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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Not sure how you tip your cap on here bb but I am open to suggestions.
  2. Could not agree more Mr. Leg This is IMO a classic media beat up.
  3. Oh thank God you are back Bbo demonland has not been the same without you.
  4. It is a while ago now but my memory of Farmer was way better than Garlett. By that I mean he had a lot more average games than Garlett.
  5. I agree with you Wiseblood. As I have said IMO there is not enough in between his good games and poor ones.
  6. I agree dc a Red logo will work well on a white background!
  7. When he has bad games is not because he gives away goals or because of team play. He just has a lot of poor games. He is either hot or cold, the main problem is there is little in between.
  8. We may well have a clean back wether we like it or not CB
  9. I think he is a little busy at the moment LDC
  10. I think they are preoccupied over at Punt Road DJ.
  11. Do you have a cool million to invest Clint?
  12. Could not have put it any better than that Ernest. Garlett is the obvious one but he has to play well every week not one in three.
  13. The obvious question Chris Do they or not?
  14. I am enjoying you storming the ramparts dc. Keep up the good work.
  15. I think we are all trying to forget that era as fast as possible bb.
  16. Don't be sad CBF it will go past fast enough it seems like no time that I was thirty and I am now well past that.
  17. We have had quite a few long years in the last decade so I look forward to along year of wins in 2017.
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