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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Wow a lot of game talk on here today. Just had a great start to this Friday I had a banana milkshake. I am at peace with the world, well for five minutes anyway.
  2. old dee


    Of course not but there are rules for scalping and no one in authority choices to enforce them. Scalping is IMO a victim less crime. The only victim I can see here is the person who buys the ticket and they know the cost and chose to buy knowing all the failings involved. I struggle with all the indignation.
  3. old dee


    Then don't participate. It is like your drugs analysis no one forces you to take the drugs you do it of free will. If you don't like scalping don't participate. And again like drug taking it is your free will choice and we all know the majority of society has little self control. So why should I worry about scalping there are way more important problems to solve like drug taking.
  4. old dee


    You can put all the spin you like on it but there is one only one element that any of us has control over and that is to buy or not to buy. If you don't like it don't buy.
  5. old dee


    And the more members Clubs get the worse it will get.
  6. old dee


    Then let the authorities envestigate until they get the desire to then I could not care less. Free enterprise at its simplist.
  7. old dee


    Well it would appear that I am the odd one out here. I have no problem with scalping. I have a problem with how people get multiple tickets but back to scalping. If a person has a ticket or tickets and wants to sell to the highest bidder than fine by me. No one makes anyone pay ridiculous prices. If the price is too much stay home and watch it on tv. After all the AFL uses a not too dissimilar method. It is called price at what the market will bare. Get over it folks it is the real world. Especially as the authorities refuse to police their laws. Pay up or stay home simple really.
  8. Now that is one I did not think of at all. But what would be the design? How could we coukd we get favours for mates into the design? Perhaps an emblem similar to Carlton but FFM.
  9. I see the jumper from last Sunday is now being auctioned by the MFC. It got me thinking is there anything at an AFL club that cannot used to make money? And how many different jumpers can we squeeze into the 2019 season?
  10. First win the bloody thing and then I don't care, I won't notice because of the tears in my eyes.
  11. Thank you father I can go forth with confidence that she is on our side..
  12. This reminds me of how unimportant attendance at games is becoming. Sadly it is now running a long way down the list of revenue streams. The AFL don't treat them seriously you only have to look at how badly supporters get treated every year when finals tickets go on sale. Year after year it is very poorly run and year after year the AFL declare this will not happen again. Their crocodile tears are actually a little funny. It is now all about eyes on screens and the clubs with the most eyes get the cream.
  13. Shaking him vigorously . Wake up wake up LG!
  14. Hi Reverand glad to see you are still with us I thought you might have switched to Richmond. What is the message for Friday week?
  15. What do you mean "hopefully" it will be correct either way.
  16. I have no idea if they are worthy or not the only Hawthorn game I watched this year was against us.
  17. I understand that it is ok as long as you do not ask for more than the face value.
  18. They don't really care DJ. As long as there is a reasonable crowd which there will be. The AFL is all about eyes on screens as long as the game rates well, if Sydney siders go or not means bugger all to them. Same as our game If it rates well they will happy if the number going is low they will use it as evidence that our games should be on their smaller venue.
  19. I have one of those it is called "my Best Guess"
  20. Thank God you understand the concept Nasher.
  21. Exactly but should they just never have a conversation with another fanatic?
  22. No MR just wondering how the AFL compile their attendance figures.
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