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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Massive leap there Dr. If you go back through my comments I have said we will play finals and I still believe that however I don't think we are a danger to the GF for the reasons I have stated. We do not yet have the 25 players necessary to win a spot in a GF. Let alone win one. We still don't have a match winner when the chips are down. If we did we would now be 1 and zero not the other way around.
  2. Yep Good Friday and all dc. if you can't do the time don't do the crime.
  3. I think what has happened dc is they have paid the price for all the sins of the Aussie team over the last decade. All the bulling and bad sportsmanship of the last decade has come out in these penalities. For a decade or more the cricket board have been trying for better behaviour and now was their chance to drive home the fact better behaviour is needed. Why else would you take out the two best batsman for potentially ever? Warner will never play for Australia again, Smith may but after a year off and in his mental state will he ever be as good? All three will carry the cheating label till the day they die and they will carry it for all the cricket cheats internationally who got away with wet tram ticket penalities. The up side? Perhaps players in the future will consider what happened here and refrain from cheating I cannot see any other as we are going to be the easy beats internationally for the next few years. I am not happy about that but cheating and bulling by the Australian team must stop.
  4. Agree RN but not on Viney very useful grunt player but I don't see the skill that players like Martin have and with his foot problem we need to find/ develop another or two because in 2018 He will give us little.
  5. If that were the case why did we lose to the Cats? Gawn is not a match winner we saw that on Sunday. Most of the games we won last year were when he was out injured, Hawthorn proved for years you don't need a dominate Ruckman to win flags and Richmond did last year. The best Ruckman are the ones who do more than win hit outs which is his main claim to fame. Viney is a grunt player very valuable but I don't see the skill that match winners show, it also helps if you can get on the field. Oliver is very good in fact probably our best player but he ain't there yet it might help if he kicked a bit more.
  6. I don't agree dpositive we have a much improved list however we don't have all the ingredients. e.g. Who is our game winner? We have 16-18 good players then we fall away quickly.
  7. The stated reason for not playing him was as I said. Either the reason for leaving him was BS or the reason for him being in this week is they can't have it both ways. But there is bugger all we can do about it I will put it down as a mistake last week that they are trying to rectify this week.
  8. Either way he won't kick goals, he is atrocious in front of goal even he knows it that is why he dishes off so many.
  9. Can you believe what coaches and FD say about why a player gets or does not get a game? Last week Tyson did not get a game because he had an interrupted pre season and had not had enough game time. Then one week later he is in the side without playing one minute in between. How does that work? They tell us what seems to work at the time. Forget logic that seldom gets a run.
  10. Hmm I will be happy with a win. If that is 3 points so be it.
  11. Might have something to do with losing consistently for the better part of 15 years.
  12. With the exception of about five years since 1964 I have always viewed my membership as a charitable donation Dof. Due to a number of factors I will only get to 5- 6 games this year so I hope the charity lives on.
  13. Never believed we would make higher than 7th DJ. The list still has too many holes.
  14. The radio looks the most likely option for me assuming someone is broadcasting it. Other wise looking at comments on here piddz
  15. I have never had more than the odd small inconvenience from the MFC however I can see why people would get peed off . If I were an interstate supporter I am not sure I would bother being a member after the last dozen years, just buy GA on the day the circus comes to town.
  16. Surely the first ensures the second CB?
  17. I can see GA tickets being bought on Saturday afternoon DD. perhaps now with all the new sponsors on board we might be able to have enough staff however I suspect it is all done by outside contractors who give it just enough effort. Extra effort is not covered in the contract.
  18. No a pollie would have used 50 and three words we would not have heard before.
  19. 12 letters when three were needed SWYL.
  20. Our list is seriously better than three years ago bb however it still has players who are not senior level talents who will take us to a GF. Most of our top players are average by comparison to the better sides. We still don't have a match winning individual like Buddy or Dusty. our current list is capable of making 8th and playing finals but a GF quality list it ain't yet.
  21. Better than average chance one of the current is on the wrong side of 30 and the other one has serious injury problems.
  22. I think the last three words cover it DJ. The fact there was no Casey game last week shows how poorly the reserves competition is organised.
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