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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. This is certainly the key We are supposedly in a premiership window - let's see what the club has planned.
  2. Bloody hell picket, are you on the juice early or still [censored] from last night?
  3. I agree dc but I can't help but wonder if there are any notes, "minutes"or any other record of those crucial meetings where the alleged incidents took place. I very much doubt it.
  4. I'm not sure Graeme ......but Worksafe do have wide ranging power when they are investigating a workplace.
  5. Not only that Luci but the newspaper article this morning claimed "materials seized" by Worksafe. What are these materials? Will the AFL panel have access? Will witnesses etc want to speak to both enquiries? The Worksafe enquiry has legal validity. Is the AFL enquiry now compromised or even superfluous?
  6. Bedford has a lot of potential. It should be developed at the Dees! I would be both [censored] and sad if we lose this bloke!
  7. I watched some of the stream but it dragged on too long. I was also disappointed that they didn't show more of the audience as I was hoping to see @WalkingCivilWar. I reckon she would have been easily identifiable . A deranged looking ranga with an autograph book the size of The Pink Pages and blinding all with the constant flash of irritating selfies.
  8. I had heard this before but just googled it to find the attribution. A famous quote from Green Bay Packer glory years defensive tackle Henry Jordan referring to his coach Vince Lombardi, “Lombardi treated us all the same, like dogs.”
  9. After reading Nev and Redleg's speculations above, it seems that the employer (Colonwood) has said to its employee , "Yes you have a contract but we are going to change the conditions by cutting your pay. You can accept this or [censored] off"! On the other side, in recent years we have had contracted players telling their club they want out ...... and getting their way. Which leads to my question. Are player/club contacts really worth anything nowadays?
  10. Yes RTG - it’s a ****ty way to conduct business …… but not really surprising I guess!
  11. Yeah but ..... as I understand it that communication was outside the committee process.
  12. Top post Red and I agree entirely. Essendrug arrogance of the highest order. I would also add that not only was it a "waste of time" for the applicants (and committee members) but also grossly insulting to both.
  13. Nah !!! 40 kegs too light! Very tasteful make up though.
  14. FMD!! I just came in from raking leaves ..... I'm going back to it. Tonight I will drink booze while avoiding Fox and FTA. There's a couple of decent Korean shows on Netflix while boozing. Uncle Bitter is signing off ...... before I vomit.
  15. I put a small goal kicking multi on and backed the unders . Like yourself, I not that interested. In fact, I'll probably only watch bit and pieces and maybe tidy up The Manor's gardens.
  16. What's the blue heart for WCW? Are you one of those toofless western 'burbs sheilas?
  17. What a ****ty, ****ty morning! At the start of this year I was dead set certain I'd finally be putting my GF guarantee to use and heading off to watch the Dees defend their crown. What a [censored] up of a season. As to the outcome today. I'd be physically ill if I have to watch Scott arrogantly soaking in the victory . Go Swans!
  18. I have a concern. As far as I know , in Australia, we act under the presumption of innocence. I am concerned that that crucial principal is getting lost in the emotion that this situation has stirred up up. I certainly don't know the truth of this matter. Let's see what this enquiry reveals. I will make no further comment until such enquiry is completed. PS. I suggest a few others do the same.
  19. That was a bloody joke right from the start RTG. I remember at the time someone saying how appropriate the appointment was because his actions as Premier caused so much depression.
  20. I'm waiting for Jeff Kennett's response to these matters
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