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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. What's the problem with that Red? It seems quite logical to me. If you need to stab someone, do it in the back. It's certainly safer for the stabber, not so much for the stabbee, and I'm sure quite effective. Plus it's sneaky.
  2. Come on Luci admit it ............... I reckon you're the love struck sheila that keeps sending those anonymous but doting little missives to The Manor.
  3. Great re signing !!!!!! After the one ( so far) training session I've attended this year , I named May as my stand out contributor for the session. He looked to me like a man with a lot of footy left in him!
  4. Two litres !! I don't use that much for a shower. ( Silly bloody sheila idea )
  5. A rare moment of compassion on my part and ....... as the great philosophers say ..... 'no good deed goes unpunished'!
  6. The quote I was referencing is from The Merchant of Venice . " if you [censored] us do we not bleed" Edit. Even The Bard gets barred by the immoderators !
  7. An incisive observation Ernie. BTW. Glad to see you've resurrected ......... yet again !!!!
  8. Congratulations Red for authoring the most vomit inducing post I've ever seen on Demonland.!
  9. Bah ! Whinge, whinge, whinge ! It's all gone downhill since they gave you Sheilas the vote!
  10. At Siri's direction I drove through your part of God's Earth just the other day od. I was staggered by the developments. Only a few years ago it was about as inhabited as Mars.
  11. It's a [censored] long way from The Manor.
  12. I have to say that constantly being maligned and made the butt of jokes on this thread is wearing me down. I'll admit I like a drink a bit overmuch .... and yes , I have a triple x gut ... but I'm really quite a sensitive chap. You know .... I'm basically a if you [censored] me do I not bleed type of fellow. Yes I know there's some harassment charges to be dealt with ...but I'm confident I'll be exonerated. ( just a simple misunderstanding) And of course there's the matter concerning outstanding wages to The Manor's domestic staff - but that's just some sort of bookkeeping error I'm sure. And there are one or two other matters before the courts - but nothing too serious. ( Although the issue of foreign nationals has become intertwined with the wage issue. I'm confident however, the court will support my contention that I simply used the wrong exchange rate) All just normal everyday stuff really. It could happen to anyone. So show a bit of compassion to poor old Uncle Bitter. ( I mean if nut jobs, not naming anyone of course, get shown courtesy and are given special privileges why shouldn't a decent old battler like my good self get similar treatment?)
  13. Bwahaha Bwahaha ! Looks more like some sort of deranged and violent crim to me!
  14. Let's orstralianise it to BBBBBBBB! Big Bad Bustling Bald Benevolent Bonza Benny Brown.
  15. Well ........ err ....yes Red. Very perceptive of you .......but probably for the wrong reasons. It's not a vampire thing - she probably cut herself shaving.
  16. I don't reckon there is any space for debate on this question. If we don't make the Granny we've failed and it's another wasted year.
  17. Thanks dazzle, an interesting interview which provided some insight into the current set up, structure and culture at the club.
  18. Well now ..... there's a question that, being both a gourmandizer and a man with a penchant for variety, deserves some consideration. The breast, obviously, is foremost for tenderness and texture but the thigh has its distinctive attractions. These are visual, through its generally darker hue and also, on the palate, as its flavour tends to be far more robust. Some would argue that there is also an olfactory attraction relating to the thigh - but I am unconvinced. In the end one's choice often depends on the occasion and, naturally, the accompanying libation.
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