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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Part of the problem is that the cameras are in the on the northern side of the Ground and show the Seats on the southern side. The members mostly sit on the northern side so are largely unseen on TV.
  2. I got an email today asking members to attend as many home games as possible. There are incentives for the number of games attended. Are they under pressure to maintain our home games at the "G" ?
  3. The only way that will happen Chris is if you remove the "Old Boys" running it. That has a snow flake in Hells chance. I have said often if I was not a MFC tragic I would have nothing to do with AFL level football.
  4. Corrupt to the core, the old boys club was working then and is still to this day.
  5. I am not sure what you mean Mr. leg Can you be more precise please.
  6. Not sure it is always wise to endorse Sponsors SWYL. I remember one a little while back that was less than wonderful. In fact it was a sham.
  7. In those days billy they was a few radio stations they gave a few hours a week, One TV station with more than passing interest and two newspapers interested in Football. So a limited amount of space to fill. Now we Four Main TV channels, Foxtel, a number of Radio stations even one dedicated entirely to sport and an unending supply of Internet space. With all that to fill it is hardly surprising that a lot of what is supplied is crap. The saddest part billy for you and me is the old days will never return. We just have to be more discerning.
  8. It is yet to be proved that he will ET. We have two years IMO or he misses out. There are few certainties in life.
  9. It goes back to the same old problem IMO Too much space to fill and so little real material. So any crap is presented as some monstrous news story that will shake the sporting world. Ignore is the best policy.
  10. Spot on FT, I do not understand all the angst about the prince's spot. The simple fact is that he was a disruptive element at the club that is now gone. Happy days IMO.
  11. They are waiting for the back of jumper sponsor to be announced!!!!
  12. I agree praha. As I said earlier it is democracy at work.
  13. May well be Dr. I hope you are right. I will be at the GP.
  14. Oh It pays to read and not anticipate dc
  15. Since when has not having a reason worried them dc. We were find half a million for not cheating.
  16. Now that is the worst news to date dc. No Bananas!
  17. It is only us fanatics that believe we are on the rise. The general footy public are some what less enthusiastic Gorgoroth. They are waiting for proof.
  18. Been to Bangkok for dental work. I go ever couple of years. re the sponsorship I was being a little mischievous, a lot of people were saying on here that the club was waiting for the best occasion to announce it. I was suggesting that the possible dates had all but run out.
  19. Money Pates. That has been the AFL God for a long time.
  20. Just not in mood for footy yet Skuit. Does not seem like footy season. Hot and humid, feels like summer not Autumn. The GP is on at the weekend and footy usually starts afterwards. I guess being out of the country has taken away the build up. Add in the first game is at the dome of death against a team we have not beaten for a decade and I am no rush to start.
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