Grimes but he is better than Harry any day
  14. Sounds like the average charity collection dc.
  15. Oh please guys you are breaking my heart.
  16. I suspect a few guys are playing for the futures at the MFC today. Anything less than a close loss could be the end for a few. After last weekend I think several have big ? Over their abilities be that physical or mentally. The result today IMO could be a turning point for a number of players and the club in general. A large loss means we have come very little distance since the end of 2013 and several players might pay the price.
  17. Give the kid a break he was a good player last year and this year has had knee injury for most of the year.The poor guy,s biggest problem is he is human.
  18. I wish you the best of luck Bbo but keep the investment modest
  19. Sadly Jack I think the wait is still another year away
  20. I mostly agree with you dc.But you are way off the mark. Instant coffee is the flaggon port equivalent in the Red Wine world. Bottom of the class today dc.
  21. I never believe them P-man the only thing you can believe is that aproox. 22 of the 24 will play on Monday.
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