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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. What is his skill that hurts the opposition? I don't see one. At best he is serviceable IMO.
  2. IMO there are three their that would be playing on Saturday. Frost, Vandenberg and Hibberd. They will be missed and may be the difference between winning and losing.
  3. Sorry to be a little thick DD but I have no idea what that means?
  4. They are not as easy to read. Tea leaves are a bit larger. I don't take much notice of coffee grind readers.
  5. I agree DJ I follow the bears with similar info. Which is interesting since both teams have been "ordinary" for a long time. The PC have been trying to get rid of your name for a while. I hope they keep resisting.
  6. If we win this I will be deliriously happy and will believe we are way better than I think. I hope I am surprised.
  7. This one we are going to disagree on Saty. The MFC site is average I seldom go to it except for some data like match day info etc. The rest of the time you get the company line. Which to be honest is probably all it is supposed to do. You come here if you want to learn anything out side of the company line.
  8. We played worse against Carlton and Geelong Big Max seems to have trouble with St Kilda so not expecting much from him on Saturday. Most of the games he played poorly we lost last year.
  9. Ninth is my prediction with 13 wins unless the season is very even for teams fifth to ninth. Our back line has holes you can drive a truck through, with luck it might be good enough to sneak us into Eighth. But the season so far has not shown much in the way injury luck so I struggle to see finals football in 2017. Am I allowed to change my mind on Saturday night?
  10. I think that takes away all doubt you are a fanatic Steve.
  11. No thanks RN I prefer the sun behind me. We can easily live with what the cameras see. Seeing 30 000 supporters from other teams crying always does my soul a lot of good.
  12. My assumption Rogue. I have not noticed it in the past
  13. It is not a lack of passion that keeps people from Etihad BBP It is a dose of sanity.
  14. Quite often the simplest answer is the correct one CB
  15. It be equally said that we are stupid UF. What sane person would go through all that and come up for more?
  16. Amen to that one binman. The club is however concerned about the number of members attending home games. I got an email today see my comments on the membership thread
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