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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Mine too so you are at $60 extra now!
  2. if he kicks 16 I will be happy!
  3. Self defence mechanism
  4. I do not need to see the game. Only one thing matters Hawthorn won we lost end of story!
  5. I don't think there are enough Bex to go round. You must be as old as me no one under 60 would know what "Bex" is!
  6. Do you think so from where I sit it looks like more of the same as the last few years. 6-8 good players and the rest made up of kids with little experience / game time who are yet to prove they are good AFL level players.
  7. It did not seem inconsequential to Hawthorn. They start the season full of confidence And will play finals. Unfortunately we are the reverse. My gut tells me a long year ahead. Membership sales will be low the next two weeks!
  8. Unfortunately with some addicts never! I have personal experience with two people who have Alcohol Addiction one has after 40 years accepted that he cannot drink and has been sober and a nice person for the last 4 years. The other I think will die of the problem he seemingly will never except he cannot drink. Stays sober for 6 months then has a drink and it starts all over again. a large number of people around these people continue to help them but it wears you out over a long period. But in the end it has to come from within the person. Sad but true. I fear Fev will not turn the corner with the obvious end.
  9. First best( in your terms )may be a luxury we cannot afford. We have only just got out from under a big debt It would be very easy to slip back. And You can only go to the well so many times. my fear is the cost of our own reserves team is a lot more than is being floated. All I guess I am saying is that we will not have our own side in 2011 so lets get on with it. In 2012 who knows and there are lots of problems in establishing our own team. Probably the biggest one is that the AFL does not appear to want it to happen. So we are again fighting the people who hold the purse strings. Whatever you accuse me of please don't make it accepting second best. I have experienced second, third and fourth best for 44 years only finishing first matters.
  10. Oh please it is only one person's view. Last time I checked we live in a democracy you are allow to express your view even if it turns out to be wrong. Hold it together. If you get so up set talking about JW then don't read the items that way you can be bliss fully un aware Of the ramblings like mine that don't suit your view. Have a nice day rpfc The sky won't fall because of my view. He will probably kick 4 on saturday and we will all be happy.
  11. You are right "rpfc" I do not have much patience for him. I try not to enter these discussions in the hope that a couple of years will pass and he will be wonderful. However I watch him play and I cannot get over the feeling that he gets game after game when his results suggest he should be playing at Casey. Obviously much better minds than mind believe he has what it takes and it is just a case of game time. Believe it or not I hope you are all right. But would he get all this game time if he had been pick 30?
  12. Not much interest in that one.He will be there worthy or not!
  13. My God I think that is a bit too far But if it gives you joy!
  14. I am sure you are jesting "steveheals" however Fev will be long gone by the time that gets up!
  15. So the reason JW has had poor games is the fault of the Mids! I am sure Bate will be happy to hear that and is no doubt telling Bailey " boss i would have kicked 6 if the mids did not ignore me. They kept kicking it over my head! I will admit They have not been great however if it is all the fault of the mids then JW,MB and I have another ordinary year ahead in 2011.
  16. Some very good players are not physical I think JW is one of those types. If he is to be a good player he will be a lead up player who kicks goals or takes good marks and transfers the ball on well to a player in a position to score. By 19 I think you have shown your desire to win the ball at all costs you either have it or you don't. That does mean he will not be a good player it means don't expect him to win the hard ball Or burst open a pack. IMO it will not happen no matter how much bigger he gets.
  17. Leaving aside the fact fact that some footballers make poor decisions in the space of a split second Why would you ignore Watts to go to a contest? it is not as though he cannot mark or kick well and he covers ground quickly. Why ignore him? Why bring up his age? Do you thing the guy with the ball thinks oh he is only 19 I will kick it to him when is 22!
  18. Well now we are getting a larger part of the story "longsuffering" thank you for that insight. There may be more to this than I thought. Is Fev the straw that breaks the camels back?
  19. I did not get to the Brisbane game funnily enough I was in Brisbane however if what you say is correct ( I am not doubting your word ) It points to a bigger problem than his ability. Why are players intentionally ignoring him? - They have poor vision - They do not expect he will win the ball or trust him to use it properly or the worst one of all They do not play to him because he is "Jack Watts" No 1 Draftee who gets to much attention. I have seen this last one before and it can destroy players and team results. The old attitude of " if he is so good let him go and get the ball himself" or " why should I make him look good he gets paid twice as much as me for half the result. I seriously doubt it is the last option but who knows why he is ignored. I just hope you are wrong but I have seen it a few times last year.
  20. He is not actually signed yet to my knowledge however the decision is made so why not just get on with making the best of it! We have put our case to Casey. We will not achieve anything if we just get into a continuing agruement with them. That will effect the way some of our young players develop.
  21. Sorry to disagree with you but I find it very difficult to believe that the figure is only $250k. I believe it is a lot more. Clubs like Essendon who are not short on cash continue to have an affiliate. If the figure was only $250k they would have their own team as would Hawthorn and a few others.
  22. You make a lot of sense Deevoted. Lets not throw the baby out with the bath water just yet.
  23. If he were to put in another game like Essendon he might be a chance to miss out. But we have carried him through some poor games up till now so why would we stop now. It is more likely after round one IMO. A loss to the swans and a poor one from Watts would be the receipe for a game at Casey.
  24. I agree, one disagreement does provide grounds for jumping out of the arrangement. If that was the case most marriages would struggle to make it past the first month. Lets all take a breath and get on with it!
  25. I am not joking we are all getting worked up about things that probably won't happen. At Sandy and Casey there have always been cases where their team selection took priority over MFC needs. That is what happens when you have an alliance and not your own team. Why do Geelong and Collingwood have their own teams? So they can get their own way all of the time! We along with most other sides cannot afford one so lets get on with doing the best with what we have. By its very nature an alliance will always have differences of opinion. Sometimes that means you have to "suck it up" this is one of those occasions.
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