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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I wonder what today will bring. With luck the end of Mr Hird as anything at the EFC. But alas I fear we have not heard the last of him. Seems determined to continue down his delusional path of I am the only one in the band in step.
  2. You are probably correct bb
  3. I dont disagree but I have trouble being interested in anything these days outside of the playing field. As you say i have way more interest in how we conduct our trading I think I am worn out by all the Red and Blue plans, white boards, blazers, trips to China etc etc.
  4. Does not worry me one way or the other RtG Winning games is all I have interest in these days the rest is just side shows I am afraid. Am I cyncial? YES
  5. Blue sky that covers it. as soon as these ideas pop up my BS detector goes off. is it meant to distract us from the miserable last ten games of 2014?
  6. I really dont see it altering anything bb will it gives us an extra win? I doubt the answer is yes! Will it give us a warm and fuzzy feeling? Probably yes I am happy for those wanting a warm and fuzzy feeling
  7. A small side show
  8. Due to simple fact that we have chosen so poorly when drafting young players I now have little interest in what number is our first pick and who are the likely players available. I have a lot more interest in the experienced players we trade into the club. At least with this group I have some idea of their ability and how it might impact our performance on the field next year. Drafting kids at 17 or 18 years of age is like picking tattslotto numbers. who knows how they will handle senior football.
  9. Well Redleg less than 24 hours on from this comment and I have Seldom seen such vitriol on the site.Have we total lost the plot? Gee it is only a game guys!
  10. French is always good bb Just ask Mr. Hird
  11. If I could be so bold as to speak for Bbo I would suggest all of the above in the one sitting bb
  12. Sadly he is an old aussie dc
  13. I thought they were those large things that swim in the sea?
  14. probably all that needs to be said!
  15. An old pommy singer gave a bit of a concert at the G I think R&BNothing much really.
  16. I thought you had forgotten us today!
  17. Particularly when we beat them twice in 2015
  18. Could not agree more bb.the interesting thing for me is the new regime at the MFC seem so far to be leak proof. No one comments until the situation is finalised. I am amused every time I see in here that we are chasing x player. 99.9% of us have absolutely no idea who Roos, PJ and company have in mind. We have invested our future survival in this group. so far they have performed well and have my confidence. I wait to see what our list looks like come November. Interesting time ahead.
  19. IT is not a lot different dc Basic ingredient is the same product "Oats" with similar additions.
  20. No I have them cold with lots of additives like Bananas well not so much these days. Berries are good and wallnuts
  21. Special K Something from the 70's do people still eat that? Steel cut oats for this boy
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